Chapter Four

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"He did what?!" My father shouts, hands gripping the desk tightly.

"I hit a geek." I place my hands behind my head, letting my body relax. Why do I have a feeling this won't end well?

Mrs. Heathers clears her throat, leaning back. "He beat up a classmate, sir. Mr. Mabry." Mrs. Heathers smiles nervously. Her eye is side glancing at me disapprovingly.

My father is a large man. He's tall, somewhat lean, and with a face that can make a baby or teenager cry. I know because I'm about to cry myself. My father hasn't been this angry since a couple of years ago. But I don't want to get into it right now.

"Why?" My father stands up, the force causing the chair to fall. "I've given you everything and you do this?!" He pulls at his hair, not bothering to hide his anger.

My heart rate increases and I find myself ready to duck and cover.

"Dad, he was a geek." Shut it, Mabry. "He had it coming."

"Mr. Mabry, I assure you we'll make sure he apologizes for it." Mrs. Heathers voice stutters. "I - I'm sure his classmate did something to anger him." Mrs. Heathers shakes her head at me, to stay quiet.

She's saving her tail. Losing funding would mean losing some clubs and classes, something the school needs.

"No." My father grips his chin, eyes wide with anger. "He's not going to apologize to that... that classmate." My father's nose flares with anger.

For a second, I feel like my father finally gets me. Until his next words send a strong feeling to my stomach.

"He did this for that stupid popularity that Logan wanted! I know it." My father slams his fist against the table, causing the pencil holder to fall to the ground. Mrs. Heathers picks it up with shaky hands. "If my son wants that so bad, than he can have it."


He knew about this?

"Mr. Mabry - "

My father interrupts Mrs. Heathers, dark eyes making that strong feeling feel more like anger. "You have it, son. You have it all. The girls, fun, the popularity. But son, you'd be a fool to believe that's most important."

My hands turn into fists, the anger begging to be released. How dare he! He doesn't know crap about me! He thinks because he's home now that he knows me, but I'll show him!

He'll wish he KNEW me!

"Mrs. Heathers, what's his punishment?"

"What?" Mrs. Heathers blinks, mouth agape.

"His punishment. One day detention isn't enough." My father looks at the door, his feet moving toward the direction of it.

As expected, he says he'll stay but he leaves.

Mrs. Heathers jumps up, voice more confident. "Two Weeks!" She clears her throat and pats down her suit. "Two weeks. In the library. Where the geeks hang out." Mrs. Heather smiles, probably thinking about patting herself on the back.

She's getting back at me for calling the boy a geek.

"Sounds good." My father's large form disappears behind the door.

He didn't even look at me.

"You heard your father. You'll start today. And if you try saying you'll convince your father to pull the funding, I don't buy it. I think I won today." Mrs. Heathers grins in triumph. "You'll start immediately after school and won't go home until the librarian says you can go." She folds her hands, leaning back in her chair with the same grin.

My face turns into a scowl.

"Don't look so angry." Mrs. Heathers leans close, eyes shining. "At least you won't have to apologize to a geek." She shows her teeth.

Had it coming.

"So you got two weeks detention?" Carter asks for the ninth time.

"In the library?" Julian chuckles. "Karma, right?"

I slam my locker shut. "Is this funny to you?" I narrow my eyes, annoyed.

"Yes." Julian grins. "I recall you saying you'd never step inside the library as long as you lived."

I groan. "That was years ago."

"That was last week." Carter's nose scrunches in annoyance. "Now, move." Carter nudges me away and started fiddling with the lock of the locker beside mine.

"What are you doing?" That isn't my locker.

"Trying to open Nikki's locker."

Right. My mood dampens. I forgot the she-devil has the locker next to mine. Could this day get any worse?

"You shouldn't do that. If you like Nikki maybe you should, this might be far-fetched, but Ask Her Out?!" Julian raises his voice.

Carter drops the lock and places his hand over Julian's mouth, shushing him. A few people look at us but after some seconds, go back to talking among themselves. Some of it about the earlier events I caused.

"I can't. We have first period together, lunch counts... kind of." Carter bites his lip. "The girl doesn't look away from the board either." Carter's lips pout.

"Put that crap away, dude." I take a step back, glaring. "And who cares? Nikki's old news." I lean against her locker, imagining that it's her face I'm leaning against.

"Old news?" Carter scoffs. "Her little outfit was all that was talked about in the gym locker room." Carter sighs.

I grimace. Any man who sees Nikki as a woman is demented.

"I don't see a problem with it." Julian scratches the back of his neck. "My sisters wear similar outfits."

"Really?" Carter's eyebrows shoot up. "They in high school?" His body leans closer to Julian.

"No. One's in elementary and the other two in middle school." Julian pauses. "Why?"

Carter leans away, face back to normal. "Never mind. I'm going to class." Carter waves.

I think he has a thing for schoolgirl outfits. I shake my head in disgust. I never needed to know that.

"It's the other way, Carter." I sigh.

Carter turns his body. "I knew that." He fast walks away, head down.

"So, how's it going with Victoria?" Julian raises an eyebrow. I move my feet in the direction towards our class and begin walking. "Are you going to ignore me or did you do something wrong?" He falls into step alongside me.

"She saw me beat up the geek." I run a hand through my hair. "I couldn't come up with an excuse that sounded..." I trail off. "An excuse that sounded correct." Is that right?

"I see. But you got something out of it, right?"

"What?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Popularity. As soon as first period started, you were all everyone was talking about. They're looking at you right now." Julian stuffs his hands inside his pocket. "Isn't that what you wanted?"


All I've ever wanted.

Logan always got all the attention. He was always the smartest, the coolest, the one with all the friends, and the good-looking one. Everywhere I went, it was "Logan did this" or "Logan is this" or "why can't you be like Logan". And he always looked proud about it. So in sixth grade, I decided I would be better than him. I failed in middle school but I want to succeed before I head off to college and get serious about a career.

"Victoria didn't like it?" Julian asks, nodding at a couple guys.

I rub my chin, feeling a little frustrated. "I don't think she did but she didn't seem bothered either. Called me a name." I smirk. "She has a dirty mouth."

Julian shivers, face twisted. "Spare me the nasty details." He walks ahead. "Just be cool, man."

"Cool?" I frown and catch up. Falling into step with him, I ask. "You don't think I'm cool?" Is it ridiculous that I care about his next words?

"I don't know, man. This conversation is getting too weird."

Right. I chuckle nervously and distance myself.

Once inside the class, I find myself looking for the geek I beat up in the morning. I've never seen him before but I don't think I'll be resting if he's near me. I get a weird feeling in my stomach and it's not healthy to get feelings like that. I just want to suppress them and never go near them again.

I take a seat at the back, placing my backpack down. Julian sits on the seat in front of me and takes out his materials. I do the same but pause, not because I forgot something but because everyone is staring.

"What?" My tone of voice comes out stronger than intended. "Is there a problem?"

Half my classmates look away. The others lean their bodies closer.

"I thought it was so brave of you to beat up that nasty geek." A girl with black hair and a large amount of cleavage showing, winks at me.


"Someone had to show him that being like that isn't right."

Does this girl know what she's saying? Because I don't.

"You're alright, man." A jock passes by to pat my back.

Did he walk by just to pat me?

"He so deserved it." A manicured hand reaches out from beside me and touches my arm. I follow the skinny hand and am surprised by the pretty girl beside me. She's wearing the same white button up shirt Victoria was wearing.

Wait a second.

My eyes scan the room, noticing that all girls are wearing button ups. Most of them are white but others are lighter colors like pink and blue. Don't tell me it's because of Nikki. If anything we need less of that.

I smile at the pretty girl beside me. She leans away and uncrosses her legs, winking and twirling a strand of her hair. She's not that pretty anymore. I quickly glance at her legs.

She's wearing a plaid skirt. And you guessed it, so are the other girls. I can't believe Nikki did this! Is she trying to torment me? To make it worse, even Victoria joined in!

She was wearing a similar outfit in the office earlier.

"Can I help you, Mr. Mabry?"

"What?" I blink in shock.

"Do you have a question?" Mr. Everett raises an eyebrow.

"Question?" I repeat. The pretty girl beside me giggles. She points to my chair and giggles again. What? That's more confusing than just saying what it is.

"Mr. Mabry, you've been up for about two minutes. If you don't have a question, sit down."

A rush of heat burns my face. I just realized I've been standing this entire time. "Yes, sir." I take a seat and clear my throat. The girls around me giggle.

Julian turns his head, whispering. "What now?"

I shrug. I guess I got carried away. I didn't even notice when the teacher walked in.

Class goes by without any distractions. Though, Mr. Everett kept on randomly glaring at me throughout the class. I gather my books and stuff them in my backpack.

"Are you doing anything after this?"

"What?" I shoot a glare at the girl beside me.

Ignoring my obvious distaste for her, she places a hand on my arm and curls her fingers around it. "I mean, if you aren't doing anything, I could show you a good time." Her voice turns husky. And to be honest, it sounds somewhat attractive.

"Really?" I lean close to the girl. "How good?" I make sure to glance at her lips. Which seems soft but I'm about seventy percent sure she did my brother.

"Mind blowing." She whispers with a bite of her lips." I know a closet the janitor doesn't use." Her lips are closer to mine now, about to brush against each other.

Does she think hearing the words "janitor's closet" is sexy?

I lean away. "Have fun than." I place my backpack on my shoulder, roll my eyes in her direction, and walk away from the group of girls. Behind me, the girls say "it's okay" "he doesn't deserve you" or "you're too good for him" but she'll be in the closet with someone else in about ten minutes.

Hey! Don't hate! She's the one who did it for attention. Or else, she would have done it when her friends weren't around.

"What's wrong with you? Mr. Everett will be on your ass for the rest of the semester." Julian hisses. "And me... by association!" He groans.

"I don't care about him." I shrug.

School is the least bit of my problems. I need a plan to get Victoria to be my girlfriend. After the talk this morning, I'm sure she's not going to bother me anymore.

"Nice job, Mabry."

"You know him?" Julian questions, fist bumping a jock as we make our way to lunch. I shake my head.

"You're amazing." A girl showing an ample amount of cleavage walks past me, winking.

"Sure." I respond. Julian and I exchange a look, surprised.

Did a cheerleader just flirt with me? I've had it happen but it's never been so... transparent.

"Can't wait for soccer season, Mabry. I'll kick your ass on the field!" A senior jock fist bumps my hand and we hug it out bro' style. He laughs and I find myself laughing as well. He was a friend of Logan's.

"Not if I kick yours first." I smirk.

"We'll see." The senior jock mocks. He grins and walks up to another group of senior jocks.

"Wasn't he Logan's friend?" Julian questions, voice excited.

I nod. "I think so! I can't believe they noticed us!"

"Right?" Julian grabs my shoulders and shakes them as we make our way to the cafeteria.

Lunch ended up feeling too short on time. Almost everyone in the table conversed with me about today's earlier events. Girls from every group made sure to peek at me, soccer and basketball jocks patted my back, and cheerleaders tried to sit on my lap. It was great!

Classes were a blur but I felt excited when walking to my next classes. A couple geeks gave me their numbers for homework "help". Normally, Logan would get them for me but I didn't have to ask! And remember the girl from earlier? The one who offered me a "mind blowing" experience in the janitor's closet? We saw her come out of one with Carter!

"How was she?" I tease, waving goodbye to the girl. The girl turns pink and turns her back to me, now conversing with a cheerleader.

Carter shrugs. "I've had better." He walks ahead. Julian rolls his eyes.

I catch up. "You know she has an STD, right?" I whisper in his ear. Carter freezes. I pat his back.

I don't know if she does but it's payback for whatever he is about to do to me.

"Wanna hit the bowling alley?" Avan comes up to us and fist-bumps Julian and Carter. "A couple of cheerleaders and jocks are going to celebrate your win this morning." His shoulder bumps with mine.

For me?! "Whatever, man." I nod, nonchalant. Carter nods, raising a brow in excitement.

"He can't." Julian grabs my collar. "He has detention."

Damn. "I'll skip, man." I shake him off with a glare. Carter nods, almost jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, he'll skip." Avan grins.

"He could but he has two weeks. Don't want to make it longer." Julian emphasizes "longer". He has a point.

"You're a Mabry, isn't one day detention standard?" Avan asks, grin turning into a smirk. I shoot a dagger at Julian. Why couldn't he shut his mouth? "I see." Avan nods, eyes glancing at me for a second. "Have fun... in detention." He nods his head and walks off.

I punch Julian in the shoulder. "They'll be making fun of me for that now." He just made a step in the wrong direction. They might forget about my victory from this morning.

"Ow." Julian's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "You know they would have found out anyway." He rubs the spot.

"All you did was let him know he doesn't have Logan's power of getting away with things. He's a loser now." Carter rolls his eyes, shoulders rolling back.

"Yes." I grit my teeth. "Thank you, Carter." I hiss. Even my friends know I'm a loser next to Logan.

"The one day detention?" Julian scoffs. "I'm not the one who beat up a classmate."

"You didn't stop it either, Kidd." Carter drags the double "d".

Julian pauses. "Right." He continues walking. Carter and I follow.

We have a silent walk towards the library. I don't know where it is so Julian's walking me towards it before his part-time job. Carter's just tagging along to give me some company before he has to head home. Julian nods his head towards the building that says "Library" in gold letters.

"This is it? I thought it was a pharmacy." Carter's mouth is wide in surprise.

"A pharmacy? On campus?" Julian sighs. "Figures you wouldn't read the gold letters."

"It was an honest mistake."

"Go inside." Julian hisses, his hand in the air and ready to punch him on the face. Carter holds up his hands defensively and walks up the steps. We follow.

Carter opens the door. The cool air hits us on the face, a great contrast to the hotter air outside. Julian halts and I bump into his back. "The hell?" I push them inside.

Julian falls to the floor and Carter's back turns into a hunchback. I slap Carter's back but Carter doesn't move, his eyes focused on what's in front of him. I follow his line of sight.

You've got to be kidding me.

"How can I help you today?" The librarian pushes the glasses up her nose. "Looking for anything specific?" She smiles kindly.

But she isn't who we are looking at.

In one of the rows of books, Nikki's stuffing several books on the shelves. Her eyes scan the flat side of the book before she places it on a lower shelf. She looks normal but I can see the flames of fire surrounding her.

The devil is here and in person.

"Looks like Nikki," Julian mumbles beside me, patting his jeans down.

Or a witch.

"Is she... touching books?" The she-devil would never carry books in freshman year. She'd chuck them at nerds.

"She's doing things to me." Julian mumbles again.

Carter and I glare at him. Carter in anger and I in disgust. Julian shrugs, "Not dirty things! She's very pretty but - Don't tell my sisters." He says quickly.

"Not if you like Nikki." I seethe. Carter and Julian slap my back. I wince in pain.

"Is it for Nikki?" The librarian looks excited. "She's one of our newest helpers this year." The librarian leans closer, a teasing smile on her lips. "Is she pretty?"

"She's a demon," I deadpan. I don't like this librarian, she's nuts. Carter and Julian slap my back again.

"Why in the same place?!" I grit my teeth. I try to reach the spot but fail.

"Nikki! Come here!" The librarian calls her.

"What? You're cursing us!" I whisper shout, covering my head. The librarian tilts her head in confusion.

She won't be confused when fire consumes us all! Nikki's a witch! A witch!

"Yes, Ms. Adler?" Nikki appears again from a shelf a couple feet away. With her hair flowing behind her (witchery), Nikki stops on the other side of the desk. "I've already finished with the E's. I just need to do the Ls and the Ms before cleaning the tables from the first and second floors. Is there anything else before I leave?" Nikki wipes her brow, pushing her messy bangs behind her ear.

Even her eyes are red from reading the devil's words!

"I'm in love." Carter whispers.

"She looks tired," Julian sighs.

"Fake." I mutter under my breath. Carter and Julian lift their hands to slap me again but I take a step back this time. And they slap each other's backs, hard. Ha!

They shout in pain.

Nikki's eyes turn wide in surprise when she notices our presence. "These boys came to see you," The librarian teases, patting Nikki on the shoulder. Nikki glances at the librarian and then at us, blankly.

"I'm not." I glare at Nikki. "Sorcery." I whisper when a small smile

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