Monkey Brains

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he did the same thing but harder and water got on me as I hid my sketchbook from being soaked. "Hey!" I said as I felt water running down on me. I see Master Splinter behind me. "You two are intelligent. But in a fight, you two cannot be up here." Splinter said. "But we just don't understand how you can fight without thinking." Donnie said as Martin agrees with him. Then we heard little loud music in headphones. We looked to see Mikey listening to music, distracted. "Observe." I said as I set my sketchbook down gently, pushed my glasses back, cracked my neck and walked up to Mikey. I attacked him but he dodges and blocked my moves with his hand. Donnie and Martin looks at us shocked of what they see. "Ya see? Mikey didn't think, he just did it by his own." I said. "Thank you." Mikey said as he walked passed me. I smiled with a chuckle. "You're welcome." I said. "You must find the between your thoughts. And learn to live there. That's what Michelangelo does." Splinter said as I grabbed my sketchbook, opened it to a blank page, grabbed my lead pencil and wrote what he said about between thoughts. "True, but Mikey's got a lot more space between his thoughts than we do." Martin said as Donnie agreed with him as well. "Yes, well, Mikey has his challenges, too." Splinter said. I smiled softly. "Guys, I think I found something." April said. We all went up to her. "What is it and what did you find?" I asked. "These notes are hard to follow, but it looks like Rockwell was able to modify the mutagen." April said. "Why would he do that?" Leo asked. "Because according to the research that April hooked up, he thought he could use it to create a neurochemical that could temporarily make a psychic ability to read minds and see the motions of what's going to happen and our next movements. That's how the monkey beats the heck out of Donnie and hit Martin to collided to the wall hard." I said scientifically proven the fact that it's true. "Okay, we need to track him down before he attacked someone else. Let's go to the surface, spread out and search." Leo said. "How are we gonna stay in contact?" Raph asked. "I have a little something that might help." Donnie said, getting up and went in front of us. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...The T-Phone!" Donnie said showing the t-phone. I smiled softly. Mikey's about to protest but I stopped him. "Sorry Mikey bro, he beat ya to it, fair and square." I said as I pushed my glasses back. Donnie walked up to April. "And April, if you give me your cell number, I can patch you into our network." Donnie said as I got up, walked up to him with a push on my glasses. "Sweet!" April said as she took the t-phone softly and put her cell in. "Ha! See that, E.C? I got her number." Donnie whispered to me. "Her phone number's on the fridge, bro." I whispered back as Donnie made a disappointed face. After she's done, she gave the t-phone back to Donnie. He gave to me, "You can do the same thing, and I can patch you into our network." Donnie said. "Cool!" I said as I grabbed the t-phone and put my phone cell in it. "Alrighty, let's head to the surface, except for the kids." I said determined as we all head to the surface except for the Girls and the agents.
~At The Surface~
We are at the spot where they are gonna meet up. "Are you sure this is going to work, sista?" Waunuleta asked. "He should be here in 5...4...3...2..." I said. Then Rockwell came in and saw me. I walked up to him. "Hey Rockwell. I told you that I would be back with some friends." I said. Waunuleta came next to me. I sense them coming. "Get back, now." I whispered as we go into the shadows. I see the turtles and Kratt brothers coming up not knowing where he went. I nodded. "Mikey, don't wrap your chains at him ok?" I asked. They're way confused. I walked out of the shadows with Waunuleta and Rockwell, calmly. They gasped. "Careful guys, he can read your minds. So be careful." I said as Rockwell hugs me. I giggled at it. "Great, we got the monkey. But we're not any closer to find Dr. Rockwell." Raph said. April looked at it curiously. "Actually, we're a lot closer than you think." April said. My eyes widen in joy. "What? How?" Donnie asked. "Where could he be, April?" Chris asked. "I think this is Dr. Rockwell!" April said. "And you're correct. We need to get you to the lab." I said as Rockwell grabbed us and head towards the lab. Luckily for it, he saw my plan and he agreed.
~At the lab~
Rockwell's scared out of his mind. I helped him calm down. As Falco put the needle in, he's asleep. "There. That should calm him down a little. Poor Rockwell." Falco said. "Is there anyway to get him back to normal?" April asked. "I wouldn't even know where to begin. But I'll see if there's a way to give him some semblance of normal life." Falco said. They all smiled except for me, Waunuleta, Martin and Chris, good thing I told them about the next plan before we brought Rockwell to the lab. We all head back to the lair.
~At the lair~
"Alrighty Waunu and Kratt bros, ready to put Falco to the hospital?" I asked while putting my hair up and pushed my glasses back. "Oh yes!" Martin and Chris said as they put on their creature power suit and gather their creature power disc together. Waunuleta nodded while getting her gear on and pushed her glasses back. "Good. Now remember guys...we have to fight without thinking." I said as we go out of our rooms. We went full ninja mode as much as possible without making noises. We went to the kitchen entrance, peeked in to see the guys eating pizza. I nodded to them and we went up to the surface.
~At the surface~
We manage to get to the lab and hid at the side of the window. I looked through the window to see Rockwell sleeping peacefully. Till Falco stepped in with a needle. Then we heard Rockwell screaming in pain. "Oh, stop struggling, Tyler. You were always so dramatic." Falco said as he got the psychic substance. He put some on his mind until I stopped him by kicking him and the needle's in the sky. I grabbed it and we four went ninja mode as we blend in the shadows. "Where are you, brat? Show yourself!!!" Falco said. I chuckled as Martin came up to me and I pushed my glasses back. "You think the four of us let you do this? Big mistake Falco. I knew the whole time you are going to do this. Good thing I told my best friend and the Kratt bros about it. So we played along like out-smart you." I said. Then the Turtles came in. I looked at the needle to see it has some left and I look at Martin's mind. "Martin, please forgive me when I really do this." I whispered to Martin as I put the rest in Martin's head. I pulled the needle out as Martin panted softly like he can hear thoughts around him, but I grabbed his arms, managed to calm him down and told him to control it. Then he calmed his head down because he told me that he's getting a big head rush. Then we see the battle's going. Raph got knocked down, then Leo, then Mikey. Donnie's left standing. I gulped in worried silently. 'Donnie bro!' I thought as Falco chuckled. "I really must admire that complex mind of yours, Donatello. You come up with so many ideas. Too bad I can see it all coming. So, Erwina. What's it going to be? Him or the needle?" Falco asked. Chris, Martin, Waunuleta and I jumped down. He chuckled. "Donnie, you can do this." Martin said. "Just have to fight without thinking. No thinking, no thinking." Donnie whispered to himself. I see Martin sees many responses to every move and Falco laughed. "Don't think..." Martin whispered. "Just do." Donnie whispered. Then all of the responses are gone. We looked at him. "You're too late, Falco." I said showing him the empty needle to him. He gasped. "Now guys!" Martin said as we all attacked Falco. He didn't see our every move. He tried to attack us, but Waunuleta upper cut him, and Martin, Chris and Donnie kick him to the wall. Falco tried to get me but I back flip, put my feet against the wall then push sending him multiple punches at the torso and ended up in the broken cage where he put Rockwell at. He then passed out in defeat. The five of us took heavy breaths as I wiped my sweats off and pushed my glasses back. Then the other three came in. "Whoa. Nice work, you five." Raph said. "Ha! What'd I tell you about those back flips?" Mikey asked. I smiled softly while Waunuleta blushed softly. I looked to see her blushing. 'Is my best friend way.' I thought. "Now that we got the mutagen. Let's see what Falco knows about the Kraang." I said as we looked at him, and gasped to see he's gone. "He's gone!" Donnie said. "Not really, he's still out there waiting and planning for the next thing." Martin said. We heard Rockwell struggles to get out. "What do we do about him?" Mikey asked. I took deep breaths, smiled and walked up to him. I unlocked the locks and Rockwell got off. He immediately hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back. 'I'll see you soon, my friend.' I thought as Dr. Rockwell goes to the window and runs off. "Um, if he reacts to anger thoughts, is New York City really the best place for him?" Raph asked, then we heard the car honk and Martin can hear angry thoughts from a man. 'Oh dear.' I thought as Martin gulped in worried. "Hey monkey! Get out of the--" but he got cut off by angry monkey screams, cars screeches and screaming from people. "I'm sure, he's going to be a-ok." I said slowly as we head back to the lair.
~At the lair~
Waunuleta and I are at the dojo with Splinter talking to April of becoming a kunoichi. It meant a female ninja, such as Waunuleta and I and April agrees. We smiled at her agreement. "Yes. But I must warn you. It will be the hardest thing you've ever done. It will drain your mentally, physically and spiritually." Splinter warned. "Well, can't be worse than high school." April said as she gets up. 'You're telling me.' I thought as Waunuleta and I got up. Then we head to the living room to see Martin leaning against the wall minding his own business and Chris sitting on the steps reading a book about animals. "Hey girls." A voice said. We look to see the guys. "You, uh, wanna hang out with us tonight?" Donnie asked nervously. "That sounds perfect and cool, but we can't right now. Sensei wants to teach April to be a kunoichi and I'm going to help her. Along with Waunu." I said. I see the guys huddled up as Martin facepalmed. Then separate. "Well, then, maybe we can train together sometime. Is that fine?" Donnie asked. I nodded. "Sounds amazing. Tell you what, Waunu and I haven't got any plans for next week. So how about that?" I asked. They immediately nodded. I smiled. "Great! See you then, see ya April." I said as April went one way and Waunuleta and I went the other. Once we made it to Waunuleta and my room, Waunuleta and I fangirl. "OMG! OMG! OMG! THEY JUST ASKED US OUT!!!" I said as I fangirl yelled. "I KNOW! I CAN'T WAIT TO BE WITH MIKEY!" Waunuleta said as we stop. "What? You, my best friend, loved Michelangelo?" I asked as she nodded 'yes.' "OMG! You got yourself a crush!" I said as we hugged each about our crushes. 'I can't wait for this.' I thought as we pulled back and pushed our glasses back.
~Martin's POV~
I smiled secretly as the Turtles cheered about their success on asking E.C, Waunuleta and April for a hang out. "Martin, you're the best!" Mikey said as he hugged me like a child hugged a teddy bear. "Anytime, I knew you four will ask them out. I read your minds." I said as Mikey puts me down. Then I walked up to Chris. "Bro, you own me a creature power disc." I said as I put my hand out. Chris sighed and pulled out a cheetah power disc and gave it to me. "Ha ha." I said as I put it into my pocket. "I knew the guys will need my help because of the girls in their heads, they can't get them out of them forever." I said as I leaned back and relaxed. "Whatever, bro." Chris said as he got up and walked to the kitchen. I smiled in victory.

Today's the best day and the most excited moment ever. Good thing I got my new psychic power to read minds.

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