Remember him?

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He- who-must-not-be-named is back again. 

Our class had a weekend together, because last year, it got cancelled because of Corona. 

So we were there, everyone was happy and we had good food yaknow? 

But a certain SOMEONE was also there, eventho he is the new one. 

And I had to pull myself together because I never wanted to shove hot coal down somebodys throat, but Frederic really asked for it. 

He was making fun of one of the girls, because she was the one who had Corona last year, that's why we couldn't have the class weekend.  

He said it was her fault and she almost cried, eventho she didn't do anything wrong. 

And she's just such a Sweetheart and a wonderful person and Fucking Frederic made her feel bad! 

LUCKILY, he got demolished by 29 girls shortly after. 

I just can't stand this shucking shucked shuck-face with his TwO yEaRs oF hIsToRy cLaSsEs, sO hE's a PrOfEsSiOnAl, AnD hE kNoWs wHaT hE's tAlKiNg AbOuT. 

Yeah, I wipe my ass by myself so if you need some help, you can ask me because I'm a professional and I know what I'm talking about.

Oh, lord have patience with me.

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