Strange Sounds in the Night

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"Honestly, Shaggy, now isn't the time for a nap." sighed Cleo shaking her head before gently turning her friend over and taking an amber colored fox head necklace off of her friend. She had to carefully step over Shaggy but she managed to exit the bathroom without any problem. "And just WHERE is your friend?" asked Rath. "Shaggy decided to rest is eyes for a while after the day's journey is all." lied Cleo. "In the bathroom?" asked Rath raising a brow. "What can I say, Shaggy will fall asleep wherever he so pleases." said Cleo. "Now, are you going to help me bring forth Fox's spirit or not?" "If I really must." said Rath. "Glad to know we are both on the same page, brother dear. Now, here." said Cleo lightly tossing Rath the necklace. "Hmph! Just try to remember I'm your brother and NOT a camel!" yelled Rath glaring at his sister. "Your words, not mine, brother dear." said Cleo with a smirk. Rath let out another 'Hmph!' before leaving the cabin to find the right scroll in his own belongings. 'Oh well, best to try and revive Shaggy while he's gone.' thought Cleo turning to head back into the bathroom only to stop dead when someone knocked on the door. She knew it couldn't have been Scooby because he would just walk right in. "Cleo, you in there?" called Demon through the door. Cleo froze. There was NO WAY she could tell the others what she had planned. Cleo opened the door with a smile hoping to throw her husband off. "Yes?" she asked. "Uh, you and Shag coming to the main building?" asked Demon. "Oh, I'm afraid not. It's such a long walk and it appears a storm is coming." said Cleo looking up at the dark sky. "OK, but what about Shag?" asked Demon. "Oh, Shaggy's napping right now, besides, he truly feels bad about his hurtful words towards Catman and is too ashamed to face him I'm afraid." said Cleo. Couldn't hurt to start the plan already after all now could it? "Alright, just make sure your back in our own cabin before the storm hits." said Demon heading back towards the hotel. Cleo finally let out a breath she hadn't realized she been holding as she closed the door. "Now that was too close of comfort as they'd say." said Cleo going back into the bathroom. Unfortunately, Shaggy was still passed out. Luckily, Cleo had an idea as to how to wake him up. Cleo turned on the sink and waited for the water to get cold enough before cupping some in her hands and dumping it right on Shaggy's face. "Zoinks! I'm up! I'm up!" cried Shaggy after a few more times of this. "Oh good, and here I thought I'd have to flood the floor in order to get you to regain consciousness." said Cleo crossing her arms. "Very funny, Cleo, very funny!" said Shaggy getting off the floor. "Hey, like where'd my necklace go!?" cried Shaggy. "Oh, I gave it to Rath while you were taking your little nap. He's currently trying to find the right scroll to use." said Cleo. "Zoinks! Why'd you go behind my back and do that!?" cried Shaggy. Cleo cocked a brow. "Oh right, silently went behind your back to help Mr. Demon propose to you." said Shaggy grabbing his head with one hand. "Now you've got it!" said Cleo. "Again, very funny, Cleo!" said Shaggy. "Well, Demon did say he'd repay the favor one day. Consider this as me helping my husband to repay his debt." said Cleo heading out of the bathroom. "Like IF you can even help. Cat probably hates my guts right now!" said Shaggy. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. I covered for you if you will." said Cleo sitting on the bed. "I'm almost afraid to ask." said Shaggy. "Nothing of too much concern. Demon showed up while you were passed out of the bathroom floor and I told him you felt awful about what you had said and were far too ashamed to face Catman at the moment." said Cleo. "Gee thanks." said Shaggy. Though whether he meant it or not Cleo wasn't sure. 

Rath finally returned a short while later with a scroll in his hand. "Get lost, brother dear?" asked Cleo teasingly. "No, I couldn't find the correct scroll for a while. There's a difference!" said Rath closing the door behind him. "Right, and like someone tell me when its over." said Shaggy hiding under the covers. "I'll stand outside and keep watch. You'll find Mother's ankh in my purse." said Cleo before heading outside. "Like wait for me, Cleo!" cried Shaggy running after his best friend. "My, we certainly have been inside for quite a while haven't we?" asked Cleo looking up at the sky. Night had already fallen. "Zoinks, nighttime already!?" cried Shaggy after closing the door behind him. "Indeed so. Oh dear. Demon won't be pleased with me come morning." sighed Cleo. Both Shaggy and Cleo heard a deep, rumbling growl somewhere in the distance. "Cleo, please tell me that was your stomach." said Shaggy clinging to his friend shaking. "I'm afraid not." said Cleo letting her powers surround her fists as her eyes glowed. "I was afraid you'd say that." whimpered Shaggy. The growl came once more and Shaggy decided to hide in the bushes while Cleo went ahead to investigate. "I know your around here somewhere." mumbled Cleo to herself. Another sound came only this time it was a roar. Cleo spun and caught a glimpse of a tall dark shadow near one of the houses looking in the window. "Oh no you don't!" yelled Cleo blasting her magic next to the figure. The figure spun and Cleo could see it had two glowing green eyes and razor sharp teeth. It looked like some sort of animal. "Away with you whatever you are! You are not welcome here!" yelled Cleo blasting at it again making the creature retreat back towards the hotel. But before Cleo could run after it, Daphne ran out of the house the creature was near not too long ago. "Cleo, are you alright!? What happened?" she asked. "I'm not quite sure but I think we might have run into another mystery." said Cleo squinting into the darkness towards where the creature had run off towards.         

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