32 | coffee & cats

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"As Promised, here's an Iced Caramel Macchiato," Bhai said, handing me my drink as I got into the car.

"Best Bhai ever!" I squealed, grabbing the drink and immediately taking a sip.

"I know," He said with a smirk.

"So I saw you and Zayn we're getting along well in the group chat..." He said

"Bhai, we literally said two sentences. What are you talking about," I said, taking a sip of my heaven in a cup.

"I'm just saying, but Saima, be careful. I don't need you guys flirting before marriage," He grumbled.

"Hey, you're the one who created the group chat!" I said defensively

"I know! I'm just saying no excessive texting and definitely no texting outside of the group chat," He said sternly.

"Yes, Bhai," I grumbled.

"Do you want to move forward? If you want to talk to each other one on one, I can arrange something?"

Did I want to do that? Get to know him for marriage? This could be very risky especially if we didn't work out.

"Saima, we can't have them waiting forever. I know he said to take your time but.."

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I asked, I hadn't told anyone about that little interaction.

He looked over at me, "Do you think Zayn's going to talk to you alone, purposely? He asked me if he could go, and I listened in, of course," He said, rolling his eyes. "He's smarter than that Saima"  

I felt very flattered and impressed by his cautiousness. Not many would have stepped out of their way and be careful like that.


 After a short drive, we had finally arrived

"Thank you," I said, exiting the car,

"I'll be here when you're done," He said, pulling out his phone.

As I walked into the building, I felt so nervous. I kept reminding myself that I have Allah and that I got this. History will not repeat itself. This was giving me such Deja Vu, and I hated it. The memories of my last interview kept resurfacing, and the events after that.

"Hi I'm here for an interview," I said to the receptionist.  As she was looking for my interview slot, I scanned the building. For a Law Firm, it did feel homey and more put together. Compared to Robinson's Law Firm. Everything was nice and crisp, the color scheme was lovely, everything looked organized, and the people seemed friendly. She smiled at me and directed me where to go.
My palms were sweating, and I was slightly shaking. I knocked on the door, to find,

"Emilia?" There she was, my previous co-worker.
"Ah, Saima! Surprise! I'm going to be interviewing you today!"I took a seat across from her,

"Before I start, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what happened, and I'm even more sorry for not reaching out to you sooner." I waved it off, turns out after what happened, Emilia had quit and got a job here.
The interview went smoothly, and once it was done, I shook her hand.

"You got the job!" She said as I walked out the door,

"Just like that?"

 "Yep! I will email you all the information along with details about when we're going to have coffee to catch up," She said with a wink. I waved and went back down to the parking lot where Bhai was still parked. I'm sure he has things to do, no idea why he decided to wait in the parking lot for an hour. I got in the car and informed Bhai about getting the job, Emilia, and all of that stuff.
"Congrats, Saima. I'm so proud of you; you're growing up so fast. Next thing I know, you're getting married," He said with a teasing grin.

"About that..."

"You can tell everyone that we can move forward with the proposal," I mumbled very quietly.

"Say that again," Bhai said, smirking, fully knowing what I said.

"You know what I said. Bhai, don't make me repeat it," I groaned, frustrated. 

"Nope," He said, popping the "P." He was enjoying this way too much. 

"I didn't hear you, Saima, please repeat what you said"

"We can move forward with the proposal," I yelled.


After my little confessional, Bhai had informed Baba, who then told Uncle Tahmeed, who then informed the rest of the family. Today they would all be coming over formally to discuss the proposal, and if all goes well, we will move on to get engaged. But I'm not thinking that far ahead. I just want to get through today. All week I had terrible jitters, and I could barely work. Even Emilia noticed. I told her about Zayn and she said, I quote "Marry him or I will"

I was currently sitting on my bed amused, as I watched Bhabi pace around with her huge belly, trying to find me an outfit. It seemed she was more excited than me. Although I was pretty excited but the nervousness overtook that feeling.

"I can't wait! Ah, my two favorite people getting married!!" She exclaimed, examining a dress. 

"Bhabi," I groaned, "How many times do I need to remind you, we're not even engaged; who knows, this might not even work out." I said calmly. 

She looked at me, wide-eyed. "Do not say that Saima Rahman, Inshallah, this will work out."

"Inshallah," I mumbled.

"What about this?" She asked, showing me this very extravagant Salwar Kameez,

"They've seen me many times, that's too fancy, let's save it for the wedding," I joked.

"Yeah, but this time they see you, is for marriage," She said, putting the dress away.

"Do I have to talk to his parents?" I asked. I haven't heard anything about Zayn's parents. No one ever mentions them. Would they be coming to the wedding?

Bhabi froze, "Zayn's mom is dead. Saima and his Dad's in jail," She whispered.

Inna Lilah, that's terrible, "Oh," I responded not knowing what else to say.

Before I could further question, Zara came running into my room with a stunning dress in her hands, after catching her breath from climbing one flight of stairs, "Mama said to wear this," She huffed, her hands on her knees as she bent down trying to catch her breath.

It was a stunning blush pink suit with silver detailing, with a pastel blue dupatta that had the most intricate designs. It was beautiful.

Bhabi squealed at the sight of the dress and waddled over to it, examining it. She looked at me, then at the dress and then me again, nodding her head. "Perfect," She whispered.


"Why do I have to my hair if I'm wearing a hijab" I groaned. I was seated at my vanity while Zara straightened my hair - which made no sense since she would put it in a bun after. I had just finished doing my makeup. It was super light and minimal, a bit of a wing liner, mascara, some silver eyeshadow in the inner corner of my eye, and some lip gloss. Thankfully, my skin was pretty clear, so I only had to use the tiniest bit of concealer for my dark under-eye circles.

"They're here!" Bhabi yelled from downstairs. The game plan was for me to stay in the kitchen until I was called into the living room, where everyone was seated. Zara added the finishing touches to my hair, and I wrapped my silver chiffon hijab, throwing one of the ends over my shoulder.

I quietly went down to the kitchen and stood in front of the fridge, tasting some of Mama's Keer. I could hear everyone conversing. Zara gripped my hand. It felt like there was a tornado inside, my palms were sweaty, and I felt like I was going to puke.

Eventually, Bhabi slowly came to the kitchen, "Let's go," She whispered, tugging my hand. But I didn't move. I couldn't move. 

"I'm scared Bhabi," I whispered. I felt like crying, but I knew Bhabi would kill me if I ruined my makeup. I couldn't do this.

She lifted my chin, so I looked right at her, "Nothing bad will happen, just be you," She said with a smile.

Hand in hand with my two sisters, We walked into the living room, "Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," I said, looking down, I didn't think I'd be this shy, but I couldn't even look at anyone.

A chorus of Salaams was heard. Judging by everyone's feet, Bhai, Baba, Zayn and Uncle were all seated on one end of the room while Mama, Aunty, Rukaiya, and Fatima the other. I ended up sitting in between Mama and Bhabi.

The adults were having small talk until Uncle began,

"Since Zayn's parents aren't here, we will step in," I noticed Zayn's feet tense, at the mention of his parents.

Baba nodded and started asking question's to Zayn about Islam and his job. He was very intact with his deen and was involved in many Islamic activities. He teaches at the Islamic school every Friday and is involved with the MSA.

They discussed other things like my education and family stuff until Baba asked, "Would you two like to talk to each other alone?" I froze. I didn't want to talk to him alone. I think Bhai noticed my nervousness and agreed for me. As everyone left the room, I gripped onto Bhabi's arm, "Don't go," I whispered.

"You'll be okay. We'll be a room over, and the door is open," She said with a wink.

Bhabi then looked at Zayn and mouthed something to which he nodded. That was the first time I looked up. He had a tinge of nervousness in his eyes as he watched everyone exit the room. A strand of his black hair fell on his forehead, which he quickly brushed away.

Once everyone was gone, he looked at me, "I hope you don't mind, but I wrote down some questions," He said, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket.

"Not at all, I did the same," Grabbing the piece of paper from the side. Last night, I had written question's that I wanted to know before I married someone. Like their expectations of the marriage, goals and how they handle finances. Bhabi told me I was being crazy for asking such serious questions but I didn't want to marry someone and find out that they had millions in debt after we get married.

"You go first," He said, amusement in his eyes as I fiddled with the paper.

"Uhm, what's your favorite color" I cringed. When I was writing the questions, I wrote whatever for the first couple since I didn't know what to write.

"If I answer this question wrong, will it be a dealbreaker?" He said teasingly

"Maybe," I responded, amused and slightly shocked that he hasn't run away yet.

"Blue, what's yours?"

"Red," I said with a laugh. 

"So you're a lawyer right?" He asked

I shook my head, "Not yet, I haven't taken the BAR yet, once I take that then I'll be an official Lawyer. I got a new job at a Law Firm nearby and I'm basically working as a lawyer" I explained, he listened attentively and nodded.

 "What are your career goals? I heard you work at Microsoft?" I asked curious to learn more about him.

"Yeah! I'm thrilled with what I do and all the contributions I've made in the tech world. I think my goal is to move up positions in my job, but besides that Alhamdulillah I think I've reached my career goals." He said proudly, an excited gleam in his eyes as he spoke about his passions.

After that, we exchanged many more serious questions, like having children and raising them, which made me blush like crazy to lighthearted but essential questions like adopting cats and favorite soccer teams. It didn't even feel too formal. I was enjoying our conversation, I didn't want it to end.

"Do you have any other questions?" He asked.

"Nope, do you?" He shook his head, and we both got up. He gestured for me to exit first, so I headed to the dining room where everyone was seated. 

"Done?" Baba asked, as everyone else eyed us suspiciously. 

We both nodded, from the corner of my eye I could see him looking back at me, a tiny smile on his face.

"Okay, let's eat!"


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