This is another dream.
There was a little village but everything was Mario Cart.
It was my birthday and my little cousin Erik (who wants to be a crazy scientist) made a social experiment, where he wacks small children with a Badminton racket.
Turns out, he was Gandalf all the time.
We then started to annoy some poor window cleaner dude, who tried to climb up a stone wall. We cut his rope and then threw dry grass at him. (Idk why, I've never met this man in my life.)
Suddenly, we were in PE class and our teacher, who looked like a beachball, ordered us to swim like mermaids.
Some huge ass man tried to kill me because I apparently stole his wig. But he was confused, because he got me mixed up with Finn Wolfhard.
Finn took out Pinocchio and stabbed the man through the face. Big wtf moment.
The man's son randomly told me about his terrible childhood but I kicked him into the pool and he got sucked into a black hole and became a NASA scientist in Middle earth.
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