Another Mystery

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"Cleo, are you sure you're alright?" asked Daphne in concern. "I'm quite certain, Daphne. I DID scare the creature off did I not?" asked Cleo with a huff as the two made their way back towards Shaggy's quarters only to find the rest of the gang standing there in their pajamas. "Is there a reason you all are crowded around Shaggy's sleeping quarters?" asked Cleo cocking a brow. "Yes, your friend is hanging off the roof." said Rath in a matter of fact tone. Cleo and Daphne looked up and sure enough, Shaggy was hanging from the gutters. "Shaggy, come down from there!" scolded Cleo. "I prefer to stay up here like where's its safe." said Shaggy with a laugh. "Shaggy, if you don't come down from there, I'll do it for you!" warned Cleo. "Some friend you are!" cried Shaggy but none the less let go and was caught by Armon. "Like thanks, man." said Shaggy. "And just WHAT were you doing on the roof?" asked Cleo tapping her foot. "Dark creepy shadow with glowing green eyes that's what!" cried Shaggy. "Dark creepy shadow?" asked Nefertina. "With glowing green eyes?" asked Rath. "Sounds kinda like the Chupacabra Alejo mentioned earlier." said Spaceman. "C-c-c-c-c-Chupacabra!?" cried Shaggy jumping into Rath's arms. Cleo tried to suppress her laughter at her brother's annoyed face but was failing miserably. "Sounds to me like we've got another mystery on our hands, gang." said Fred. "Is it bad for once I was hoping we wouldn't have a mystery that needs solving?" asked Demon. "Because your wife's seven months pregnant?" asked Starchild. "Demon, so help me if you say 'yes' I'll bring the wrath of the gods down upon you!" warned Cleo. "I think we'd all better turn in for the night, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." said Velma. "And before Cleo skins Demon alive." said Spaceman. "Shaggy, are you going to be alright or must my brother spend the night with you?" asked Cleo. Rath looked at Shaggy who was still in his arms before making a slightly terrified face and quickly dropped him. "Like ow!" groaned Shaggy. "Thanks a lot, Cleo!" "Hm, I wouldn't thank me yet, Shaggy, my work is far from over." said Cleo with a smirk before grabbing her brother's arm and pulling him away from the gang. "She's scheming something again isn't she?" asked Fred. "I'm almost afraid to ask." replied Velma. 

"So, did you do as I asked?" asked Cleo once she and Rath were far away enough from the rest of the gang. "Hmph, why do you think he ended up on the roof minus this shadow he mentioned?" said Rath holding up the ankh. "Let me guess, you placed the spirit in Mother's ankh?" asked Cleo. "Well where else was I supposed to do? Let him roam around and terrify everyone?" asked Rath crossing his arms. "Humorous, Rath. Quite humorous." said Cleo taking the ankh from her brother and putting it on. "Now to see if it works." said Cleo grabbing her brother's arm. "And you're coming with me!" "Why did I know you were going to say that?" asked Rath as his sister tapped into the ankh's magic. 

When Cleo opened her eyes, she was in the halls that her mother normally contacted her through. "Well now, at least you gave me a warning this time!" scoffed Rath dusting himself off. "What can I say, I was feeling generous." said Cleo crossing her arms. Rath scowlded at his sister but didn't get a chance to say anything because a figure of a man appeared around the corner. He wore a costume just like the rest of KISS as well as their makeup. He also had black/orange streaked hair. "Hello, you must be Fox." said Cleo with a smile. "Yeah, that's me. But who are you and where am I?" asked Fox. "I'm Cleo and this is my brother, Rath, we are friends of Shaggy's." explained Cleo. "And as for your location. We're somewhere within our Mother's ankh. A symbol of life seeing as though you are no longer alive." said Rath. Cleo chose to stop on her brother's foot for his last remark. "OW! Oh, how dare you!" growled Rath. "Mind your tongue, brother dear, mind your tongue!" warned Cleo. "Why am I here exactly?" asked Fox. "Well, Shaggy sort of goofed if you will and the person he offended would not listen to me when I tried to talk to him earlier but he didn't want to hear it. Therefore I figured you might be able to help." said Cleo. "How can I help if I'm in here?" asked Fox. "Simple, my sister will simply access the ankh's magic and bring him in here." said Rath. "We'll bring him here." corrected Cleo. "Alright but what exactly did Shaggy do?" asked Fox. Cleo sighed "He has a crush on one of our friends and may or may not have said something a bit harsh when offered assistance by said person." said Cleo. "A bit? Hardly." mumbled Rath. "Rath, unless you want your mouth bandaged I suggest you bite your tongue!" warned Cleo. "Hmph! It's things like this that make me glad I didn't become a father back when I was alive!" scuffed Rath. "Oh how I'm glad mother didn't send me into the past with you. You never you've MADE it into dating!" warned Cleo. "My love life is none of your concerns!" warned Rath. "Oh really, and just how many girlfriends did you have exactly? IF you had any at all!" said Cleo. "I was engaged to be married for you information!" said Rath but quickly shut his mouth. "Is that so? Oh how I can't WAIT to tell mother about this one!" laughed Cleo disappearing. "No you don't! Cleo get back here this instant!" yelled Rath vanishing after his sister. "Guess I'll see you next time. I think." mumbled Fox walking back into the maze of tunnels. 

Cleo ran into the small home she and Demon were staying in laughing as she closed and locked the door behind her. "Cleo, open this door this instant!" yelled Rath pounding on the door. "Uh, what did you do now exactly?" asked Demon sitting up in the bed. "Oh you won't believe this one, Demon, Rath was actually engaged to be married at one point!" laughed Cleo. "Uh, and that's funny how?" asked Demon. "Oh if only you could've seen the look on his face when I got the information out of him! It was how do you say, priceless?" asked Cleo through fits of laughter. "As long as you don't end up dragging me into it. Or if he doesn't break down the door in anyway." said Demon looking at the pounding door. "Oh, I'm sure he'll tire himself out eventually." said Cleo going into the bathroom to change. "If the door doesn't tire out first!" called Demon after his wife.       

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