Monkey Brains

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~My POV~
'My arm's finally healed, at last!' I thought as I moved my arm around. Then I walked to the dojo with Martin, Chris and Olive behind me. As we sit down on our knees, we see Donnie and Mikey about to train, Mikey's stretching as Donnie gets into fighting position. Then Waunuleta and Otto came in the dojo, he sit next to Olive with a small blush. Then Waunuleta sit down next to me. "Another training watch, sis?" She asked. I nodded as I fixed my hair into a high one and pushed my glasses back. "Someone needs to watch the boys train. Just in case." I said. Then we heard Mikey laughed as he landed from the backflip which makes Martin and Chris chuckled at Mikey's goofiness. "Dude, what are you doing? You don't defend against seoi nage with backflips." Donnie said. I looked at Waunuleta. She shrugged saying 'have no idea on that.' "Why not? Backflips are where it's at." Mikey said stretching his legs. Donnie goes for his brother. "The best defense is to roll along my back, then take me to the ground and put me in an armlock. Unless, of course, I counter with a-" he then got cut off by Mikey. "Hey, man, you can't take the fire of-" he said then did another backflip. "Dr. Flip-estein!" He said with jazz hands. Olive, Waunuleta and I giggled of him being so childness when Martin and Chris chuckled and Otto facepalmed with his left hand to his forehead. "I don't even know what that means." Donnie said as Master Splinter comes out of his room. Donnie notices and walks up to him. "Master Splinter, what would you do if someone tried to throw you with seoi nage?" Donnie asked. "I don't know." Splinter said. "Come on, you must have planned a response for every attack." Donnie said. "If you think too much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is. You must be fully in the moment so you could fight without thinking." Splinter said. I then remembered this episode. I looked at Waunuleta to see she's confused about this episode. I facepalmed as I remembered she doesn't see this often. 'I remember some of my friends and best friend can't watch this often.' I thought as I looked back at the lesson that Splinter's teaching to Donnie. "Why would I fight without thinking?" Donnie asked. "Allow me to demonstrate. Erwina." Splinter said. I got up, pushed my glasses back and walked up to him as I can secretly hear Martin and Chris chanted for me. "Hai Sensei?" I asked. "Prepare to defend against seoi nage." Splinter said as he strikes. I dodged and blocked his attack. Knowing that is not seoi nage. "What the? That wasn't seoi nage!" Donnie said. I chuckled, flicked my hair and pushed my glasses back. "No, but you thought it would be." I said. "Very good, Erwina. Now, Donatello, would you like to prepare a defend against a spinning back-kick?" Splinter asked. "No, I'm good." Donnie said. Master Splinter then leaves the dojo. I walked up to Waunuleta and Olive and grabbed their hands. "We need girl prep-talk pronto!" I said as we all ran to our room. "Ok Erwina, what's the problem?" Waunuleta asked. "Ok, here's the plan for this episode. Apparently, we're all now in operation: 'monkey brains.' So I'm gonna spend and stick my science-bro in order to help him learn the lesson, from that idiotic scientist Dr. Falco." I said. "Science-bro?" Waunuleta and Olive asked in unison. "I have useful names for the young brothers, but the older ones, I have secret names for them. Don't judge me by that." I said in my playful British sass tone. "Forget about it now. At this moment, I have a feeling that Donnie's making the hang out chart as I speak. So here's my plan, in case of Donnie lost his words to April." I said as I smiled and told them the plan. Then April came in. "What's going on?" She asked. I smiled. "Just a quick plan, April. Apparently, I know this episode very well. Care to join us for this?" I asked as I pushed my glasses back. She nodded. Then we begin discussing about it.
~Donnie's POV~
I'm almost finished with the chart in order for April to hang out with me. Also, I made a back-up chart with E.C. and Martin, just in case I need help from one of them. "What are you up to, Donnie?" A voice asked. I jumped then relaxed knowing it's just my brothers, Martin, Chris and Otto. I sighed and continue to work. "Just putting touches of my master plan." I said. "Master plan?" Raph and Otto asked in unison. "Yeah, to get April to hang out with me and I prepare for every single response that April is going to say. If that fails, I made a back-up plan, just in case E.C. and Martin came with us." I said. Then Chris placed his hand on my desk. "Try this; 'April, do you want to hang out with me?'." Chris asked with a different tone. "Ah. See, I knew this might work out, but I need to stay calm and positive." I said. "Aww, that's so cute." Martin said as he placed his arm on my desk, resting his chin on his hand. "Wait, so if you had trouble controlling yourself, you need Martin and E.C. to help out?!" Leo asked. I nodded. "That's strange, but OK I'll try that." Martin said. I finished it and put them up. "Right, gentlemen, this is a demonstration. If April says she can't because she has homework that's when I came in with an INFORMAL study session and service healthy, brain-stimulating snacks." I said demonstrating my part of the plan. "Yeah but, what if she says she can't because she's doing something with somebody else?" Martin asked. "Ah, there's this part right here. I can help her out of what the problem is and help her solve it. After that, I will help her relax when it is only a tough problem and I will relax with her, so that way she won't be alone." I explained. "Ok, but if she ask you something and you tried to say the words but couldn't, what would you do?" Otto asked. "Ahh. That's where my back-up plan comes in. When I try to say the words to April, I'll try to ask E.C. or Martin what words should I say and they help me." I explained more. My brothers, Martin and Otto nodded agreeing with me but Chris gave me the look saying 'let's see what really happens.' I gave the look saying 'a challenge we'll get.' We nodded as we walked up to each other and shaked our hands, just in case. "Guys!" E.C. said, coming in with Waunuleta, Olive the Girls and...APRIL!!!!! Martin looked at me with a look saying 'HIDE IT, NOW!!!!'. I yelped as I switched the charts to a movie poster. "Hey, hey Apr-- hey April." I said trying to act like nothing happened. "You guys gotta check this out. We found this in the internet, not to long ago." April said as she puts on the video. "Reowned neurochemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke to Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco. "I hadn't heard from him for days, so I stopped by his lab. This place is a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst." Falco said. I looked at E.C. to see...anger in her eyes. Martin and I look confused as we looked at each other and we shrugged. 'Why is she mad?' I thought. "Police say they have--" it got cut off by April shutting her laptop. "So?" Leo asked. "So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists plus E.C.'s family and friends from all over the city, including my dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy." April said. "Or they may not be connected at all." Leo said. "There's only one thing to find out. We should go to that lab and have a look around for some clues " E.C. said determined as she pushes her glasses back. "E.C.'s right. We should go check it out." Martin said as he came back with a blue vest and gloves on him. We looked at him all suited up and ready to go. "What's that? Some of you guys are busy? Guess it's just the four of us, guys." I said grabbing April and E.C.'s shoulders and left the lab. While leaving, Martin and I gave our brothers a wink and a thumbs up for good luck. My brothers nodded but Chris gave me a look saying 'remember our challenge.' I nodded once we leave my lab and headed for the surface.
~At the surface and at the old lab~
~My POV~
The four of us arrived at the front door of the lab. Donnie managed to pick the lock. "There isn't an electronic lock out, there's my digital lock pick can't crack." Donnie said. "Smooth Don, very smooth." I said. He chuckled as Martin and I took out our technologies and turned on our flashlight. We walked around to see broken pieces, a broken cage at the wall and a strange dentist chair. After all that, I immediately went to the desk. Donnie, April and Martin followed. "Hold this for me please?" I asked as I handed Donnie my phone with a flashlight. He grabbed it and Martin and him pointed to where I'm looking. I opened the second left drawer to see nothing. Then I see a glow and I opened it. Inside is a canister of mutagen. I pulled it out and hold it. "Mutagen!" Donnie said as Martin looks at it. "So that's the real mutagen." Martin said as I nodded. " the mutagen, M.K. dude." I said as I pushed my glasses back. Then I felt a shadow above me. I threw it up and pulled out Donnie's bo-staff, which Martin and Donnie caught the mutagen. I blocked the attack, pinned him down as April turns on the lights only to see Dr. Falco. "Dr. Falco!" April and Donnie said in unison. Once he saw Donnie, he screamed. "What is he?!" He asked. "Relax man, he's not gonna hurt ya." I said as I helped him up and pushed my glasses back. "We're here to help ya." I said.

~After the whole chitty chit-chat~
"I'm sorry. I wish I knew something about your family and friends, but I don't." He said as I looked down to the floor, closed my eyes and Martin comforts me. "So what can you tell us four about this?" Donnie asked. "Some shady corporate goon paid Rockwell a lot of money to experiment with it." He answered as I shot my head up. I walked up to him and took out the photo of the Kraang. "This the guy you're talking about?" I asked showing him the photo. "That's him." Falco said. "The Kraang!" Donnie and Martin said in unison. "Well, I wanted no part of that stuff. Who knows what kind of monstrosities could result? No offense." Falco said. "Some taken." Donnie said as Martin sighed in disappointment. "Is that what was in that cage over there for? One of his...'experiments'?" I asked quoted on 'experiments' knowing that I don't really like the monstrosities word. "That's where he kept the monkey he was experimenting on." Falco said. "Whoa. It sure didn't like being locked up in there." Martin said. I grabbed the flash drive from the desk while the rest are talking, they all didn't know about it. "Rockwell didn't treat it very well." Falco said. "Maybe the Kraang really didn't took Rockwell. Maybe the monkey went all berserk, busted out of the cage and dragged him off...or worse." I said as I pushed my glasses back. Falco's looking at me weird. I checked my phone and see the time. "Oh! Look at the time. We should all be going and probably get home. My brother and friends need some bedtime story." I said as I grabbed April, Donnie and Martin's arms and walked out of here with the mutagen in Donnie's arm. During our walking back to the lair, i looked at Donnie and Martin. "So how do we supposed we're gonna find Rockwell without any leads?" Donnie asked. "Maybe we'll know more once we have a sneak peek on his flash drive." I said. "What flash drive?" Martin asked. I pulled it out of my jacket pocket and smirked. "The one I totally swipe from his desk while we're talking." I said as I pushed my glasses back. "Whoa! You're so cool." Donnie and Martin said in unison as April blinked in surprise at me. "It's not actually that hard when you can think someti-" I got cut off when a giant human monkey appeared in front of us. Donnie got in front of us three, gave the canister to Martin and took his bo-staff out, which Martin caught it and placed it into my red duffel bag. The monkey roars at us. "Be careful Donnie, he's a smart mutant!" I said as April and Martin hold my arms when they hide behind me. "That makes two of us!" Donnie said. Then he strikes as for Rockwell, he sees every move that Donnie's doing and Donnie lost his weapon. Martin grabbed it and stood in front of us girls as the monkey beats the living heck out of Donnie. I gave a pain expression with a look saying 'yeesh.'. After that, Donnie is thrown behind us as he passed out. 'Brother!!!!!' I thought. I looked to see Rockwell's coming towards Martin as he stood his grounds and get into position. Then the monkey hit Martin towards the wall. As he collided to the wall, I heard a back crack as Martin screams in pain and landed to the ground hard. "Martin!!!!" April and I yelled in unison. Then I felt Rockwell's coming towards me. I back up a little bit as April ran and hid behind the dumpster. He then grabbed me and roars at me. I looked at him with a brave and sweet look. He stopped looking mad seeing what I've been through for the past days. Then I grabbed his hands sweetly and I smiled softly. 'Dr. Rockwell, it's ok. I understand who really did this to you. But don't worry, I know what to do in the situation. I'll try to get you out of this as fast as we can. I promise you.' I thought. Knowing that he can read my thoughts. Then he smiled and hugged me, I hugged back. Then we let go. "I'll see you soon with some good friends. Now, go. Hurry!" I whispered as he roars and runs off without a trace. April then came out from behind the dumpster as I sighed and pushed my glasses back. We heard Martin and Donnie groans in pain. April ran to Donnie while I ran to Martin. "Donnie, where does it hurt?" April asked to Donnie. "Just my pride. And my internal organs." Donnie said. I shook my head with a smirk. "Come on, Mr. Dangerous and Mr. Stand his grounds. Let's get you two back to the lair." I said as April and I helped them up and head to the lair.
~At the lair~
"Come on boys, we're here now." I said sweetly as we made it to the lair. The boys groans in pain again. Their brothers notice and ran up to us. "Whoa. What happened?" Raph asked. "Let's just say Donnie's gone into a fight with a mutant monkey and Martin collided to the wall by the same mutant monkey." I said as I showed them the photo of Rockwell. Their eyes widen and grabbed Donnie as I told Martin to take his vest, jacket and shirt off and turn on his stomach. He did as told. "April, you'll get ice packs for them. Waunu, you get some medical bandage and ointment for them. I'll go and look up in my cultural book to see there's a chant for back pain. I'll try and test it out on Martin's back." I said as I go to my room to grab a book about chants for pain. I heard conversation and...laughs from the other room. 'What's going on?' I thought as I grabbed the book, pushed my glasses back and start looking it up.
~Martin's POV~
I laid on the couch on my stomach as I felt a heavier weight on the other side. 'They must've laid Donnie down.' I thought as I turned my head on the pillow to see what's going on. "Guys, you two gonna be alright?" Chris asked as he came to view. "Yea, we're gonna be fine." Donnie said as I can hear him. "Agreed with Donnie, we're gonna make it through." I said. "Well, in that case." Chris said as he and Otto laughed at us while Leo, Raph and Mikey facepalmed at it when Donnie and I got embarrassed and I hide my face into the pillow. "You beat a front of your girlfriends?!" Otto said as he laughed with Chris. I took my head out of the pillow and glared at my brother and Otto. "They're not our girlfriends, Otto! And it's true, that monkey's a very vicious mutant, he beat the heck out of Donnie, he hit me towards the wall and my back cracked because of the collision." I said as I tried to defend myself. "Yeah, why are you two such senseless boys?" Raph asked. "Well, that's because he went bananas towards them." Otto said as they laughed at Donnie and I. "Wait a minute, back it up. He went aped to craziness!" Chris said as they laughed more as I felt my heart sank to the bottom. Raph growled at them, he must've seen my depression. Raph went up to them and punched them on the arms. Chris and Otto stopped laughing and rubbed their arms. "Guys, you two should've call us." Leo said to us. "We should have, but...E.C. managed to calm that monkey down." I said to them. "Whoa. Seriously M.K?" Mikey asked. "Yup, she sure did." A voice said. We looked to see April came in with two ice packs. She set one down in front of me and went up to Donnie. I heard a sweet sigh from Donnie as April did something to him. I wanted to look, but my back is in a lack of pain-zone. Then we see Waunuleta came in with some bandages and an ointment in her hand as she gave the bandages to April and set the ointment on the floor. Then we see E.C. came in with a book in her hand and...a small light brown bag in her hand? 'What's going on here?' I thought as E.C. kneeled on her knees. She gave the small bag to Waunuleta. "Hold this for me, will you sister?" She asked sweetly. She nodded and took the bag. She took off her glasses, placed it onto the floor, pulls her hairband out to let her hair flow down, puts her hair into a high one and placed her glasses on. She grabbed the book and opened it to one page. "Ok." She said as she sets the book down, grabbed the ointment, opens one, squeeze some onto her fingertip and placed it over the spot where it cracked. I winced in pain as I felt the coldness on the spot. "Just as I see, your back is ok, but I can see a blue bruise on the lower center back. It's not deep, but at least I can use the chant to heal it up." She said in a mother-like tone. I blushed slightly and nodded. Then I looked at Leo and Raph got jealous on me as my blush faded away. 'Oh, they must've love her.' I thought as I stay calmed. I felt her fingertip moved the ointment on the spot to cool it down. Nice and gently. As she's done, she wiped the ointment stickiness off with the napkin and looked at the book again to see the next step. She extended her hand out for the small bag. Waunuleta gave E.C. the small bag, she opened it, placed her cleaned fingertips into the bag and pulled out...a powdered yellow stuff? "What's that on your fingertips?" I asked as she looks at me. "It's corn pollen, it can be useful for ceremonies, weddings and more. I got it from my nali in Arizona when my family and I went to see her. She told me to use this, in case the day comes. Like now." She said as she placed some on my back as I felt the stuff on the ointment and my back as it been circled from one direction. Once she's done that, she grabbed the string, tied the small bag up, set it down, placed her hand on the back, closed her eyes and says the chant in a different language. 'It sounds different. Is she an angel from heaven or a best singer ever?' I thought as I felt the pain leaving my back. Once she's done, she sighed, grabbed the ice pack, placed it on my lower center back and rubbed my arm. "You'll get better soon as it can take a snap of a cracker." She said as I nodded. "Yes ma'am." I said. Then she turned to give a glare at Chris and Otto. "Are you two laughing at them because they're seriously injured?" She asked them as she pushed her glasses back. "Nope, we only laughed because they got beaten up by a monkey mutant." Otto said as he and Chris laughed again. I felt sad and closes my eyes as I felt tears running down my cheeks.
~Time skip~
~My POV~
I see Donnie and Martin at the water tunnel. I walked up to them with my sketchbook in my arms. "Hey, you two ok?" I asked. "I just don't get it. I mean, I'm a highly trained martial artist. How could I lose something so mindless?" Donnie asked as he slaps the water where his reflection is at. "I just don't get all of it. I mean, I'm a highly intelligent creature adventurer. How can I cannot defend myself and the others against something so mindless? It's like being captured by Donita's mimics." Martin said as

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