~My POV~
We're in the dojo, seeing Donnie and Raph were about the spar. Martin was using his creature pod to record the sparing between the muscles and the brains of the family. "Don't worry, Donnie. I'm in the good mood today, I'll go easy on you." Raph said. "Don't do any favors, Raph." Donnie said before he looked at Miah as she sways her down hair to the side gently and smiles softly at him. I still kept my hair up with Waunu and Erika cause Leo, Raph, Mikey and Chris might laughed at us cause our hair are way different. "Um, in fact, maybe you'll be the one who gets gone easy on, by me. So yeah." Donnie said before he twirls his bo staff and it made Miah giggles softly to herself, Chris and Erika facepalm cause of Donnie's worse throwback. Mikey whispers to me. "Worse smack talk ever." Mikey whispered. "Yeah, but at least it made Miah giggle." I whispered before pushing my glasses. "Hajime!" Sensei said before Raph and Donnie charged at each other. Raph tried to get Donnie but he moved quickly, pushed Raph by his shell, hits his knees to the side and got him. Donnie got excited. "Hey! I got him! Miah, did you see?" Donnie asked to Miah. She smiled softly as a 'good job.' I saw Raph was about to get Donnie, I quickly charade to Donnie to look out, but Raph got Donnie by his legs, he got up, about to stomp him but Donnie moved he quickly and got up. Raph use his sai to get Donnie by his right arm and uses his other sai to get Donnie's left wrist. "Say hi to Mikey and Knuckles. 'Hi, Mikey and Knuckles!'." Raph said in a high voice that made me giggle softly on it. "Donnie, ha ha! Amazing!" Mikey said excited. "I mean, I didn't even see his lips move. He's like a puppet who can throw his voice to himself. Wait." Knuckles said confused that made the four Möbians to facepalm on his confusion. "Yame! Raphael, that is enough." Sensei said before Raph flipped Donnie over to land on his shell, he sat down on Donnie's stomach and Donnie made a almost gag face. That made Miah winced on it. "Thanks for going easy on me." Raph said before he got off Donnie. "Ugh." Donnie said before Miah got up and ran to help him up. "Don't worry, Donnie. You'll get him next time. Okay?" Miah asked, that made Donnie chuckles softly with his eyes closed, nods quickly with a light blush. They we all got up and walked off. "At least, Miah helped him." I said to Waunu before we all walked out of the dojo, Waunu and I went to my laptop for some surfing internet.
~Outside the Dojo~
~Sonic's POV~
I walked with Tails, Turtles, Chris and Knuckles. The rest had took the lead to walk out of the dojo to do their own thing. Donnie stopped Raph once we step onto the floor. "What the heck was that?" Donnie asked Raph. Raph looked at him. "What? Just having fun. You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet. Plus, I wanted Knuckles to see it for the first time." Raph said before he moved his arms up and down. "Dude! Miah was watching." Donnie said before he points to Miah, we all look to see Miah fixing Erika's hair gently. "Wanna put in the worst part? The other three were watching also." I said before I pointed to E.C, Waunu and Erika. They looked to see E.C. and Waunu were on her laptop surfing the website, both giggling about something and Erika was admiring the new hair style. "Pretty sure the girls liked it . . . too." Raph said when he saw Leo, Mikey, Chris and Donnie have depressed faces, that made Raph gone depressed too. Knuckles noticed it and had an idea to treat them badly. "Wait, you guys still think you have a shot with them?" Knuckles asked, that made them studdering. Tails and I weren't happy on what Knuckles had said to them. "Wow, you five! That is so adorable! And sad. It's "sadorable. " If you five want to impress the girls, better leave me out of it." Knuckles said in a bit stern tone before he walked off. 'I bet he's still pissed off that Leo and Raph got E.C. before we all came in.' I thought to myself before Tails spoke up. "Cheer up, guys. Don't let his words get the best of you five. We still supporting you guys to get the girls of dreams." Tails said. "Yeah, and if he says something, it doesn't mean you five are gonna accept his words as a warning. First things first, we need to do something that involves something really special to them." I said. Then they smiled softly at us. Then the music was played, we glanced to see E.C. and Waunu got confused faces as they looked at the laptop. "Not bad, E.C! But it really needs more drums." Otto said before the music stopped. We went up to see what's going on. "What in tarnation was that?" Martin asked to them. "We don't know. Some random e-mail E.C. just got. It just started playing by itself." Waunu said as she and E.C looked up to face the rest and us. "Sounds like some sort of telemetric sine wave sub carrier. In the Turtles' words: a secret message." E.C. said before she pushed her glasses. "Who would be sending you a secret message?" April asked E.C. "Beats me. Wish I knew decryption, but I don't know if I can decrypt this." E.C. said. That gives me a most excited idea ever! Tails can decrypt it, see what it really means and go there to help someone or somebody. "Looks like you two gotta get some rest, it's almost bedtime for both of ya." Miah said. "Guess you're right." Waunu said as E.C. closed her laptop and sat it aside. "Looks like we better hit the hay tonight, guys." E.C. said. They got up, they said good night to all of us and they walked off.
~After everybody had movie night and fell asleep in front of the TV, well almost everybody~
~Tails' POV~
I was in the lab with the Turtles, Chris and Sonic, good thing I know decryption. Also I got told by Sonic to see what it really means. I listen to the voice on the voicemail carefully and typed it in to decrypt it. "How's it going, Tails?" Leo asked. "Good, I think I had it. Decrypting now." I said before clicking on the 'enter' key and the real voice appeared to be . . . a male voice. "Erwina my darling, it's dad, mom, aunt Carla and Kirby." It said. Sonic and I don't know who, but the Turtles and Chris know that voice. "It's Mr. Chee!" Raph said. "Shh, there's more." Donnie said. "We pray you get this message. We've been moved to a secret Kraang facility. And I hate to tell you about Shelton but . . . he got mutated." A female voice was heard before she started crying. "That's Mrs. Chee." Donnie said. "We've been praying for him ever since he got mutated. We don't know where he is but I know he's gonna be okay." A second female voice was heard. "It's Mrs. Thode." Mikey said. "Send help, Erwina. If you can, send help." A second male voice said before the voice ended. "That's Kirby and it sounded like they're in trouble." Chris said. "Oh my goodness. Guys, listen t-" Sonic got interrupted by remembering what Knuckles had said to the guys earlier. Then the guys had an idea of how to impress the girls. "Okay guys, looks like we have a mission. We seven go to the location of the facility and save the family. Donnie, you get the location onto the t-phone. The rest of you, let's gear up." Leo said before Donnie got the location onto his t-phone and everyone grabbed what they need. Chris got his two tessens, Mikey grabbed his nunchucks, Raph got his sais, Leo grabbed his katanas and Donnie grabbed his bo staff. I grabbed my scandal of my invention for the facility. All Sonic got is a chili dog. Then we went to the turntiles. "Mission, here we come." I said. "Operation: breakout is a go!" Mikey said excited. We jumped over the turntiles and walked to the nearest sewer. "Now we'll see who's sadorable." Sonic said. "Hey, let's call ourselves, The Magnificent Seven!" Mikey said excited before we groaned in disappointment on Mikey's hero name for us.
~After they got out of the sewers and they went off to the facility. At the sewers in the morning~
~My POV~
I walked out of the bedroom with Waunu after I have my hair all brushed out and fixed up into a ponytail. Miah and Erika came out, we stretched with a yawn and a smack on our lips cause of dryness. We walked into the living area to see everyone was asleep on their movie night, except for the Turtles, Chris, Sonic and Tails. That made some of us worried. "Has everybody seen the guys, Chris, Sonic and Tails?" Miah asked loudly, that made the rest woke up, even Otto woke up with a popcorn bag over his head and pulled it off. "Not since yesterday as I recall." Olive said. Then Otto remembered something. "Wait a minute! Do dreams count? 'Cause last night, I dreamt Donnie, Mikey and me were rodeo detectives, and there wer . . ." I cut Otto off. "Hold up Otto, it can't be true. Every morning, the guys and Chris always say 'good morning.' to us with cheerful smiles on their faces. That made us fell for them more. But today, they're not here." I said. "That really ticks me off too, sis." Waunu said. "Guys?" Erika asked. I noticed the lab doors were open. I ran up, opened it softly and walked inside with a confused expression. 'Strange, Donnie and Miah never leave the doors open. Unless . . .' I thought to myself before the rest followed me, Blossom went up to my laptop and opened it softly. "Hey everybody, I think I know where they went." She said before we ran up to her. "Where?" Bubbles asked. We see the same message on email. "Oh, there." Buttercup said. "That's the same secret message from yesterday." Erika said. Then it snapped me. "Hold up, I've seen this episode. This is the part where the message was the same, but someone must've decrypt the message. Obviously, they must've followed it." I said. "After Tails or Donnie figured out what it really means." Amy said. "What would they do? What would they do?!" Martin asked. Then Knuckles took my laptop. "Give me that contraption!" Knuckles said before he shook it with an angry face and a growl. He was about to break it but I stopped him. "Or what would they do if they were doing an impression of Knuckles?" I asked before I took my laptop away and started to decrypt it a bit faster. That made Knuckles gone furious on me. Then the voice was heard. Or should I say, the voices were heard on my laptop. "Erwina my darling, it's dad, mom, aunt Carla and Kirby." It said. I realized that voice. "My dad." I said tearfully. That made Martin noticed it too. "It's Mr. Chee." Martin said. "We pray you get this message. We've been moved to a secret Kraang facility. And I hate to tell you about Shelton but . . . he got mutated." A female voice was heard before she started crying. I realized that voice too. "My mom. Poor Shelton." I said before I break down into tears. The girls came up and comfort me. "Oh man, this is big. So that's where they went. We have to stop them. I'll take the lead this time. Amy, Sticks and Knuckles, get geared up. Olive and Otto, grab your gadgets, cause we needed them. Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, get yourself ready. Cause we have to help them. And most importantly, we have to take some of our animal friends with us. We need their wings, paws, talons and robots on deck. Let's move!" Martin said before they went to get ready. "The girls and I will stay behind, cause we're gonna help April on listening to the silence with Sensei." Miah said. Erika went and grab the Legendary Sacred Sword we got from our visit to the Moon, Donnie collected Moon rocks and dirt from there too. She gave it to Martin in a sheath. "Take good care of it, don't lose it. It's very important to us." Erika said. "Don't worry girls, I won't lose it for nothing. And E.C, take care of this." Martin said before he gave me the Legendary Silver Crystal. I got worried. "But Martin . . .?" I got cut off by Martin. "Please, it's up to you." He said. I nodded softly before I grabbed it gently and he left with the rest and the animals and some mousers to the surface. 'Be careful, M.K.' I thought to myself.
~Outside On The Surface~
~Chris' POV~
The seven of us, or dare I say, "The Magnificent Seven," jumped from roof to roof and we came upon a workshop. Donnie took out his t-phone and saw we're here. "Huh. Doesn't seem very Kraangy." Donnie said. "But the location said it's right here. Right here." I said. "Looks like we all gotta checked it out." Leo said before we jumped down and went to the door, which it's locked. "Hold up." Tails said pulling out a nail file, he placed it into the key hole, jiggle it a bit and it clicked. "Done." He said before unlatching it and Sonic opens it. "Let's go." Sonic said running in first. We followed after and I closed it, so we won't be caught sneaking inside. We took out our weapons while Tails and Sonic took a look around. We heard a clinking noise and we looked to see Sonic accidentally bumped into a toolbox, which lets the wrench fall and collided to the ground. "Oops." Sonic whispered before we sighed in relief and kept looking around. Then I felt we've been caught. "It is one of the ones called the turtles, Chris Kratt and the Möbians." A voice said, we quickly turned around to see a Kraang and we quickly dodged it before it started blasting. I used tessens to hit the Kraang multiple times, Mikey hits it hard with his nunchucks, Donnie hits the gun out of its hand with his bo staff, Tails grabbed a wrench from the ground, hits its head and Sonic spindash it by its legs. It landed on its back under the vail of a car, Raph noticed a button, took out his sai and stabbed it to let the vail landed on the Kraang hard. "Looks like it can use a tune-up." Leo said. "Hey, that's E.C.'s line." Mikey said. "Who cares about that now? The Kraang is toasted now." Sonic said. "Who're the heroes now?" I asked. Then I heard something. "Duck!" I shouted before we dodged the blast line. "Ho-ly cow!" The Turtles said as we dodged them. We looked to see three more Kraang. "Uh oh." I said. "I forgot there are more." Sonic said worried. "No response necessary." Tails said in a high pitched tone before we ran to avoid the blast.
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