So we have a school prom this evening. And I'm so fucking creeped out!
I hate this and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought the ticket but...yeh.
I wanted to look something like this:
And braid my hair up like this:
K'now. Yelena's Dutch braid thinggy
But idk if this looks good and now I am very much irritation.
Later when I get home again, I will update some more in this chapter.
This is what it looks like most of the time...
It was actually pretty cool, Frederic's best friend asked me to dance (why tho?), and prom king and queen had to kiss.
My ears hurt, it was too loud but the music was okay. I didn't dance (because I have the talent of a cracker) but I jumped up and down like a little maniac.
I'm the one in the black suit and the other two are the bestest friends in the world.
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