That's not my Name

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Things to call Leo Valdez 🔥

1. Firecracker

2. Flameo hot man

3. Salsa man 

4. Hot cheeto boy

5.  Fire bender

6. Firefighter

7. Spanish Tortilla boi

8. Voice Crack

9. Firework 

10. Hot dam 

11. Human torch

12. Candlelight 

13. (Open 4 suggestions) 

Things to call Percy Jackson 🌊

1. Aqua man 

2. Kelp face 

3. Scubadiver

4. Plankton

5. Fishyy

6. Sass Guardian, guardian of the sass 

7. Ariel

8. Seaweed-brain

9. Jetski

10.  Fucking blood-bender 

11. SpongeBob

12. Nemo

13. (Open 4 suggestions) 

Things to call Nico di Angelo 💀

1. Sad Italien boi

2. Pizza without Pizza

3. Spooky scary skeleton

4. Starboy

5. Hellman

6. Runaway 

7. little Rainbow

8. Corn 

9. Klaus 2.0

10. Loki 

11. Black Cat 

12. NOT a vampire 

13. (Open 4 suggestions)

Things to call Will Solace☀️

1. Sunshine

2. Glowstick

3. Sunnyboy

4. Second Rainbow

5. William Shakespeare 

6. Golden Retriever

7. Teletubbie's sun 

8. Freckles 

9. Smiley face

10. Doctor Who 

11. Lightbulb

12. Apple juice 

13. (Open 4 suggestions) 

Things to call Jason Grace: ⚡

1: Thor 

2: Glassie

3: Superman

4: Pikachu

5: Bro 

6: Shazam

7: Electric door 

8: Jock 

9: Sbeve Rogers

10: Blondie

11:  Weather man

12: Stabby Mcstab

13: (open 4 suggestions) 

F E E D   M E   M O T H E R 

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