Uncle Ben's rice

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This is the  u L t I m A t E   fandom universe test thinggy

What is your Hogwarts house:





Your Hunger Games Distric:


-2(Masonry and weapon manufacturing)



-5(Power and electricity)







-12(Coal mining)

-13(Mining Graphite and nuclear industry)

Your Infinity Stone:







Your LOTR breed:






Your GoT house: (why are there so fucking much, omg-)

-House Lannister

-House Baratheon

-House Greyjoy

-House Tyrell

-House Martell

-House Targaryen

-House Arryn

-House Tully

-House Bolton

-House Frey

-House Stark

-House Blackfyre

-House Baratheon of Dragonstone

-House Baelish

-House Blacktyde

-House Blackmont

-House Botley

Your Divergent faction: 

-Dauntless (the brave)

-Amity (the kind)

-Erudite (the intelligent)

-Abnegation (the selfless)

-Candor (the honest)

Your tales of Arcadia origin: 





Your ATLA bending: 






Your Disney princess















Your Dragon Prince element:







-Dark magic

Your academy: 

-the umbrella academy

-the Sparrow academy 

Your StarWars lightsaber: 

-green(strong with the force)

-blue(strong with the saber) 


-purple(Samuel L Jackson wanted a purple lightsaber so he got one)

Your Maze runner survival terrain: 



-Last city

Your Camp Halfblood cabin: 

















Your Arcane Technology: 


-The undercity(Chemtech) 

Your Httyd dragon: 



-Barf and Belch



Your Animox kingdom: 



-Under water

-Insects and Arachids


OohH how very sPeCiAl~

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