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The matches started to bore me as it was the same cycle over and over. Thought I was quite excited for the next one as it was a Fairytail member VS some other dude. Ever since I met Erza, I've become quite fond of the guild. They all care about each other so much, just like family. I hadn't talked to any other member, but they are quite amusing to watch while the boring matches were going on. The Fairytail member came into the ring, covered by bandages. He was supposedly named Mystogan and a contender for Fairytail's strongest member. Mystogan was about to defeat the dude when he dropped to the floor laughing. This man was hysterical as he kicked his legs up in the air. It was really funny to me for some reason and I started laughing too. Mystogan glanced up at me and started laughing even more.

~ E P I S O D E 1 6 1~
I walked into the Fairytail territory and they all looked at me. "You're with Sabertooth!" The pink haired dude screamed, running at me. "Oh be quiet, I've come to see Erza" I said, dodging the Pinkie. "Erza hit up a Sabertooth?" A drunk girl asked. "What?! NO I DID NOT!" Erza blushed, hitting the drunk girl. "Y/n, what's up?" Erza asked. "I came here to see you to you know talk and meet your friends" I said. "Oh cool! Well that's Mira, the drunk girl is Cana, the pink haired boy is Natsu, the blond girl is Lucy, the shirtless boy is Gray, that's Juvia, Laxus.." she introduced me to the whole guild. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Y/n L/n" I said. "Wait like the real thing?" Lucy asked. "Uh Huh" I smiled. "Why's your guild so nasty?" A blue cat asked. "Happy!" Erza kicked Happy. "No it's okay, our guild  is pretty harsh" I said. "Then why do you stay?" Natsu asked. "Well it's where I grew up and all my friends are there" I smiled. "Well you're pretty hot for a Saber..if you ever get tired of Sabertooth..we'll be here..." Cana said, staggering up to me. "Well I'm flattered, I'll keep that in mind" I grinned. "Want a drinking contest?" Cana asked. "Well I'm no lightweight, bring it on" I smirked.
Cana and I ended up getting really drunk and I flirted with basically every girl I could find. I then fell asleep in someone's lap.

I woke up and as soon as I looked up I saw Erza fast asleep. I realized I was on her lap and blushed madly. My head hurt enormously so I got up and got a glass of water. The rest of the guild was knocked out. I made my way back to Erza and sat beside her , drinking my water. Erza's head fell onto my shoulder and I smiled , just staring at her.

An hour passed and Erza started to stir. As soon as she opened her eyes, she blushed so hard she went as scarlet as her hair. "Morning" I said casually as she scooted away from me. "Did we-?" She started but I shook my head. "I'm so sorry!" She squirmed. "It's okay Red, I didn't mind" I laughed lightly. "Anyway, I'm going home to get some rest because I can't be bothered to go to the GMGs today. Cya" I smiled warmly, starting to walk away. "Y/n wait!" Erza said. "Yeah?" I asked. "This new nickname. Red. I like it" she smiled. "Get used to it" I laughed , walking out of the bar.

I walked back home, only to find Minerva waiting for me. "Where have you been?" Minerva asked. "Out" I replied. "You've been with the fairies, haven't you? Shadow you cannot afford to get close to them! Master will kick you out of the guild!" Minerva yelled. "I'm allowed to make friends!" I yelled. "I wish you could too but you and I both know that the Master would never allow it!" She yelled. "Well then he's retarded" I said with venom in my voice.

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