The moon shined brightly in the night sky, along with the many stars that were sprinkled across it. Below it, black waves crashed down, their sound echoing all throughout the area.
Randel sighed as he turned his gaze from the unglazed window to stare at the sleeping drummer.
Ringo laid on his back, hands folded on his stomach as he slept.
"If only there is something I could do..."
A sigh escaped Randel's lips as he sat down on the floor, staring at the red drum that he had played a while earlier.
He would have told Ringo about it, but...
Randel shivered at remembering what had happened hours earlier.
It had been enough to make him cry as well.
Ringo had actually never cried in his arms before, and the very sensation made Randel feel just as broken as him.
He knew that Ringo needed time before he could go out again, and he was fine with staying in the bandstand.
A small rumble emitted from Randel's stomach, making his thoughts cease for a moment.
He did not know why the Chief had insisted on saving those apples, but he didn't have the heart to ask.
Sighing softly, Randel once again looked over at Ringo, only to hear him whimper softly.
The sound made Randel's body shake a little.
Bad dreams were one thing that neither of them could control.
Slowly, Randel crawled over to the sleeping drummer, stopping at his side as he got on his knees.
Ringo's face had contorted into a look of sorrow and fear, and Randel felt himself grow sick at the sight.
Gently, he placed a hand on Ringo's cheek, trying to keep his own emotions in check.
At least Ringo still had all of his colour, Randel thought.
Another soft whimper escaped Ringo's mouth, and Randel allowed the sound to push past his mind and into his heart.
As quietly as he could, Randel laid himself down onto his back, next to Ringo. Turning into his side, Randel stared at the Beatle, wishing that he could just know what was going on in his dream.
Tears began to form in his eyes as another whimper emitted from Ringo.
Randel's lips quivered as he placed his head on the sleeping man's chest, placing an arm around him in the process.
Ringo's heartbeat thumped in his ear, and the usually calm sound did nothing to soothe his worries.
Though, Randel was beyond thankful that he even had the chance to hear it right now.
He could not imagine losing Ringo to the back goo that had taken most of Pepperland.
"I'd rather die before I let anything happen to you..."
Randel's voice was but a whisper as he stared up at Ringo's face again.
Another whimper.
Another blow to Randel's heart.
Snuggling his face up against Ringo's chest, Randel tightened his grip on the drummer, beginning to feel tired himself.
He allowed a tear to roll down his face.
"I l-love you Ringo... Please..."
Randel sniffled quietly.
"I'm still here. Y-you're not alone... I p-promise..."
A whimper escaped Randel's mouth as one escaped from Ringo's
"I... I c-can't live without you..."
Taking in a small breath, Randel closed his eyes for a moment, more tears rolling down his face.
"I j-just want all this t-trouble to be over..."
Randel's grip tightened even more.
"I just want things to be normal... Why... Why did things have t-to come to this?"
His voice was a little too loud this time, and Ringo began to stir from his sleep.
Randel thought that it was probably for the best.
Slowly, Ringo opened his eyes, the images of the nightmare still fresh in his mind. He looked down, only to see Randel staring up at him as more tears ran down his cheeks.
No words were spoken.
Randel, sniffling all the while, felt as Ringo wrapped his arms around him.
"W-what... What were..."
"Just... A nightmare about... Losing all of you in... T-that stuff..."
Taking in a breath through his nose, Randel closed his eyes and felt a hand place itself on his head.
"I d-don't want to l-lose you either..."
Both men began to feel tired at that moment.
Ringo rubbed Randel's back softly, listen to his sniffles.
Ringo's voice made Randel quiet himself down a bit, and he opened his eyes to stare up at him.
"I... I love you..."
Randel knew that he didn't have to say it, but it just felt right to do so.
Closing his eyes, he heard Ringo respond.
"S-so do I... Randel..."
Ringo closed his eyes as well.
The pair both held onto each other tightly as they drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.
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