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Your pov

Okay ... never expected that.

Zioni looks at me with pleading puppy dog eyes, along with Harry and Blue. Why.

"No I am not falling for those cursed puppy eyes. Nu-uh no way!" I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

That only causes them to come closer to me and give me even more intense puppy eye's. Why are these guys so damn cute and why doe Blue have to help he's to cute for my sanity.

"Please~" they all say at the same time.

Ah fudge this.

"Okay okay." I say in defeat. 

"YES!" they all yell, highfiving each other and Blue smiling like an angle.

I can hear Ben and Zed laughing their butts off and Doring let out a sigh. Whether it's irritated or relieved I can't tell. Corzac chuckles lightly and  rubs his head against my cheek in an affectionate manner. His soft scales smooth as ever. Man I've missed these guys. Smiling gently I gently stroke his neck with my free arm. An unsettling feeling of being glared at makes me look down.

"Kaa are you jealous?" I coo with an amused smirk. 

He huffs in irritation and reply's a "No" with an attitude. Still the same.

"Oh god damn it I've missed ya." Zed says as Ben comes closer with him around his shoulders. These two are more alike than I thought. For one their both smirking like idiots. But their my idiots.

"Yeah me to Zeds." I chuckle "Come on I'll show you the way to their base. And just so you all know I met them yesterday."

"AWESOME!" Zioni squeals and rushes to my side. Blue slowly extends his body with a cute smile,  gently he curls around my neck and closes his eyes.

"Oh another thing I forgot to mention. All these guys love to cuddle and take cat naps." I say brightly.

"I hate cats." Kaa mumbles.

We all laugh and start our way towards Optimus' base. Hopefully Sentinel isn't there.

Shockwaves pov

I stare at the laughing humans and snakes as they make their way towards one of the Autobots' base. I have been given strict orders from Lord Megatron to follow the human y/n and gather any information that I can about her. But as I look at them my eye wonders to the other femme. I remember reading a bit of her file, only her name and what animals she worked with. Zioni is her name ... I think. Her strange yet enticing dark style, beautiful long braided black hair that seems more firm than the other humans that I've seen her and sparkling green eyes. She acted so energetic and lively and yet dressed so darkly. This is very interesting.

Humming to myself in curiosity I make my way silently to the unsuspecting humans. The mysterious femme talks happily to the weaker looking mech with a bright smile. Her voice is quite nice, not to high pitched like that one femme that was trying (and failing miserably) to seduce the stronger male. That one was annoying and I was very tempted to just snap her neck to just shut her up. Some humans are just unbearable.

The femme continues to walk and talk with the others with a happy smile, often asking y/n questions about us. But she would just say to wait and see kindly, never snapping or even appearing irritated at all. I must admit I can see why Megatron is interested in these humans in particular, they all seem so different and nothing like the pesks that litter our territory.

But there is something about this femme that I can't understand. I don't know what it is but I will find out. 

But for now let me just observe these strange humans.

-Time skip-

No ones pov

All of you finnaly got to the base, and to your utter dismay Sentinel was there. Along with everyone else except for Longarm.

As all 4 of the humans came into view the autobots' eyes widen. They remember Rodimus speaking of others along with yourself and talking about the events that had taken place on the buss. They were interested (most of them anyway) about the other humans, but they never expected to meet them so soon. You know what they didn't even expect to meet you so soon as well. 

I mean it hasn't even been a week of you being here and so much has happened. Like, you meeting Sari and her dad, waking up to see Kaa, finding the rest of your snake friends, finding about Brown and his experiments and the list goes on and on and on. Now that you think of it how is it even possible for so much to happen in so little time.

And Mira, it's only been a few days and yet it feels like years since you've seen the purple haired girl. If she was here she would have tried to fight Megatron head on and would have probably broken a few of Tyron's bones for trying to flirt with. She would have love to meet Zioni, Ben and Harry, you know she would like all of them. And then finding out the big cats that she had come to often play with at your work could talk, she would have fainted in happiness no doubt. And then your mind wondered to the pink haired girlfriend of hers. You smiled slightly at the thought of how much fun the two of them would be having. The smile dropped though when you thought of how you may never be able to see the two love birds ever again. You couldn't survive without your best friend for the rest of your life.

Little do you know how soon you will be seeing them again.

All eyes focused on the humans as the stopped in front of the large beings. Many seemed curious at the darker skinned femme with her dark coverings and yet her energetic and excited body language.

The black and red haired mech caught the attention of a few along with his confidant and defensive expression.

The cute brown haired mech hid behind the one human that they all are fond of, even though some refuse to show it [Sentinel]. One femme in particular felt her spark skip a beat at the sight of this new human.

Ultra Magnus comes towards them, his giant hammer held in his hand, "Y/n why have you brought them here?" He can tell that they aren't a threat ... at least not the femme and brown haired mech.

You knew this was coming so you had been silently going over what you were going to say. "Sir I'm sorry but they needed to know. As you can see some of the snakes that I used to work with were given to us and one of them talked. I had to explain everything I know about you and Brown to them. Trust me their good people, their my friends."

And that was all he needed to hear to trust them. Even the one that seemed more on edge.

After that all of the others introduced themselves in their own ways you were hug attacked by Sari and Zeus.

Zioni took a real liking to a snakeformer called Blur as did he like her. Somehow she was able to understand his speedy talking and would ask him questions that he would gladly answer.

Harry shy at first but soon opened up to a femme named Redalert and would just spend time talking to her about random stuff, but mainly all the amazing plants that litter their territory. She honestly found it rather cute and couldn't help but sit him on her lap and wrap her tail around the two of them in a nest like shape.

Ben didn't open up at all until Jazz approached him. At first he was a bit defensive but slowly eased up to the cool mech.

You. Well you spent your time with Optimus, talking about your pasts and all that troubled the both of you. It really helped the way he calmed you down when you talked about your friend and fear of not seeing her again and it helped him when you did the same when he talked of his past with Elita one. Both of you somehow felt safe around each other, like you could reveal your darkest secrets to the other and they would be there for you.

But as the sun set and you along with the other humans went home, a certain war lord watches you from afar with jealousy boiling in the depths of his spark.


I hoped you all enjoyed the chapter.

So one of my dear readers asked me if I could give them a clue, a kind of riddle to project S. And as soon as I gave it they got the answer on the first try. I will mention their name along with the others that get the correct answer.

Here is the riddle:

What is small and fragile that comes from a transformer and is more precious than energon. That has never been mentioned or seen in any of the cannons but is often in fan fiction.

Even in one au the transformers are them.

That's all I'm giving.

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