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Franky dropped Amelie, Nia, Nat and I off outside Ruhaan's apartment building to clean the place up before he, Abhi and Seb brought Ruhaan home. 

Once at the top floor, Nia punched in a code and put the key in, twisting it and unlocking the door to a huge penthouse. They call this an apartment? This was definitely a penthouse. It's not that I haven't been here before, it's just that it's been a while since I last walked through that door.  

"I'll take the living room" Nat announced, picking the white and grey cushions up from the tiled floor and throwing them on the couch. Amelie sighed, guess "I'll take the kitchen then" she said heading to the kitchen picking a broom up from the store room in the entry hallway. 

Not a single word was exchanged between Nia and I as she headed to clean up the bar and piano room. With everyone working on something, I headed to the bedroom. 

Picking the TV remote off the floor, turning it off before grabbing a broom myself and gathering all the shards of glass on the floor.

I had just finished making his bed when Nat called us all to the living room to make sure everyone had done all the work, "Ok, the living room is clean, so are the kitchen and bathroom. What about the piano and bar room?"

"Check" Nia stated and Nat checked it off her list in her brain and then looked at me, "what about Ruhaan's bedroom?"


"Ok, now, Amelie you can work on the dining room, Nia you can do the laundry room and I'll mop the floor. When we're all done, all three of us can tidy up the balcony," Amelie and Nia nodded resuming their work, as Nat headed to the store room to put the vacuum back and picked up the mop, "what do you want me to do Nat?" I questioned in a low voice, 

"ummm...." just then, Nia came out of the laundry room with a brown woven bucket in her hands, "are these clean clothes?" Nat asked. 

Nia nodded, "I emptied the clothing hamper into the washing machine before I began cleaning the piano and bar room. Then put them into the dryer before I cleaned the bathroom with you. These clothes need to be folded and put away."

"So the laundry is clean?" Nat questioned and Nia replied in a "yup."

"Oh then leave the basket here and can you help Amelie with the dining room?"

"Sure can," she said before calling out to Amelie, "Myra, can you fold these up while I quickly mop the floor. The boys should be here in another hour and the floor needs to be dry by then. I still have to go clean the balcony."

"I'll fold them, but I'll mop the floor up first. Till then you can go and start cleaning the balcony. Sounds good?"

"You sure?" 

"Yeah totally. I'll finish this up in some 20 minutes and then start folding the clothes up," she nodded and headed towards the balcony. 

I had mopped the floor and folded the clothes. All I needed to do was put them away. 

I was starting to get hungry as I hadn't eaten a single morsel so I put some Chicken Stock to cook in the slow cooker for Ruhaan and boiled some spaghetti for the rest of us. I also made the quickest possible sauce to with the spaghetti. 

Putting the spaghetti and sauce into the food warmer dish, plugging it into a power socket and yanking the heat on the slow cooker. Amelie had just sat down in the living room and turned the TV on, 

"what's that great smell?" she questioned, seeing me passing by, 

"oh.... that. U-uh I just made some food for us and Ruhaan."


"U-uh yeah. Why? What's wrong?"

"Don't you usually call him Kishan?"

Without replying to Amelie's question, I headed into his room and opened a cupboard full of blacks', whites' and greys'.

Not soon after, there was a door bell and Nia rushed to open it. Nat, Amelie and I too got up from our seats and waited a couple of second before Nia entered the room with Abhi, who was carrying a crutch, and Franky walking behind her, 

"They're coming" she said. 

A thumping noise on the cold, hard, tile floor became louder as a limp Ruhaan was held up by the shoulders by Seb. He was wearing a grey beanie, a black long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of trackies of the same colour. 

"I-I'll go and check u-up on the Chick-ken Stock," I said excusing myself, turning around to head to the kitchen, but my feet hit a brake, 

"Mi-Mira?" a trembling voice called out, which was much clearer than it had been a couple of days ago. I clenched my eyes shut for a second before walking away without turning around to look at the owner of the trembling voice. 

I brought back a bowl of steaming hot Chicken Stock and handed it to Abhi, our fingers brushing for a split second, who in turn handed the bowl to Nat who was sitting next to Ruhaan. She put the soup spoon to his mouth but he looked at Abhi, Nat and I back and forth unknowingly, "wh-o is sh-e Mi-ra?" he asked in the sweetest, utmost childish and most innocent voice possible. 

His tired, exhausted eyes pierced through mine, looking for the answers to his questions, but I broke the eye contact and shifted my gaze to look at Abhi's beautiful features for an answer, "Ruhaan, she's one of our friends. You used to think of her as your sis, remember? She would always make you some lemonade whenever you had a hangover," Ruhaan nodded his head for a second before looking back up at Abhi's great height, "but who are you?" he questioned in the same cute voice as before. 

Abhi shook his head, "I-I'm your.... forget it," he said beginning to get frustrated with Ruhaan's nonsensical questions. Abhi ran his hand through his soft, cloud-like, jet-black hair and gestured me to move forward and feed him. I shook my head in a 'no.' Abhi gestured to me once again and I, sighing, walked over to where Nat sat as she moved over, making space for me on the couch, and handing me the bowl. I took one spoonful and put it to his mouth which he ate quietly, examining my face, as I avoided my gaze, looking from one place to another. 

As I filled up another spoon, I heard him ask, "you're Nat right?"

Second chapter today. Again unedited, but what to do. I'm lazy.

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