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"Mom!" I called out of the hallway. "Do we have another roll of tape?"

"Yes, did you check the-"

"Never mind," I cut her off. "I found it."

I taped my last box and stacked it amongst the others. Sighing in relief, I took a last look around my room. Obviously, I wasn't going to take everything with me. I wouldn't need all of my stuffed animals and boy band posters.

My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Y/N," Harry greeted.

"Oh hey, Harry. What's up?"

"I know you said you were finishing up packing today and I just wanted to know if you needed help moving your stuff?"

"That would be great actually. My boyfriend is also going to use his car. I'll text you the address to my house."

"Okay, I'll see you then."

Alex walked into my room after I sent Harry the address.

I gave him a kiss. "Oh, you're here! Great."

He surveyed the room. "Those are a lot of boxes," he commented.

I rolled my eyes. "Not really. Let's start taking them down to our cars. Harry is going to help us, by the way."

"That's nice of him," he replied, stacking two boxes on top of each other and carrying them. "His roommate already moved out, right?"

I grabbed a box. "Yeah, a few days ago. He just had to wait two weeks before moving into his own place. I can't wait for you to see the apartment."

"Well, from the pictures you sent me, it looks pretty good."

We treaded carefully down the stairs.

"Do you need any help, honey?" my mom asked once we got down. She was writing on some paperwork.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"David! Julian! Come help your sister move her stuff into the cars."

"Why do I have to help her?" Julian complained.

"Yeah, that's not our stuff," David agreed.

My mother shot them a death stare. "Go, now!"

They grumbled something under their breaths, but hurried up the stairs to grab some things.

"Thanks, mom."

"I'll make sure to tell your dad to help you, too."

"That's fine. Harry is coming to help me."

I followed Alex out the front door and into the driveway, where both of our cars have the trunks and doors open.

"Is there any particular way you want the boxes to be separated?" Alex asked.

"Let's try to fit all the boxes in one car so the other ones can be used for the bigger furniture," I told him.

He placed his boxes first. "That's a good idea. What pieces are you taking?"

"My bed frame and mattress, the dresser, and the nightstand I think. I've already taken some apart so they can fit better." I stacked mine next to the others.

David and Julian came carrying a few bags and a small box.

"Put them here," I directed them. "You guys get the smaller stuff. Alex and I will get the bigger things."

Back upstairs, Alex and I struggled to carry the mattress. Well, it was mostly me who was struggling.

"Hello?" a voice called from outside my room.

"Harry!" I exclaimed.

"Your parents let me up," he said.

"'Sup man," Alex greeted.

"So glad you're here," I told Harry. "Can you help Alex with the mattress? I think I'd drop it halfway down the stairs."

"Yeah, of course. Umm, how do I get to you?"

"Go under the mattress. Alex and I will lift it."

"On three, Y/N," said Alex. "One, two, three."

Harry ducked under the small opening and to the corner of the room where I was practically pressed against. He accidentally knocked into my elbow and apologized.

"Alex, move back a little please. We're very crowded over here," I told him.

The mattress slid forward. "Okay, how's that?"

Harry and I shifted forward.

"Much better." I blew my hair out of my face. "Thanks again for coming."

"It's the least I can do."

I clapped my hands together. "Okay, then. Let's finish this up, guys."

About an hour later, I shoved the last box into Harry's jeep. I said goodbye to my parents and annoying brothers.

"I'll try to come visit when I don't have work," I told them.

Back at the apartment, we parked as close as possible to where it was located. I groaned thinking about taking everything up three floors.

"What time is it?" I asked Alex.

"Almost two."

"We have enough time."

By the time the sun set, we finished assembling my bed and dresser. We decided those were the most important things to do first. I could do the rest in the next few days when I wouldn't be at work.

Harry left Alex and I alone in my room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and grinned. "Thank you for helping me today. You're the best boyfriend."

"You're absolutely welcome," he said and leaned in to kiss me.

Our lips parted as the kiss deepened. My fingers tangled in my hair and his gripped my hips. I pulled back before things got too serious. I mean, Harry was right in the other room. We would have time for this when my room was not a huge mess.

He checked the time on his watch. "I should get going. I have the closing shift." He gave me a peck on the lips.

I grabbed his hand in mine. "Okay, I'll walk you to the door."

Harry wasn't in the living room or kitchen so I assumed he was in his room.

I opened the front door. Alex and I said goodbye, promising to message each other later.

I closed the door and almost jumped when I heard Harry's voice.

"You hungry?" Harry asked. He was currently leaning against the doorway of his room. He wasn't in jeans, but rather a pair of sweats and a tank. His hair was out of his usual bun and flowed down to his shoulders.

I nodded. "Starving. I never really liked moving." I walked towards him. "What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking about ordering pizza."

"Add breadsticks, too. They're my favorite."

He laughed and pulled out his phone, dialing the number to the pizza place, I supposed. "Okay. I will."

I took my hair out of its ponytail. "Let me just go shower. I'm sure I smell."

It took me a couple of minutes to find the boxes with my shit. I grabbed my towel, shampoo and conditioner, clothes, and a razor because I hadn't shaved my legs in what seemed like weeks. I was lazy like that.

I placed my stuff on the counter of the sink and paused when I looked at the shower. It wasn't anything super special. Just a stall with glass doors. What made me pause was the fact that I didn't know how to freaking turn it on!

I unlocked the door and stuck my head out.

Harry was in the living took watching TV. He turned to me. "Something wrong?"

I laughed and nodded. "How do I turn the shower on?"

He stood up and walked over, all with a teasing smile on his face. I stood there awkwardly as he explained it how to turn it on and change the temperature. Water shot out of shower head.

"Thank you!"

"It's no problem," he said. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Will do."

I showered as quickly as I could. I pulled on a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt and walked down the hall to drop off my dirty clothes, drying my hair with my towel. I brushed it out and headed to the kitchen. I was really hungry.

Harry sat at the table with a pizza box and some bottles of soda. "I didn't think it was polite to start without you."

I slid into my seat. "You're so nice. Thanks."

He opened the box and passed me two slices of pepperoni on a paper plate, while I popped off the soda caps.

I moaned appreciatively after taking my first bite and felt my cheeks redden. I looked at Harry out of the corner of my eye.

He was trying to suppress a grin. "You enjoying yourself there?"

I raised my head. "Actually, I am."

He clinked his bottle against mine. "You are one interesting girl, Y/N."


My mouth opened in shock. "No way! You work at the same amusement park as me, too?"

He nodded earnestly. "Yes!"

"How come I never see you there? Not even in the employee parking lot."

"Probably because you work in the rides department and I work in foods. And we have different shifts." Harry shrugged, just as surprised as me. "The park is pretty big."

"Yeah. That's probably why." I leaned against the sofa with a sigh.

He rubbed at his eyes. He looked sleepy. I had been keeping him up. How adorable. "We should probably go to sleep. It's getting late," I said in a low voice.

He yawned and gave me a sleepy smile. "That obvious, huh?"

I held two fingers apart. "Just a little." I pushed myself off the sofa and turned off the television. It had been turned down low as background noise. "I will clean up the kitchen tomorrow morning," I offered as we quietly walked to our rooms.

"You don't have to," he told me.

"I'll still do it, though."

He chuckled and turned right. I turned left. I leaned my head against the door. "Goodnight, Harry."

He looked at me for a few seconds before saying, "Goodnight, Y/N," with a sleepy smile and gently closing the door.

I switched on the light to look for my blanket without knocking over anything. It was in a bag by the closet.

A minute or two later, my blanket was pulled up to my chin and I promptly fell asleep.

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