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Felix's Pov:

As the door closed behind me, I came to a stairwell that led down. A coo coo clock loudly chimed. I looked to where the noise came from. An unfamiliar man pushed the fake bird with his finger back into the clock.

He turned toward me. He was wearing large black beret with pins on it. He looked somehow familiar. 

I quickly lowered my head and rushed down the stairs.

Her Pov:

The camera scanned the stairs. There he was. Someone with wine red hair and a piercing gaze. It's as if he was looking straight at the hidden camera and into my soul. He took a bite of the apple he held in his hand.

Felix quickly moved on. Something flew straight in front of him, getting jammed into the wall. The camera pointed to the culprit. The same culprit with purple hair who was on the surveillance video that led us to this point. He was holding a golf club in his hand and a can which he mercilessly threw down and crushed in his other hand. Lee know.

A bright light flashed. A camera lowered from the one they called Seungmin and a photo printed from the top.

These people were crazy and this nagging feeling of dread didn't leave me alone. 

Felix bent down and picked up a paper. It was a newspaper. A headline was circled in black 'Owner of Log House Hotel on Horisan Mount is found dead'. It read on that he is claimed to have committed suicide. Before I could read more, Felix was pushed back onto the ground and the newspaper was taken from his hands. Jeongin. He cocked his head.

"Don't really appreciate other people touching my things," he stated, before returning to his spot on a couch in the middle of the room.

Felix stumbled back.

I felt sick. I was missing something.

Wait. Something clicked.

"Chi-woo rewind the tape so I can see the man with the beret again," I commanded.

He wasn't in our list. He wasn't even on the suspected list. Then why did he look so familiar?

The detective rewinded and paused at the face. I zoomed in.

Can't see any noticeable marks of identification. Even his hair is hidden in his beret. Has one piercing on each ear.

Kind of resembles a squirrel with his cheeks.

It clicked. "Is everything alright Captain?" Seon noticed my paled look.

I hit the com button. "FELIX! Get out of there right now! It's a trap!"

Nothing. The camera was still on but the communication was jammed. They knew. They had this all planned. They were playing us the whole time.

"FELIX! IT'S HAN! It was him all along! He's working for them!" It was Han in the beret. I knew it. The similarities were all there. And frankly we had no time to be absolutely certain. I trusted my gut.

My hands shook. Felix seemed to realize danger too and walked back. The other way was blocked so he continued on, pretending like nothing happened. Once he got out of view from the men, he ran. We had gone over the building plan. There should be another exit close by.

Suddenly the lights went out. The camera's night vision turned on. Everyone in the room was at the edge of their seats. Everyone was worried for their friend and coworker. But not more than me. I felt nauseous. I felt the urge to run and get him out there myself. But I had to stay here. I had to think rationally to save my best friend.

The lights began flickering green and only then did I notice the strange green smoke that filled the room. As Felix ran for the exit sign which glowed green, he was blocked by someone. Changbin. The brawn of the group. He wasn't a dumb crony like in the movies tho. He wasn't someone who could be outsmarted just like that. Locks of bright green hair shown from his black hair.

Felix bolted to the only place left to run. The staircase that led up. He ran and ran. The communication was constantly being tested in hope of it working. We needed to get him out of there...his life depended on it.

The camera began showing static. 

"GET IT BACK ON! NOW!" I yelled.

"I'm trying! I'M TRYING!" Chi-woo yelled back.

It turned back on. I felt my blood drain. A face was staring straight at the camera, holding Felix by the collar. Felix wasn't fighting back. Why wasn't he doing anything?!

"I-it's you..." Felix choked. "B-but you''re s-supposed to b-be-"

He got shushed by a hand around his mouth.

"Now listen hear Cha Soon-hee," the red head spoke my name slowly. "there's only one way you can save your friend. Only one...and that's for you to come and get him...yourself!"

As he spoke that, Felix was thrown back. Glass shattered and the camera sputtered out of life.

I charged out of the room only to be stopped by Seon.

"I know what you want to do but you're just going to get yourself killed. Be rational right now," he blocked my path.

"Seon...get. out. of. my. way," I said slowly.

His Pov:

"How long do you think it'll take her?" Han asked me.

"I'm surprised she hasn't stormed in her yet with a tank," I chuckled.

"She seemed very fond of Felix while I was there."

"Not surprised. That may be her only weakness. He's the only person she has a soft spot for."

"Are they dating?"

I laughed. "They're more siblings than they would ever be lovers. She takes care of him like a little brother."

"You sure know a lot. Makes me even more curious about this story you never tell."

"You'd probably fall asleep hearing it," I paused. "You should ask her when she's not trying to kill you once she gets here."

Her Pov:

Getting restrained never felt worse. Not that I ever felt it before today. My emotions overwhelmed me. I could only see Felix falling from the sky and plummeting onto the ground. He could be dead for all I knew. NO! NO! He couldn't be dead. He can't. The only person I truly cared about. My only family. He wouldn't. It should've been me. I would be me. I would be the one to rescue him. On my own this time.

My team stared at me.

"What the hell was that Detective Cha?!" Chi-woo yelled. "Get yourself together! We have a missing detective and you're trying to go play hero! If that's how you solve this, then you shouldn't have been captain in the first place!"

I sighed and buried my head into my hands.

"I think it's time to hand this over to the higher ups. This is out of our league now," Seon commented.

Chi-woo agreed. "How about you try to calm down and we'll take care of this for now?" he told me. "I understand that he's your friend but the only way to save him is to think rationally, smartly, and indifferently. Try to think of this as just a case to save a detective. That's all. Nothing more."

Both detectives left the room. 

Right. Nothing more huh? If that's how i thought, then I wouldn't be a detective in the first place.

I stood up, grabbing one of the empty case duffel bags. While I looked through the case files, I put in a USB into my computer, coping all necessary info. After grabbing the most important files and copying the case information, I crept out of the office and out of the building into the quiet night streets.

Sorry fellas but I'm going solo on this one. It's personal now. No one messes with my family.

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