~My POV~
"Holy crackers." I said before I helped Miah and Donnie to decrypt the code off the orb after it sounded off. Also, I remember this episode from my heart and guts. Then April walked in. "What's with the alarm, guys?" April asked. "The Kraang communication orb E.C, Waunu, Erika and I found days ago has gone haywire." Miah said. "Which means they're up to something really big." I said before I pushed my glasses. "Is this alien language? Can one of you guys decode the stuff?" April asked. "Guess we'll all have to see and find out for ourselves. Translating... now." I said before pressed enter on the keyboard to see what it really means on the screen. We got to see what it really says and we gasped in fear. "Oh no." Donnie said. "I'll go and get the others." I said before I ran out of the lab to get the rest. I see the rest are just relaxing. But I still see Chris was still worried about his brother and Endymion. I felt worried, but shook my head off to focus on our problem. I saw Leo, Sonic and Tails are watching the final episode of Space Heroes. I grabbed the remote and turned it off. They got shocked and glared at me. "Seriously?!" Leo said. "Really girl? You just know how to ruin moments." Tails said. "Yeah, like the final episode of Space Heroes." Sonic said. "Guys, this is really more important than Space Heroes. Come on, you'll see what I mean." I said before I dropped the remote, run back into the lab, leading the rest. I got the keyboard part. "Miah, E.C, April and I have been sifting the Kraang chatter." Donnie said before I typed. "Listen carefully of what they have to say after we translated it." I said before I started typing to get it to translate words. The orb started beeping. "The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours. The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the portal." The Kraang on the orb said before it stopped. "Are you sure about it? Cause time moved slower." Knuckles said before we all facepalm. "No you Knucklehead, time moves faster. Plus, they said in six hours, the Technodrome is coming through the portal. This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion." I said before I pushed my glasses. Waunu stopped us. "Wait a minute. But I thought April AND Martin were the keys to the Kraang plot. The Dark Kingdom had Martin, but the Kraang don't have her and Martin." Waunu said before she pushed her glasses. "So what do we do?" Amy asked. I knew this is the right time for the Turtles, Chris and Möbians to prove themselves they can do anything. "Guys . . . you ten gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to you guys." I said in a determination tone while placing my hand where the crystal is hidden inside of my shirt that Martin told me to hold it safe. "To save the world?" Chris asked fearfully. "Not just to save the world. But for Martin, also." Erika said. "Erwina is right." A voice said. We looked to see Sensei coming in. "When you four first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready. But I have come to realize that you are not only ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours." He said. We bowed slightly and the guys and Möbians ran out of the lab to get ready for the fight of their lives. When Leo, Waunu and I were ready to head out, Sensei stopped us. "Leonardo, Erwina and Waunuleta, a moment, please." Sensei said before we turned and walked up to him. "With the world at stake, the only thing of importance, is that you complete your mission." Sensei said. "Hai, Sensei." Leo, Waunu and I said in unison. "No matter what you have to sacrifice. Or who." Sensei said before he walked off. I have a bad tingle feeling that we've been spied on. Waunu and Leo walked out. I looked around, then I walked out of the lab, to see Aviva near the lab door with an evil smirk on her face. My heart stopped cause of it then I got stern and walked off to get the second plan ready.
~Time Skip After Getting Things Ready~
Miah hugged Donnie, they departed and Miah walks back gently. I nodded softly to Leo and Raph as my mom placed the pollen corn on their foreheads and my dad did the chant for God to protect them. He was finished then looks at the ten. "Now remember, God and his angels from the sky will be there to watch and help you ten. Good luck, you guys." My dad said before he and my mom joined us. "Ladies, gentlemen, let's save the world." Leo said before the Turtles, Chris and Möbians went into the Shellraiser and they left. I quickly pulled Miah, Waunu and Erika by their arms to the lab for the backup plan with our family and friends, even for our favorite characters. I pulled out the backup plan on the board and I pulled out the laser beam. "Okay, here's the plan. We have to follow the second plan, in case the ten team didn't finish the mission of taking the Technodrome down. Okay, mom, Aunt Carla, Aunt Karen, and Aunt Vange will have to take the point of helping out. Dad, Uncle Paul, Uncle Darien, Uncle Herman and Uncle Arron have to take the Kraang down, with brute force. Aunt Henrietta, Grandma Rozita, Nali Rose, Nali Papa, Grandma Grace, Grandma Esther and Tigger will have to stay here to take care of the young ones, so they won't be in harm's way. And everyone else, you all have to- *sniffs sniffs* Did anybody smell something?" I asked. Then I saw green smoke surrounded some of us. Our family, friends and characters fainted after they accidentally smelled it. "Oh no! Sleeping gas!" Miah said before she, Waunu, Erika and I quickly covered our noses, we quickly ran out of the lab to catch some air. We gasped for air, April and Aviva saw us and came up to us. "Girls, what is it?" April asked. "We have to go. Now!" Waunu said before the six of us ran off and out of the lair, what we didn't know is our pens fell out of our pockets and Luna and Artemis were worried about us. "This way!" Aviva said, leading the way. We came into the unknown tunnel. "Hold up, this isn't the right way to TCRI. We're lost." Erika said after we stopped to catch our breath. Aviva looked at us with a slight glare. April saw that. "Aviva, what's going on?" April asked. I then heard the presence of the Foot Clan and I gasped softly with my eyes widen. "Oh no. Girls, we've been tricked!" I said before the smoke appeared around us to reveal the Foot soldiers and quickly grabs the girls, except for Aviva. Waunu and I kicked and punched them hard. But their backup grabbed us hard. I grunted and struggled to get out of their grasp with the other girls. "Let us go!" I said. I saw Miwa appears with a gentle smile. But then Shadow appeared with a worried expression. Then I saw a fella under the mask and a cloak coming up to me. I gasped softly as it took off its mask and cloak to reveal himself. Waunu and I gasped in fear. "No, it can't be! My ex boyfriend!" I said. "I'm seeing it too and it's our worst nightmare come true!" Waunu said. "Hello there, sweetie. Did you missed me?" My ex boyfriend asked me after he came up. "No, I haven't. In fact, last time I've seen you, I forgot to give you this, Emilio Johnson!" I said before I kicked him in the stomach with my knee. April, Miah and Erika gasped in fear when I said my ex's name. He grunted in pain, he quickly walked backwards and Endymion came in with an evil smirk. I gasped softly. 'Endymion...' I thought to myself. Emilio glared at me then looks at Aviva. "You done well. Now, take the message to their Sensei." Emilio said to Aviva before she bowed and walks back to the lair with a few mousers, leaving the five of us behind. Miah and April tried to call her name, but she didn't respond. I looked at Aviva before realizing what happened to her and glared at my ex. "You mind controlled her. YOU FREAKING MIND CONTROLLED HER!!!!" I shouted at him before I quickly kicked the Foot soldiers that holds me down. I charged to Emilio with a hidden knife from the black sleeve of my shirt and a war cry. I was about to get him from the heart, but a hand grabbed my wrists and squeeze them hard, that made me dropped the knife down. I looked at Endymion. I gasped softly. "Endymion . . ." I whispered quietly before he hold my cheeks hard and makes me looked at him. He stared deeply into my eyes really evilly and passionately. I gasped softly. Before I knew it, I was hypnotized under Endymion's control.
~Waunu's POV~
I gasped softly as the girls and I saw my best friend being under control by Endymion's grasp. He lets go of her wrists and leans into her left ear. "Now, show me. Where is the Legendary Silver Crystal?" He whispered to my best friend by her ear before he pulls away. She tensed softly in her control. I quickly shouted for her. "No, don't do it! If you lose it, the future will be in a big mess!" I shouted to her before the Foot soldiers holds me down more, one of them holds my neck hard and I grunted. But it was too late, she showed him where the crystal was hidden. She gently pulled it out of the shirt, took it off her neck and gave it to him. He snatched it from her hand and chuckles evilly. Then Emilio pulled her to face her. "You did well, my dear." Emilio said before leaving in to give her an evil yet an unperfect kiss. I gasped softly before got stern at the work 'dear', quickly pulled and kicked the Foot soldiers away from me, ran fast and kicked Emilio away from E.C. before I pulled her into a warm and friendly hug, that made her snapped out of the control. What I didn't see is my hair flew down. She gasped softly in realization of what she have done and I looked to see Endymion's gone without a trace. 'Shoot! I missed him.' I thought to myself before I glared at my best friend's ex boyfriend. "What are you doing to us? Answer us, for God's sake!" I said. He smirked slightly. "I told the Kraang about your best friend and yourself after they started the hunt for Martin Kratt and April O'Neil. Now I told the Foot Clan about you two and the other two." He said before I got shocked and stern at the same time. "You told them about the both of us?! Why you . . . You!" I said when I was ready to charge at him to beat him up to hell but my bestie pulls me back cause she knows I can't be abused by her ex. "Yeah, but too bad I didn't get the kissing part done for my sweet, sensitive and innocent girl. But luckily for the second plan, this is for the Foot Clan to know and you girls to find out." Emilio said before he snapped his fingers. Then a hand was hit behind me and my best friend's necks hard. We fainted to the ground. Before we went into a zone of blackout, we gently hold each other by our pinkie. And the last thing I remember before going into a zone is the girls were shouting for us and Shadow speaking through my mind. 'Don't worry. I got my own plan to help out.' Shadow thought in my mind and I softly looked at my bestie to see she passed out after her hair was down by the hit from behind her neck. I slowly closed my eyes and passed out into darkness.
~At The Surface~
~Leo's POV~
The ten of us made it to TCRI. More like, we crashed into it. Tails activated Metalhead before we all escaped through the hatch. He launched Metalhead's fist and it jumped out. "BOOYAKASHA!" Donnie said as he controlled Metalhead to fight the Kraang off. But what the Kraang didn't know it's a diversion and we're actually in the night sky with Donnie's new flying tech, Tails is flying with his two, well, tails and Chris is in his peregrine falcon powers. It's been a while since he lasted used it and it never bothered any of us. We're all cheering as we're flying through the night. "Nice work, Donnie and Tails!" Raph said to Donnie and Tails. They gave Raph a thumbs up with a smile on their faces. "You all know what it's time for? The world's first-ever midair high three and five!" Mikey said before we flew to give each other a high three and five. "This is awesome! Turtles, Möbians and humans were born to fly!" Mikey said as he and Knuckles flew around with excitement. "All right guys, let's do this." I said before we flew to TCRI. Once we all landed, the pigeons flew off except one. Raph grabbed it and puts it in front of the camera, we quietly walked pass Raph, Raph put the pigeon down and Chris gave it bread crumbs after he deactivated his peregrine falcon powers. I see Raph and Chris catching up to us and we all stopped. Mikey and Sticks came out. "Hey, Kraang." Mikey said getting their attention. The Kraang saw them and Mikey and Sticks were making fun of them. Then Mikey and Sticks faked that they fell off the ledge. The Kraang went towards the ledge and saw that Mikey and Sticks were on the wall. Then Sticks points to where we all are. They looked and Donnie and Amy hits them off the building. I pulled Mikey and Sticks to safety. We stand as Donnie fired a grappling hook, it got to the other side of the roof. We zip line to the other side. Knuckles kicks the air vent, Sonic quickly grabs it, pulls it out of the way and we managed to get inside. We saw the portal as we slide down quietly on the ropes to the pipes. "We gotta take out that portal." Tails whispers before we all heard a low growl from Traag. "I forgot about him." Raph whispers as we shivered at the memory from what Traag had done to Sailor Spirit before we've all believed that Martin is the true missing royalty of Silver Millennium. "Don't worry. We'll be gone before that rock monster even knows we're here." Donnie whispers before I pulled out the weapon and pointed at the portal. "Okay guys, this all ends in three, two, one." I said before I shoot. It exploded but the purple shield appeared and disappeared in a sec. We got shocked. "What? There's a force field? Why didn't you tell Leo?!" Amy asked to Donnie. "Well, because I wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!!!" Donnie said angrily at Amy before we all heard the weapons powered up and the Kraang started to shoot at us but they missed us. "Anyone got a plan 'B'?" Raph asked. Traag came up behind us, we screamed in fright. We avoid the punch as the disintegrator powers up. Traag was about to step on me as I screamed in fear.
~At Shredder's Lair~
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