The specimens

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No ones pov

A woman stands in front of the two new specimens cells, a far away expression present. Her friend had finally gotten rid of those pesky snakes, no matter what she will always hate the reptiles. A shiver of discomfort runs up her spine at the very thought of the boa constrictor that had caused so many problems. She never wanted this, to work with all these strange mutated beasts and be the enemy to giant snake based alien organisms. All she wanted was to be able to get as much cash as she could. She was absolutely fine with all that goes on in the crazy lab but she really didn't fancy being here.

She didn't care for the animals lives, only the money that they would make ... correction could have made. No matter how much she tells her boss of the massive fortune they could obtain by selling the beasts he insists that they be kept as someone could steal the formula or study them. She knows deep inside that he does still care about the creatures a bit. And still the alien snake based beings that could live for century's on end with special abilities that many humans would pay top dollar to receive or even witness.

It makes her blood boil at the very thought.

Why is she of any significance in this chapter? Well she isn't really. She just got taken by Brown as a worker, a messenger if you will. Simply delivering documents and occasionally products of the insane experiments in the horrid, worn down building.

"I see you've met our two new test subjects?" Brown asks from beside her.

She scoffs at his question and reply's sarcastically, "Yes we were just having a wonderful discussion on the different types of plant cell tissues."

He sighs and gently rubs the skin between his eyes.

"Tell me you have at least read their files?"

"Oh the ones you let get into the hands of one of those disgusting beasts." She mumbles below her breath, not thinking he heard.

Oh he did

"I was attacked and you know it! Sometimes I wonder why I still keep you around."

She couldn't help but shiver at his words. She wasn't the first one on this job. The last guy had apparently dropped a vile that contained some of the precious serum that had taken months to simply create.

It's better not said what happened to him.

A loud feminine scream erupts from the cell on the left. A girl with smeared makeup and a scratched face coming into view.

Brown smirked at the terrified Angelica, proud that they would be the test subjects for this amazing new serum that had been created.

It wasn't perfect but with the help of these two they would make it perfect in less than a day.

Angelica cry's, banging on the thick bars at the top of her door. As soon as she and Tyron had packed every one last of their belongings they had been tranquillised and brought to the lab.

Why Brown was doing this she didn't understand, as well as Tyron. Both scared and horrified at the terrible view they have from their cells of the experiments taking place in the so called research lab.

'More like mad lab' Tyron thought to himself.

Brown relished in their fear. Something he had been itching to witness. Now he may be the head of this very 'sanctuary' and all its research but he still acts a bit like he did before his obsession with energon and the way it mutates animals in such marvellous ways. He still has his moments where people can;'t help but smile or laugh around him, as well as his good judge of character.

The moment he saw Harry he sensed his shy and timid nature, but also his smart and respectful attitude.

Ben, he was a supprise. Brown never expected someone so rough or even biker like as Ben. He liked the way he was respectful and yet cautious, curious and restrained. Not to mention his interesting personality.

Zioni was another story. With her goth like style and bubbly personality he couldn't resist not to bring her.

You ... you he sensed something different from. You- thee youngest of the group had a motherly nature almost. You definitely have a sting that holds dangerous venom. And yet he saw your curious, child like side as Aslan jumped on you. Definitely the most interesting of the most interesting of the lot.

Angelica and Tyron immediately made a bad impression. Fake is the word he'd use to describe Angelica and Tyron would be pretentious.

Both sickened him ... but that's why he bought them.

As mentioned before the serum wasn't perfected and it had it's flaws. But in needed something, something that was now in his. Something that requires both manipulation and cunning. It was not easily obtained and takes time to get and yet here they.

Two human specimens for Project S. Both too stuck up and hated to be missed.

Men stormed into the cells containing the two specimens, bringing with them a small vile of blue glowing liquid.

Screams ring out throughout the base, one male one female, both filled with terror and agony as the glowing liquid was injected into them.

It slowly stretched throughout their veins, turning their blood blue and devouring certain areas only to replace them with new cells. New and improved tissue covered their bodies.

Their screaming soon died down.

All the scientist stared amazed at the two bodies. Both's legs had completely lost all their skin and pieces of flesh stretched between both, but the flesh was a type of green and had patches of scales. Their eyes had turned a blood red and teeth had sharpened and grown drastically, on Angelica one had pierced her bottom lip.

Their feet had come together almost dissolving into each other. Their hands' nails are pointed and a blackish liquid dripped from them.

Brown stares at both bodies as they are placed onto to small movable beds as well as a heart moneter.

Both heart moneters made no sound.

"Dead." muttered a scientist with long black hair.

A failure and yet a success. 

Two figures huddle closer to each other for warmth and comfort, the one whispering reassuring words into the others ear.  The one whimpers and cowers in purr fear at the thought at the very idea of what had just occurred. Both felt pity for the poor souls that had just succumbed to that horrible torture. Soft sobbing can be heard from the white room as the figure slowly falls into a dreamless slumber. The other trying to help by gently purring.

-time skip-

Browns pov

It's been a few hours since the experiment and thanks to it we have finally perfected the the serum. It seems that if we add a little less of pure energon to the other chemicals in it they serum functions perfectly.

The head scientist finishes his report and exits my office.

... it's been so long.

I still remember the first time I met Windbolt. I know he hates me now but I'm doing this for the greater good of all life. Of evolution. I know I have gone too far but if I didn't do it someone else would.

I sigh as I lean back into my armchair. I still have the guilt of tricking Marria. She must despise me at this point.

Shaking my head slightly I look at the small vile of blue liquid in my hands.

"Just a few more days and project S will commence." I say, holding the vile up to the sunlight entering through the small window to my right.

A smirk makes it's way across my lips. This is going to be amazing~

Your pov

"So let me get this straight." Ben says as he rubs his head. I hope he believes me.

"There are these alien naga guys that live in this area that live off of a glowing blue fruit called energon."


"And they are at war with each other."

"Autobots the good guys and Decepticons bad guys." i say truthfully. Thankfully we were able to wake up Harry and everyone is getting along with each other. And then I explained about the snakeformers.

"And Brown has been experimenting on animals to try and do some kinda freaky mutation!"

I nod my head nervously. This is so embarrassing.

"And you were attacked by the leader of the bad guys and saved by the leader of the good along with another and the little girl Sari?" Zioni questions.

I nod my head again.

"And all the animals that have been experimented on can talk?" Harry says nervously.



Zioni looks at me with a energetic smile and says like a kid on a sugar rush "When can we meet them?!"


Please try and guess what project S stands for.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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