Q/A ...kind of

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I found some random questions and now I'm gonna  ~ a n s w e r  t h e m ~

Good luck

1: May god be with us all. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five four, three, two, one .... Good luck.

2: probably acting. Or something creative

3: A body, duh

4: I already look like a potato, so that's out

5: I have the patience of a hyperactive cat on crack so I can't wait at all

6: Eh...I don't want to say anything because fast food saves my life after a long day at school, but probably... KFC because the Chicken ain't Chickening

7: The process of the female body cleaning out the Uterus

8:  That two episodes of Wandsvision

9: Not smelling the  s t e n c h  of parfume because I HATE this so mothafookin much

10: We leave at dawn, bitches! 

11: My friends don't post shit so probably celebrities

12: Homescapes. That game makes so so angry but I can't leave my dog alone

13: Shit 

14: Write Ryan Reynolds on Instagram

15: dress up as a dinosaur in Bikini for Halloween

16: myself

17: who needs Lotion when you can have ~kNiVeS~

18: wait, some people are actually happy with their face???

19: I dance even if people are watching

20: Sliced throats

21: Trump

22: It's because the phsychic actually runs the lottery 

23: at least one 

24: call it Dumbo

25: Sing Shakira songs with my room-neighbour crying next door

Another one? 

Another one.

1: not so many

2: many

3: Fanta C

4: cry because of fake scenarios 

5: C-

6: Rasberry because I am sour all the time but some people like me 

7: Watch small children fall and cry

8: *Depressed-flavoured confusion*

9: Captain America- the first Avenger

10: Can I go into different universes?

11: Looks or character ...

12: or maybe both?

13: lol no, because my destiny flew out the window as soon as she saw that face of disappointment 

14: You mean like...existing people???

15: When he's a little protective and caring and sweet and a tiny bit bad but also when he's Tom Hiddleston 

16: One. I'm like my destiny, I don't like that face 

17: Like everything 

18: When the teacher enters with that sad expression in their face

19: Uhh Shooting? 


21: Either Anxiety as fuck or instant Natasha Romanoff Mode

22: Nope 

23: Actually go blind over the sight of me in fancy clothes

24: Tbh, there's so much that people can be beautiful for. For example, I think that Vitiligo looks absolutely gorgeous! I can't really say one definition and that's good. Because we shouldn't standarize eachother 

25: That's... oddly specific

26: Don't marry at all, ha! 

27: When I looked into the mirror

28: Richie Tozier 

29: something embarassing

30: make it to the next day 

Okayyy funny and weird, I guess. I'm sorry about that

Actually, no. I'm not sorry 

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