"Wait. You want us to save all of those apples for later, yer blueness?"
The Chief sighed and looked down for a moment, regarding the blue meanie.
"Yes. If you ask me... I know quite a few people who really don't want to eat right now."
The blue meanie looked down at well, still trying to comprehend the fact that a Beatle was now gone.
"We all understand... yer blueness..."
A few feet away, George's alter-ego stood motionless, staring down at the huge black puddle that had formed a few hours ago.
"It... It a-actually did it..."
Behind him, Paul laid on his side, head resting in John's lap as silent tears fell from his eyes. John looked up at George's alter-ego sympathetically.
He sighed.
"A-at least you weren't here to s-see it. It was just... horrifying."
George's alter-ego turned around to look at the guitarist.
"Well... at least... it wasn't painful."
Paul shifted his head to that he could look up at John, not bothering to dry his face. John stared down at him, placing a hand on his head.
The bassist licked his lips and took in a deep breath.
"Can you... promise me something?"
"Yes, of course."
Paul wrapped an arm around John.
"Just... just don't do a-anything rash... please?"
John patted his head.
"I won't. And... what made you ask that?"
"I just... d-don't want anything to happen to you..."
George's alter-ego sighed and went to sit down besides the pair.
"I don't want anything to happen to my bandmates either..."
John looked over at him, lips forming a small frown.
"To be honest, I'm kind of worried about Ringo."
Upon being reminded of the drummer, Paul's eyes widened a bit.
"Uh... H-how long has he and Randel been in that bandstand now? Sorry, I just haven't been keeping track of time."
"About two hours already," John replied, also sounding worried.
"I think that we should just wait out here," George's alter-ego said, "I'd rather not make this whole situation even more difficult for the both of them. But..."
He laid back on the ground, staring at the blue sky.
"If either of you like to go check on them, then I won't stop you."
John sighed as Paul rose up, sitting next to him.
"John? Should we?"
"No. After all, I think it's for the best to just... leave them by themselves."
Paul shrugged, letting out a breath.
"Still, I mean... I don't think I've ever seen Ringo that... that sad before..."
"Well, at least, we know that he could have been worse..."
John shuddered after his own statement.
For a moment, an uncomfortable silence fell upon the three of them. They all just stared around, trying to not think about what had happened earlier.
The strangely calming sound of the waves of black goo crashing down in the distance was all that could be heard.
Paul shuddered at how much it reminded him of a beach.
"W-whatever that stuff is... It's not natural..." He said quietly, watching the distant ocean of blackness.
"If not even Jeremy knows what it is, then it certainly isn't," John said in return, wrapping an arm around the bassist as he too stared at it.
George's alter-ego sighed and stood up.
"Anyway, I think I'm going to see how my bandmates are doing."
He stared down at the two Beatles.
"I guess I'll meet up with you later..."
Without another word, George's alter-ego walked away, leaving John and Paul by themselves.
After a moment, Paul snuggled up against John's shoulder.
"Ay, John?"
"I... I just want to say that I love you."
John looked over at Paul and ran his hand through his hair.
"I love you too, Paul."
Both letting out a breath, they turned their gazes to the large puddle of black liquid that had only formed hours earlier.
John felt a chill run up his spine.
"I can't imagine what that must feel like... If you can feel anything at all."
"To be honest John, I think it was for the better that he couldn't feel it. If he could, then..."
Paul shuddered.
"It probably would have been very painful indeed."
John gulped.
"T-there has to be a way to get rid of it, right?"
Paul looked at him, tears once again forming in his eyes.
"Even if t-there is... I d-don't think it's p-possible to bring them back..."
After that response, John sighed heavily.
His grip on Paul tightened as he look out at the seemingly endless ocean of goo.
"Well... If we have to start all over again... then so be it..."
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