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So, I've had a dream about a Zombie apocalypse. 

They were basically invading the whole world except the schools. 

But you could defeat them by throwing cheese at them. Preferably Cheddar.

 So the last survivors were Tom and Jerry, Stan Lee, my maths teacher, some of my friends and me. And a french guy who works at the cheese factory.

 So we were shooting with those 'spray-cheese-thinggies' and melted cheese was EVerYwHerE! It started flooding everything, when it all started to turn into water.

 So, huge waves and stuff fuggin destroyed everything. Dream-me suddenly knew, how to save all the world problems but when I made a cannon bomb into the river to tell everyone, I got eaten by Pacman. 

That was when I woke up. 

Got any ideas how to translate the meaning of this ... thing? 

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