Chapter 3

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The two geniuses stayed put as they looked at Tsukasa, Emi was silent but was scared on the inside from his words.

Emi still held her arrow at him and stood guard.

Senku thought in his head 'this guys gonna be trouble. But if we hadn't woken him up right then, we would've been lion chow for sure. The situation forced our hand. Now he tells us he only wants to save the young. I doubt he'll do anything rash until he learns how to make his own revival potion'.

Emi said in her head 'if he figured out how we were able to bring someone back we can't say anything about the cave'

"HEY!" They turned as they saw Tajiu run to them "AWESOME NEWS, YOU GUYS! CHECK THIS OUT! YOU SEE"

He held a pot up with Yuzuriha's name on it "I got a whole lot full of miracle fluid from the cave! And that means we can use this this stuff to finally bring back Yuzuriha"

Senku wheezed out with a troubled face.

Emi said to herself "why announce it loudly Tajiu" as Taiju looked at them with confusion.

"So what's this miracle fluid you're talking about?" Tsukasa asked

Senku looked at him then chuckled as he cracks his neck "I won't waste my breath trying to explain the science behind it. Showing you will be ten billion times faster."

He started walking off to head back to the camp.

Emi said "you will see what he means" she faced him "you will be able to see the first human revival" she then followed Senku.

-At Camp-

As they came back, Emi dressed Yuzuriha with some clothes for Tajiu

Tajiu said with glee "Ok Yuzuriha. I promised we'd save you, and it's happening for real this time"

Emi got up and went to Senku to help him with the fluid.

As they did Senku said "what the hell. For some reason, we don't have enough revival fluid for even one person.

Taiju freaked and yelled "Crap!, Did I really get it too soon?"

Emi said "just grab some more, Tajiu"

Senku said "yeah, she just play 20 Questions with me as we hang back" he glanced over at Tsukasa "but return back quickly, would ya you big oaf?"

He said "of course! Be back before you know it" he started running off "Full Steam Ahead!"

Tsukasa then grabbed him and said "I'm the fastest, so it makes more sense for me to go. But I'll need to know exactly where to find this miracle fluid"

Senku smirked and thought 'yep, I knew he couldn't resist taking the bait' he then started saying to himself of what happens Tsukasa found the miracle fluid

Emi told him where the cave is, he then ran off to find it

Senku asked as he yawned and stretches "Tsukasa's gone, isn't he?"

"Yeah like a bolt of lightning"

He then face Emi and gave her a look and signaling her "this needs to be done". She nods at him and he ordered "lets make some revival juice! We'll bring her back ASAP. Before he has a chance to return"

Emi helped him to start making the miracle fluid.

Tajiu noticed and followed then to the laboratory "what's going on, you literally just said there wasn't enough revival fluid?"

"Do you really believe I would set out a collection pot that was the wrong size?" Senku said to him

Emi was outside of the camp to keep watch.

Taiju just realized of what he meant "no you wouldn't, then why did you send Tsukasa out to get some more?"

"It's a calculated risk. I wanted him fine before we revived her. Even if it meant revealing the location of the cave." Senku said as he glanced at him.

"Why would you want to get rid of Tsukasa? Hes like totally awesome!" Taiju argued

Emi then explained from where she is standing "which is why he's too much to handle. He wants to remake this world into a place where the strong survive. We can't let that happen" Senku chuckled and looked at her

Senku can tell that she is worried even if her face doesn't express it

Taiju looked at Senku then Emi and said "yeah okey. No need to explain. It's cool. I trust you both to make the right decision. Something happened while I was gone, huh?"

Senku said as he gave a dark look "you're right, Shishio Tsukasa is an awesome guy. Who happens to be a murderer".

As they head outside

Tajiu was infront of his crush and said as he shakes "Yuzuriha. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I'm here. Just like.i said" he tears up a bit and took his time to pour the fluid on to her "I'll help you"

Senku ran to him as Emi followed him "did you forget that were in a hurry, ya big oaf?" He then made Tajiu split the fluid on to Yuzuriha

"You just dump it?! We should be more like, you know!" Tajiu freaked.

They waited a bit for Yuzuriha but nothing happened yet.

Tajiu panicked a bit "wait why is nothing happening? Don't worry, Yuzuriha, it's fine! Is this fine, Senku?"

Senku then explained "well the reaction isn't instantaneous. The petrification is much like cryostasis. The stone shell acts as a protective coating made from trace metals in the body. An unknown process caused them to phase shift, and they took on a petrified state.

"You lost me Senku! It's so complicated!" Tajiu said as he tried to process everything he said.

"Tch, that's my theory at least. Based in an entire year of painstaking experiments. Anyway, my point being. If just one part is exposed to the natal and begins the break down initiates a chain reaction that ripples across the organisms body. And the petrification is undone." Senku said as the statue of Yuzuriha started to crack open.

Tajiu looks at her with shocked and remembered everything he did and about Yuzuriha before being turning to stone.

As the stone fragments fell off, Tajiu caught her as he smiled with tears in his eyes

As the two had a moment to themselves.

Senku glanced at Emi who has been quiet the whole time and looking at the forest. She grips on her necklace tightly and shakes a bit.

He can tell she was worried, he walked to her and said "hey Emi, look at me"

She looked at him, then Senku placed his hand on her cheek "you worry to much, and trust me we will stop Tsukasa and bring back civilization, ok"

She looked at him and nuzzles her cheek on his hand, enjoying the warmth in his palm. She then said softly "ok Senku I trust you" he smiled at her a bit

They both faced the two and saw Tajiu crying and telling her that both Senku and Emi did the work

Senku chuckled then said "pardon the intrusion ok your big moment, but you need to make a decision before he gets back"

He walked closer to them and Emi was behind him and hugs his arm. He held up two finger and explained "there's only two options, so choose carefully. Plan A: the two of you run away this instant and find a new place to live. Plan B: We join together and fight to stop Tsukasa's murder spree, using the weapons of civilization."

Tajiu yelled as he stood up "come on man! Obviously, well stay and fight by your side! I mean really, what kinda people do you think we are?"

Yuzuriha stood up and nod "I have no clue what's going on, but I'll help however I can! "

Emi nods and still hugs his arm. Senku looked at her and smirked as he pets her head "and of course my assistant won't leave me"

He thought to his head "I still made that promise not you when my old man took you in"

Senku turned to his friends and said back "I'm not making any assumptions or trying to be nice. It just seems logical to give you the chance to flee."

Tajiu yelled "listen Senku! If Tsukasa is killing people, we've got no--"

"so I'm killing people? Huh, I'd say that's a matter of perspective." Tsukasa interrupted him

They gasped when he arrived and Emi hides behind Senku since she didn't have her arrow or dagger in her.

Tsukasa continue and glares deeply at them "I call it culling them. For the benefit of the new world"

He throws his lion coat as he removes it then walks towards them.

Tajiu got in front of his friends to protect and faced Tsukasa.

Senku said in his head and chuckled "he's not even trying to hide his murderous intentions in front of them. Which means anyone who gets in his way..."

He stood in a stance as he protects Emi.

Emi looks over Senku's shoulder and gasped as she saw that Tsukasa had pieces of the statue in his hands, which was an eye. She was shaking a bit then looked at Senku who was looking at her. His eyes moved to the side then at her. She followed of what he was pointing so she understood what he is doing then went to get the object.

Tajiu said "Senku, Emi, if things go bad, please take care of Yuzuriha. I'm gonna stop him! Right her and now!" He runs to Tsukasa and lunges at him.

The girls gasped at him

Senku said in his head 'you pea-brained idiot! This guy killed a freakin' lion with his bare hands! You're ten billion percent screwed!' I got no choice but to bust out my secret weapon"

He Then loudly "now Emi!"

Emi quickly used the crossbow that Senku made and shoots an arrow at Tsukasa. It pasted Tajiu and between them both.

Tsukasa catch the arrow in mid-air then throws it to the ground and spun around. He then kneel Taiju's hand as he got close.

Emi pants softly and the adrenaline in her raises a bit and looks at them.

Tajiu held his stance then faced him and Tsukasa said "nobody has ever taken one of my kicks full force and remain standing before. It's true, but what's even more interesting is the feeling I get that you actually refused to attack me just now. Why is that?"

Taiju yelled back "I don't hit anyone! You can but me or kick me or whatever the hell you wanna do!" he then pulled his shirt to expose his chest "but I'm telling ya! You gotta stop breaking those statues! Because killing is wrong. End of story!"

His friends looked at him weirdly

Tsukasa then said as he crosses his arms "Taiju, let me make sure I understand you. You'll let me pummel you as much as I like so I stop breaking those statues. Is that what you are saying?"

Tajiu yelled "Yeah Exactly!"

Emi sighed and said "your rage blocks your sense of thinking"

Tsukasa covered his face then looked at him "I don't understand. You aren't making any kind of deal. But if you insist on getting in my way-"

Tajiu continues to yell again "I don't care how many times you wanna come at me, I'm not gonna stop trying to stop you!"

"That girl you just revived, what if I told you I'd killed her instead?" He said

Tajiu stood infront of his crush and glares at him, Yuzuriha looked worried and realized what Senku's plan was

"And mostly I want Emi to be part of the new world" he said

Emi raised an eyebrow at him as he starts talking "she told her story that her parents were killed when she was young by an unpure person and left by herself, traumatized and empty. I promise her to protect so she is coming with me, Emi would you like to.come with me to make a new world"

She looked at him with no expression. Senku got infront of her and glares at Tsukasa.

As Emi was about to say something, Tajiu started bleeding from his head then passed out on the ground

"Huh, no! Taiju!" Yuzuriha said as she ran to him.

"Seems it did hurt him. He's bleeding like a stuck pig. He'll need a couple of days to sleep it off." Senku said as he looks at his friend

Emi went to him and check his head. After studying many parts of the human body, injuries and it's humanity, she can tell if it's serious or not.

Tsukasa said "yeah so let's not fight each other. You just protect your girlfriend and quit worrying about some random statues. Same goes for you Senku". He pulls his lion fur back on "meanwhile I'll do what I need to do."

He started walking off "stay out of my way, and Emi think about my offer"

As he left, Senku explained "that Arrow I got was moving at over 200 millimeters per hour." Which made Yuzuriha surprised

Emi traces the bruise on Tajius head "no concessions or bleeding in the brain, just a bruise cause the tissue here has a bump which effected the veins to break and bleed, just something to patch it and he will be ok"

Yuzuriha said with glee "oh thank goodness, and thank you Emi"

Senku went to him and starts to step on him "nap time's over" Yuzuriha freaked and tried to stop as Emi just watched

"Give me a freakin' break! Is this it? You're just gonna lose that easily ya big oaf?" Senku taunted

"No way! Not me!" Taiju woke up and got up"

"Wow! Are you really okay" Yuzuriha asked

"I'm made of stronger stuff than that! And I'm still crazy-full of energy!" He yelled as Yuzuriha sighed "oh thank goodness"

He gasped and realized "We gotta stop him! Before the can murder anyone else!"

Senku grab him by the belt as Taiju ran "wait, ya big oaf!"

"I won't give up that easy!"

"Don't you understand what just happened? He showed us we can't stop home with brute force! Senku let's him go as Taiju stopped

"Still, we gotta do somethin'.

Senku chuckled then went to pick up the arrow "in the stone world, there's it one sure-fire path to defeat a monster."

They gasped as he faced them "Advancing civilization, and crafting weapons of science!"

He then looked at Emi and said "come on, Emi you know we should do" she nods at him and followed him to the camp.

Their friends looked confused then followed as well

As they went inside, Emi and Senku started to break the pots and other things inside

"Uhh that seems wasteful"

"The heck are you doin' you two?"

"Staging a scene, obviously. This way it'll look like he freaked us out so badly, we just took some food and ran off." Senku said as he breaks more stuff

"Whaddya mean by that? Are we really gonna give up?" He asked

"No but It will look like it" emi said as she packs some food and have her weapons in hand.

Senku chuckled and said "that's right plus if we can make some weapons non science before he realizes what were really up to, then victory is ours. But if he gets wise to us? Game over.

They pack their things that they need as they are outside

Senku explained "we"re gonna hunt for materials to make weapons. Starting at Hakone!"

They set out on their way

"Just think of it as a big, 80 kilometer adventure" Senku said

"That's like two full marathons. We can knock it out in five hours" Taiju said as he smiled

"Maybe a freak of nature like you" he said to him bluntly

As the girls walked behind them, Emi said "he never changes" Yuzuriha nods at her and noticed the cherry blossom petals falling

"The cherry blossoms seem different somehow." Yuzuriha said to herself

"Because the ones we're used to, called Prunus yedoensis aren't self-pollinating." He looks at a petal as he explained

"That means" she asked

Emi answered as she found a cherry blossom "they went extinct" she then placed it in her hair like a barrette.

As they head to the mountains with Senku exhausted from walking, Tajiu smiled and walks runs to the cliff "Man, what an amazing View!

"It's perfect" Senku said as he reaches something in his bag

Senku pulled out a sextant which Taiju asked "uh. What's that thing? A scope?"

"It's a sextant, Tajiu, a very old way to use GPS" Emi said as she used her thumb and angle her direction

"It's been 35,970 seconds since sunrise." Senku said.

"You just spit that number out like it was no big deal." Yuzuriha said as she jumped a bit.

Taiju said as he chuckled a bit "well, while he was a statue, he counted for hundreds of billions of seconds, even emi as well, so they are both pretty good at it by now"

He explained what a sextant is and what it does based on the time but noticed that it wasn't helping.

Emi looked around and said "I believe we are around Kamakura, I'm not sure, since Japan is covered in rock and moss, it blocks out the path and location for us"

"Are you sure there aren't any building or landmarks around" Tajiu asked

"They've all crumbled after this long. There's nothing left" Senku said

Behind them, Yuzuriha looked around then gasped as she saw something, which cause her friends attention

"Hey something the matter" Tajiu asked the Yuzuriha started running off somewhere.

Her friends followed her and we're lead to a big clearing in the trees.

As they stop running, they were infront of the buddha statue

Yuzuriha said "kamakura's landmarks still standing.

As they panted a bit, Senku said "our location is 35 degrees, 19 minutes north by 139 degrees, 32 minutes east.

As they look at buddha with silence, emi started to remember the place here

"Dear look at this" Emi's Grandma said as they were walking around and 7 year old Emi with a book in her hand

"The Buddha Statue, it's very big" she looks up at it

She nods and bows with her hands together " lets pray for my health," she said and coughs a bit

Emi nods and bows as well "please make my grandmother feel better, she is the only family I have left"

(Flashback end)

Emi was silent for a bit and had a tear stream down her cheek "grandma" she muttered.

She didn't notice that Yuzuriha cried as well, which made Tajiu get upset and yelled "Hey! What's wrong Yuzuriha?!, Did someone make you cry?! Was it me?!"

She tried to calm down Tajiu and tell him why she was crying.

Emi kept looking at the statue, then felt her tear wiped away "thinking about her and them again?" Senku said as he wipes her tears away.

She nods at him and looks at the ground "cheer up, there is no time to mope, we got work to do to stop Tsukasa" he smiled at her.

She nods at him again then said "you're right and it's amazing that the statue didn't rot or completely fall apart"

Taiju said "you're right you guys! Thank the great buddha here for showing us the way. And Emi is right, it's still standing after thousands of years, just like a god or like a buddha"

He smiled "well, anyway, it's a true inspiration" he laughed.

"Well yeah. The statues made out of bronze. The chemical compound's resistant to corrosion." Senku explained then saw Emi feel the statue

"You're right the roughness and smoothness is a sign of bronze and it doesn't rot like metal" she explained

"There is no trees or plants or anything growing around the buddha! its like he wanted us to find him so he made it super easy!" Taiju said happily

"Well, yeah. It's leaking copper ions like crazy. And those are toxic to most kind of vegetation" Senku explained

He slammed his fist to his hand "that gives me an idea, though! We'll use bronze to make mirrors"

He lunges on the statue with tools in his hand "Emi come here, it's time to give my crappy sextant an upgrade! I just need some of this so..".

Emi followed him and starts getting pieces "on it".

Taiju yelled with shock "No stop! Ah! That is like so wrong" he ran to stop them "don't hurt the great Buddha"

Yuzuriha watches her friends as she giggled with a smile as she watches them fight

-at sunset-

The four continue walking up the mountains as they stop to rest for the night.

Emi helped to make some soup for her friends.

As the night came, Senku asked as he glared at Taiju tiredly "what the hell are you doing"

"Guarding us against predators and Tsukasa might come after us, too." Taiju said with a spread in his hands.

Senku chuckled

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