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The group and I decided to stay the night at Ruhaan's place as he needed to be monitored. Abhi, Seb and Franky slept on the couches in the living room, whilst Amelie, Nat and Nia slept on the bed in the guest bedroom. I sat quietly on the dining room table finishing my paper for history. 

I had a lot of pending work which I had no idea as to how I should finish it off. Finally, I gave up, putting my head in my hands until I felt hot steam touching my cheeks. I looked up to see a mug of hot chocolate being held in front of me. With no question, I grabbed the mug and took a sip of the warm liquid reminiscing the taste.

I then shifted my gaze from my mug to the person who was now pulling a seat out for himself to be seated next to me, Abhi, 

"thanks, I really need it," I said before washing down a little more of the hot chocolate down my throat. He nodded, "so what exactly are you doing at this hour?"

I just stared at him for a second until he snapped his fingers in front of me, and I came to the state of consciousness, "huh?"

"I asked what are you studying so late?" he clarified.

"Oh. I was just finishing off my history paper. I've fallen a little behind since I've had so many days off because..." I paused, "because of what happened."

There was silence for a brief moment before he spoke again, "yeah I understand."

The silence continued. All of a sudden Abhi picked up my folder and began reading it, "you're seriously done? I haven't even started," he said light-heartedly, as I shook my head, 

"No. Not really. I still have the conclusion to write," I explained taking the folder from his hand and beginning to write once again, taking sips in between. A couple of minutes passed by before I noticed Abhi was still sipping on his coffee, yawning,

"Abhi if you want to sleep, go for it. I'm almost done anyways," he shook his head, his cheek leaning on the palm of his hand, "nah. It's fine. I can wait," I nodded turning my attention back to my paper and writing the last sentence down, "Done," I declared, packing my folder and textbook up. 

Taking the last sip of hot chocolate left in my mug, Abhi and I got up from our seats. Just as we were about to bid one another 'goodnight,' a loud scream broke the silence. One glance at one another, and Abhi and I were racing down the hallway to the source of the scream. 

The lights flickered on, revealing a sweating, panting, Ruhaan sitting upright in his bed. His fists opening and closing, as he struggled to catch his breath. I rushed to his side, taking his hands into mine and opening them, stopping them from becoming fists, as Abhi poured Ruhaan a glass of water from his night stand and helped him drink it. This really calmed him down,

"you okay?" Abhi asked Ruhaan and he nodded. 

"He's having night terrors like the doctor said. I'll make sure he gets some sleep, and you make sure you get some too," I shook my head, 

"you need it Myra," Abhi said cupping my face in his warm, welcoming hands in which I could feel myself melting. This time I nodded, "I'll get some sleep, but I'll sleep here with him," proclaimed. Abhi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "what do you mean 'sleep here with him'?" he asked, a little reluctantly. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I answered it and welcomed Amelie, Nat and Seb into the room, "what's this? some sorta midnight party?" Seb enquired in his sleepy tone, making everyone in the room giggle. 

"Ruhaan was just having a night terror, that's all" Abhi explained. 

"I wish I was Nia or Franky," Amelie commented, "those two can sleep through anything."

"Yeah I agree" Nat confirmed. 

As they left back to their sleeping quarters, which for Amelie and Nat was the guest room, and for Seb the living room couch, Abhi and I resumed our conversation from earlier, 

"I meant I'll sleep on the couch. You probably haven't had a lot of sleep considering the fact that you've been in the hospital with Ruhaan all this time, while I'm well-rested" I assured, and he sighed, "Abhi, you can sleep on the bed with Ruhaan and I'll sleep on the couch."

He shook his head in negative to my suggestion, "there is no way you're sleeping on that couch. That thing is more uncomfortable than tight jeans I swear. You can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch. Besides, if Ruhaan woke up to me tomorrow morning, he'll start calling me his 'gay lover' again. I swear that sends jitters down my spine," he shivered. 

"Gay lover? Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah......... about that...... That's a story for another time. Besides it's not the first time you two would have slept together," he smiled a cheeky smile.

My laughter ended. 

"Goodnight" he wished as I repeated the same after him, heading over to his bed and sleeping on the farthest corner from him. 'Him' as in Master Devil himself, Ruhaan.

The sun seeped through the sheer curtains on the window that covered the entire wall. There was a loud banter that I woke up to the next morning. I felt a warm breath fanning my neck and a lean, yet muscular arm pushing me against a chest. I turned around in the hold of this person finding Ruhaan snuggled up right against me, almost pushing me off the bed. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" I heard a beautiful, feminine voice, I recognise to be Amelie's, ask me from the door, I try and get out of his hold to get out of bed, but to no avail. My strength was still no match for his, even at his weakest. 

"Amelie, it's not what you think" I tried sounding persuasive, and by 'tried,' I mean 'tried.'

"Hey guys, come check these two lovebirds out," she called and within seconds, the whole group stood at the door whistling and clapping. Out of all those faces, two weren't laughing, smiling, celebrating. Those two were Abhi and Nia. 

Even after all the commotion that was made, the man just snuggled even closer, holding onto me for dear life. After a lot of shaking and pleading, he finally woke from his slumber, releasing me and sat upright, stretching, unknown to the crowd that was surrounding the bed now. 

Not caring of the crowd surrounding us, he gave me a peck on the cheek. I looked at him in bewilderment, my jaw hanging, "Morning Mira," he said yawning once again and attempting to stand up on his own. 

"Aaaaahhhhhh..." he yelped, falling back onto the bed and holding his left ankle in his hands, "that hurt."

The room was now silent. 

Ruhaan was resilient, "Abhi can I get some help?" he extended his hand to Abhi, who without a word took his hand and pulled him up with his other hand by grabbing his upper arm. Ruhaan then gestured towards Franky who handed him his crutch from behind him. With a crutch in one hand, and hopping on one foot, Ruhaan made his way to his walk-in closet. Beaming with joy, the crowd dispersed out of the room. 

One after another, pieces of clothing came flying out. I quickly got up from my spot, gathering the clothing on the floor and catching the other flying garments on the rest of my way inside the closet. Just as he was about to throw another piece, I caught hold of his hand, 

"Do you have any idea how long I spent putting all these away yesterday?" I questioned in frustration, folding up all the messy articles of clothing once again. Feeling his hot gaze on me, I returned his piercing gaze, "what's wrong?"

"You put my clothes away?" he whispered, I nodded, 

"yeah why?" I asked returning to my folding.

He shook his head, "no one's ever done that for me."

As soon as he said that, my eyes went right up to meet his. 

I know it's messy, but I'm proud of actually updating. 

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