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Another Fairytail member is going to play today. His name is Elfman and he's Mira and Lisannas brother. He was going against a guy who seriously likes posing. "Let's make a bet. Your sisters are a couple of smoking hot little women" Poser said. "So? What's the point?" Elfman asked. "Come on man I know you can't be that dense. If I win , they keep me company tonight both at the same time" Poser said as my eyes widened. "That's dirty! I will beat you to a pulp!" I yelled , my aura bouncing off me. "Looks like I hit a few nerves, eh? Especially their little Sabertooth boyfriend~" Poser smirked as I glared my famous glare at him . "Come on Elfman! Beat him up!" I screamed. Elfman was knocked to the ground by Poser, surprisingly good magic for a man of his status. "Oh man..I can't wait" Poser licked his lips. Minerva literally had to hold me back at this point and she was struggling. "Jesus Christ Shadow, get a grip!" Minerva yelled. "No way M! Did you just see what guy just did?! He deserves to be put six feet under , dead or alive!" I screamed. Suddenly, Elfman had a strike back and they fought for a while. Then Poser pretended to win but then dropped to the ground. I cheered so loud, everyone could hear it.

"Hey Y/n?" Mira came up to me after the match. "Yeah?" I asked. "Thanks" she kissed my cheek and walked away. I blushed and smiled, rubbing my cheek.
~  M I R A VS J E N N Y~
I blushed madly as Mira and Jenny changed into swimsuits and did poses. Mira glanced at me and blew me a kiss. I chuckled while blushing and blew her a kiss back. Soon all the girls from the other guilds went down there in swimsuits and I was a blushing mess. "Aren't you going down M?" I asked. "As if!" Minerva blushed. "Time for a girl to grab a lucky guy and marry!" The presenter said. "Let's go on down there" Minerva said, grabbing me and jumping down. "M! I don't wanna do this!" I yelled. "Will you stop complaining?!" Minerva screamed. "If my wife is gonna yell at me, I'll stay single!" I screamed back. "If you keep screaming the arena down, I will beat you to a pulp!" Minerva smashed her head against mine. "I'd like to see you try!" I screeched, smashing my head back. Then some old woman came along and saved me from my suffering so the match went back to how it was supposed to be. Mira started acting adorable so I couldn't avoid blushing. They quickly made a bet which made me blush even more. Mira glanced at me and winked , damn she's really tryna make me blush today.

She then transformed into the She devil if I'm not mistaken. She was a devil obviously, but I still saw a little of bit of Mira in there. Mira then beat the crap out of the girl and I cheered with every inch of vocal I could get. "OH MY GOD SHADOW, SHUT UP!" Minerva yelled at me. "NO YOU" I screamed back.

"Congratulations Mira! You really wiped the floor with that girl!" I smiled. "Thank you, but I wish I didn't have to talk such violent approaches. I prefer not to fight" Mira said. "Me too. Hurting innocent people just really isn't my style, you know?" I said. "Uh Huh. It's weird how alike we are even though we are from different guilds" Mira smiled at me. "Yeah. I wish everyone from my guild felt the same way " I sighed. "Huh?" Mira asked. "They aren't afraid to hurt the innocent. Apparently, Sting and Rogue killed their own dragons. I wish I could show them a way in the world where killing is unnecessary" I said. "You're very sweet Y/n. Anyway, isn't one of your wizards going next?" Mira kissed my cheek. "Yeah Yukino is going up against some girl named Kagura" I nodded my head. "Let's go there together" She grabbed my hand and stood up. "Okay, let's go" I smiled at her.
~Y U K I N O VS K A G U R A ~

Mira and I walked there together then spilt ways because I need to go wish Yukino luck. "Hey Yuki!" I ran up to Yukino. "Y/n! Come to wish me luck?" Yukino asked. "Uh Huh. You're gonna beat her to a pulp! But please don't kill her, okay?" I pleaded. "No promises" Yukino smiled, going into the arena. "I wish there was a promise.." I mumbled. Yukino went and wagered their lives with Kagura. "Uh Yuki? You sure you know what you're doing?" I yelled. She looked at me and nodded while smiling. Kagura looked at me too and I felt my cheeks heat up. I still felt worried for Yukino as I had heard Kagura was pretty powerful. "Open! Gate of the giant fish! Come Pisces!" Yukino held up her key. Kagura began dodging the two fish and Yukino ended up opening another gate. "Crap. It's Libra! Gotta Run!" I whispered, running away. "No way!" Libra caught me and threw me to the ground. "I'll deal with you later" Libra hissed as she proceeded to fight Kagura.

It looked like Yukino was winning but then Kagura somehow stopped the attack. Libra was squished under Pisces and I laughed at her and returned to the stand. Yukino opened the 13th gate and one spirit I had never seen before popped out. Kagura then started winning and then won. My mouth was wide open and I realized what this meant for Yukino. I gulped and jumped down to the arena. "I've been defeated..I've let Sabertooth down..." Yukino had tears in her eyes. "Nonononnono. Don't cry. You know I can't handle it when you cry" I kneeled down beside her , tears in my eyes now. "Y/n. Goodbye" Yukino started full on crying. "Don't talk like that! Come on, let's get you inside" I said, struggling to keep my tears under control while picking her up. "I'm so sorry" Yukino cried. "You have nothing to be sorry for" I said quietly, taking her inside.

"Your performance today was utterly pathetic, miserable riches. Tell me what makes our guild stand above others in this competition. We don't talk to them, we crush them underneath our feet. We're focused on something much bigger in the tournament, to rouse the land beneath us and silence the raging seas. For you see , that is the Sabertooth way. Sting, I've decided to give you one more chance to redeem yourself. I don't ever want to see such a pitiful performance from you again. Yukino, there's no excuse for what happened in your battle. Do you realise what you have done?" The Master asked. "Yes sir. I lost to a person from a lesser guild. I tarnished the Sabertooth name" Yukino looked at the floor as Master threw fruit at her. "That's not what I'm talking about. You wagered your life and you lost, even worse you let your opponent show mercy on you and your guild. You're an embarrassment to Sabertooth" Master said. "I'm fully prepared to accept any punishment you feel is appropriate sir" Yukino said. "Good girl. Then you would throw it all away" Master asked. "Yes sir. If that is what you wish" Yukino said. "Y/n. Strip" Master said. "What did I do Master?" I asked confused. "You've been socialising with the Fairytail guild. You helped Yukino off the arena, even though you are forbidden not to. You refuse to hurt innocent people. Strip. You don't deserve the Sabertooth guild mark" Master said. "At least I fight for what's right" I said. "What did you say?" Master gritted his teeth. "Maybe I don't want to be in the Sabertooth guild anymore. Maybe I'd rather join Fairytail!" I yelled , stripping. Master glared at me and took off my guild mark, throwing fruit at me. I glared at him back and grabbed Yukino's hand. "Come on Yuki, let's go" I said as we walked towards our rooms. I quickly packed all my stuff and put on some normal clothes. I met Yukino outside and she started crying. So I put my arm around her and we walked out of the guild. I felt Minerva's stare and I turned back and blew her one last kiss.

I spotted Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Wendy and Carla and I waved at them. "Y/n!" They ran over to me. "Hey guys? We're in a bit of trouble" I rubbed the back of my neck. They took us to a hotel .

Happy offered us fish and I smiled and shook my head. "I wanted to see you" Yukino said, looking at Lucy. "To see me? What about?" Lucy asked. "I have something I'd like to discuss with you" Yukino said. "Your guild send you here to try and mess with her or something?" Natsu asked. "You know Y/n wouldn't come with her if she was going to do that!" Wendy said. "I realize this is out of the blue but please take these" Yukino put down on the table Libra's key and Pisces' key. "I want you to have them. They should belong to someone who can use them properly" Yukino said. "What?" Lucy and I gasped. "You can't give up your keys Yuki! They're your pride and joy!" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. "No way! I couldn't! Think this through!" Lucy said. "I already have. I made up my mind after watching you fight, I was going to give them to you once the tournament was over anyway" Yukino said. "So why not just wait till then?" Natsu asked. "The Games were over for me the moment I lost" Yukino said. "Minerva will take my place. Tomorrow you'll be up against Sabertooth's strongest. The five members transformed the guild into the powerhouse it is today" Yukino said.
Yukino then explained about Minerva and her keys. Lucy rejected the keys and Yukino looked at the ground. "I hope this isn't the last time we meet" Yukino said. "Goodbye" I smiled at them and we set off.

"Please wait up!" Happy yelled. "Natsu? Happy?" I asked. "Good! You actually stopped! I guess you really aren't such a bad person after all!" Natsu said to Yukino. Mine and Yukino's eyes widened. "Hang on! You can't just assume someone's bad just cause they're in a evil guild! I thought you were bigger than that Natsu!" Happy said. "Well I knew Y/n wasn't bad but how was I supposed to know Yukino wasn't? And we came to apologise to her you dummy!" Natsu said. "Huh?" Yukino asked. "My bad!" Natsu smiled. "I'm sorry, don't mind him. Believe it or not, he can be mature when he really wants to be" Happy said. "Thanks I can really feel the love!" Natsu said sarcastically . "You followed us all the way out here just to apologise to me?" Yukino asked. "Well yeah! It's the least I could do when you both look so down in the dumps! Though I guess following you both out here might have seemed a little creepy" Natsu grinned. "No you're very kind" Yukino said. "Good! For a second there I thought things might get awkward!" Natsu said. Yukino then started to cry and I put my arm around her. "Don't cry Yuki! You'll start me off!" I wiped her tears, tears started to prickle my eyes.

She hugged me and we both started crying. "I can't take it!" Yukino cried. "What?!" Natsu asked. "It's just...no one's ever been this kind! Except from Y/n! I looked up to them once. The members of Sabertooth were my idols! And then I finally joined them! But then I'll never get to step foot in the guild again! We were forced to leave! Y/n stood up for me and got kicked out too! Just because of one defeat..i was humiliated! He made me erase my own guild mark..and I took Y/n down with me...it was so frustrating and so embarrassing...he took my self respect and shattered it into pieces. Sabertooth was our home and we'll never see it again!" Yukino cried into my shoulder. "I don't usually care about what goes inside other guilds..." Natsu started. "Natsu!" Happy yelled. "Please, it's none of your business! But I can't hold it back!" Yukino cried. "You're right, it ain't my business but .." Natsu continued to go attack the Sabertooth guild. "It's okay Yuki.. Natsu's taking care of it..." I smiled. "He doesn't need to.." Yukino said. "He's amazing" I said. "Thank you for standing up for me. Sorry I got you kicked out" Yukino said. "It's fine. It wasn't your fault" I hugged her.

"Hey Yuki?" I asked the next morning. "Yes?" Yukino asked. "Maybe we should go and see them. Natsu went on a rampage after all" I smiled. "No way. Wow" Yukino smiled. "Listen Yuki, I'm gonna go see the matches. Cya later, okay?" I smiled. "Bye!" Yukino said as I ran away.

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