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I sat talking with Joy at some bar. She was going on about some guy she had just met and how great he was. I pretended to listen and looked around in boredom.

Suddenly, hands gripped my waist and I smiled. I turned around and was promptly greeted by a kiss. I opened my eyes, expecting to see Alex's brown eyes, but was shocked to see they were green.

I fell out of my seat. My eyes shot open before I hit the ground.

I sat up and looked around. Clutter surrounded me. I was in my new room. I pressed a hand to my chest. My heart was beating faster than normal. It had all been a dream. It felt so real though.

I ran my hands over my face and shook my head to try to clear my thoughts. It was perfectly normal to dream about someone you had spent the night with before, right? But dreaming about kissing them probably wasn't. A feeling of guilt settled in my stomach even though dreams didn't really mean much. Most of the time they were bullshit. I mean, come on. Did I think that me dreaming about a rabbit jumping onto my head meant something? I didn't think so.

I flung away my blanket and grabbed my phone to check the time. Nine AM. I didn't have to work today, so I could finish unpacking and organizing all my stuff. Not that fun. Maybe I could convince Alex to help me. I pushed that thought out of my mind as the guilt returned. Maybe later. After I had forgotten how a certain dream made me feel.

I changed into my favorite pair of shorts and a tank top. Judging from the amount of sunlight coming in through the window, today was going to be hot. I brushed my hair out and pulled it up into a bun to keep it out of the way.

I found my toothbrush and toothpaste amid my things and went to the bathroom. Harry's door was closed so I assumed he was still asleep.

Imagine my surprise when I saw him standing in front of the sink, brushing his teeth. His hair stuck up at odds ends. Adorable.

I stopped in my tracks, but he waved me in. It was a little awkward getting into the groove of things when living with a new person. I would get used to this eventually.

I wet my brush, squeezed toothpaste onto it, and wet it again. I made sure to keep my mouth shut so that I would not make a mess.

We stood side by side in silence, save for the brushing sounds. It wasn't like we could talk. Unless I wanted to spit foam everywhere.

Harry finished before me, spitting the foam into the sink, rinsing his toothbrush, and raising his eyebrows in what seemed like a form of 'see you outside.'

After brushing my teeth and finishing up my face routine, I went into the kitchen to clean up the mess we left from last night. To my surprise, I found it had all been cleaned by Harry.

I turned to him. "I said I was going to clean it."

He shrugged from his seat on the couch. "Guess I beat you to the punch," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I noticed he had an orange in his hand that he was peeling.

"Any plans for today?"

"I need to run some errands and unpack everything. It's gonna be a productive day."

"Do you need any help? I'm not doing anything," he offered, popping a slice into his mouth.

"Oh," I blinked at him, "if you're fine with doing a little work, then sure. By all means."

Harry smiled. "I'm not afraid to get a little dirty."

I tried to smile back, but instead turned around and began walking to my room as the word "dirty" kept repeating in my head. "I'll get my keys. We can take my car." Dirty dirty dirty.

"You know where the closest one is, right?" Harry buckled his seatbelt.

"Yeah, I do," I replied as I backed out of the parking space.

We got to the store and I grabbed a grocery cart from the entrance.

"Let me push that for you," Harry offered.

"Are you sure? You have done so much already."

He scooted me out of the way and I laughed, throwing my hands in the air. "Okay, then."

"What else did you need again?" he asked.

The grocery cart was currently filled with two cartons of almond milk, lemonade, fruit, vegetables, bread, and cereal.

I struggled to remember what I was missing as I went through my mental list. "Oh! Ice cream and chocolate chip waffles."

"To the freezer section, then." He ran a few feet and hopped onto the bottom rail of cart, riding it down the aisle.

"Harry," I hissed, trying to reign in my laughter, "you are going to fall."

He craned his neck to look behind him. "No, I won't."

"You're about to crash into the display piece," I warned.

He swerved out of the way just in time and stopped in front of the ice cream. "What kind?"

"Coffee and mint chocolate chip. I'll grab the waffles. Get yourself something while you're at it," I told him over my shoulder.


"Think of it as a thank you gift." I grabbed two boxes of waffles and walked back to him.

He shook his head. "No, I can't. Thanks for the offer though."

I make a face. "Why not?"

He shrugged.

"Either you pick a flavor or I'll get every single one," I threatened. "And you know I can't afford to do that, so help a girl out, would you?"

He chuckled, relenting, and opened the freezer door. I watched to see what he would pick out. Cookie dough. Nice.

He placed it in the cart and said, "Thank you, Y/N."

"It's nothing. Now we should go pay. I can't be wasting all my time at the store."

I drove back and we unloaded the grocery bags and hauled them up to our apartment.

"Do you care where I put my food?" I asked Harry.

"No, wherever there is space is fine with me."

"Okay, cool."

I decided I should learn more about him. "Do you like cooking?"

He pulled the almond milk out of the bag. "Yeah, I do. It's kind of therapeutic for me. Especially knowing how all the ingredients come together and make something different. The end result usually isn't too bad either."

"How highly you think of your cooking, Harry."

"The recipes aren't that elaborate." He smiled. "What about you?"

I grimaced. "I think that I would like cooking more if I didn't have to wash all those dishes afterwards."

"I get that," he laughed. "Puts a damper on things."

When we finished putting the food away, we went into my bedroom and started opening up more boxes. Good thing I labeled most of them or we would be doing this blindly.

"I can take it from here," I told him. "The rest is just clothing." I didn't want him to accidentally see my underwear and bras. Now that would be extremely awkward.

"All right." He smiled. "Have fun. I'll be in the living room watching television if you need me."

"Thanks for the offer," I replied, folding a pair of blue jeans.

A couple of minutes into my clothing debacle, Alex called me.

"Hey, baby," he said.

I balanced the cell phone against my shoulder as I hung up a shirt. "Hey."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing much. Just putting my clothes away."

"Do you have a lot left to do?"

"Not really. Harry gave me a hand with my other stuff. He came with me to buy groceries, too."

"Oh, really?" There was surprise in his voice. "That's...nice."

"It was." I grabbed a sweater to hang. "How was your day? I missed you."

"I missed you, too. It was the same old thing here. They called me in for a short shift this morning. I didn't have anything better to do so I went in. Do you want to come over tonight?"

"I should be done by then. I'll call you when I am on my way over. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"Just your cute self."

I giggled. "You are such a suck up, Alex."

"Is it working?"

"Maybe a little."

He chuckled. "Good. I'll see you later."

"See you later."

After I hung up, I started playing music on my phone. Time to push through and finish this job.


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