"So after you scan the books, you organize them by last name in the rolling bookcase. If the last name is hyphenated, than you use the first letter of the second last name. Got it?" Nikki glances at me, her hands scanning the books under the scanner.
"I guess so." I roll my eyes.
"After that." Nikki grunts as she pushes the bookcase towards one of the bookshelves. "You find the letters and place the books in alphabetical order. Like - " Nikki picks up a book. "This is letter L and the last name is Lee. So you find the L and if you get on your toes - " Nikki reaches the upper shelf and places the book in between other books. "You'll see that this is section LE. I placed the book after Lea and before Leeson. Got it?"
"Yes." I yawn. "Blah, blah, blah, and blah." The witch hasn't stopped talking for like thirty minutes. I might need to clean my ears with Clorox.
"Okay." Nikki smiles. "You can stay here and sort this cart out." Nikki brushes past me, leaving behind the dreaded soap and coconut smell.
"And what are you doing?" I cross my arms, glaring her down.
Nikki sighs but turns her head to glance at me. "I'm going to clean the tables from the first and second floor, make sure all the printers are good on ink and paper, clean out the trashcans, and than I'll finish with the M's while you finish with the L's." Nikki pauses to put her her bangs behind her ear. "Why?"
I clear my throat and place my hands behind my head, stretching. "I wanted to make sure you weren't slacking off." I smirk smugly.
At least, she gets to do all that. I'm just here so my dad doesn't bust my head open.
Nikki's smile falls for a second. "I can't. My friend didn't show up." Her eyes downcast to the floor. "He'll be here soon."
Friend? Does she think she can fool me? She doesn't have friends, she has minions. She made him up so when she gets tired of her fake charades, she'll make me do all the work! She's crazy if she thinks I'll fall for her games. I'll make sure she does most of it! You'll see!
The task is easy enough. I manage to put all the books away for a little over an hour. I grab the cart by the sides and push it towards the desk where Mrs. Adler is checking people out.
"You're finished?" Mrs. Adler smiles. "That was fast We really appreciate your help around here!" Mrs. Adler claps her hands. "So thank you." She goes back to checking the books under the scanner. "The due date is in two weeks." She smiles at the student. "If you need more time come back, grab this slip, fill it out, and type in your student number. I'll make sure my assistant gives you an extra week." Mrs. Adler bows her head to the student and the student leaves.
"I can't believe people actually use the library." I mutter.
"Of course they do!" Mrs. Adler gloats.
"I meant to say that to myself." My face burns.
She nods. "Many students don't know where it is but those who do, come here to study, do group projects, and to read a nice book." Mrs. Adler tilts her head in my direction. "You should try it sometime."
"Me?" I groan. "I have enough going around to do something as chill at the nerdiest place on campus."
Mrs. Adler nods. "As a Mabry, I can't imagine the weight you carry on your shoulders."
"What?" I'm taken aback by her response. She knows who my parents are?
Have I reached a new level of popularity?!
"Your brother Logan spent a lot of time here," Mrs. Adler continues. "He would study on that corner over there - " Mrs. Adler points to a table against the corner where the sun doesn't shine. " - and he would stay here for hours." She chuckles.
"He did that?" I furrow my eyebrows. I've never seen him study. He would constantly be out the house so I guess it makes sense. If he weren't a jock. "Are you sure it was Logan Mabry?"
"Of course!" Mrs. Adler slams her hand against the desk. "He would often talk about you and your father."
That's a crazy thought. Logan caring about anyone but himself? Weird.
Mrs. Adler continues talking. "He said he wanted to prepare himself for the Mabry name. He wanted to make sure you got to choose what you wanted to do." She smiles fondly. "You must love your older brother, huh?" She continues scanning the books.
A dry chuckle comes out my lips. "Yeah, yeah. I do."
I don't talk about it a lot but my father is a lawyer. He grew up in upper middle class as his father and grandfather were both lawyers. My mom is the first woman lawyer in the family. She hasn't practiced law in a while, not since my father made partner and since Logan was born.
I'm proud of my parents. But I don't want to sit in court when I could be out doing something that requires more... adrenaline. I want to move and feel the rush of the job. I want to get dirty and be able to feel pride in what I do. And being a lawyer, isn't something I yearn for.
My father and I fought about it. He wants my brother and I to follow in the footsteps. I've been refusing for as long as I can remember and now that I think about it, I don't think Logan has. He would stay quiet. But if he's been studying hard for school all this time, it means my brother wasn't out and about like he said he was.
Could it be... is he trying to become a lawyer so that I don't have to?
"Honey, could you check on Nikki? She's been working here since one. She hasn't taken a break either, check on her will you?" Mrs. Adler hands me another cart of books - the M's.
"Nikki said she'd do this cart." I point to the big letter "M" on the side in printed computer paper.
Mrs. Adler nods. "Yes, but the other assistant hasn't come in. I'm afraid she won't finish in time."
"So, there is another assistant?" I ask, surprised. I thought he was made up.
"Yes but he hasn't responded to her messages. She's worried because she hasn't seen him today. His name is Darren, have you heard of him?"
I shake my head "no".
"He looks like that." Mrs. Adler points to a familiar face on a bulletin board with the title "HELPERS" in capital cutout letters.
My blood runs cold.
Oh no.
Mrs. Adler places five stacks of white paper on top of the cart. "Just hands these to Nikki and ask if there is anything you can do... okay? You can leave after." She smiles sweetly. "She should be in the second floor, computer lab."
I sigh, shaking the new information out my head. It would be weird to say no to the lady who will determine when I can go home. I push the cart to the M section and grab the stacks of paper. Walking towards the elevator, I press the button. After a couple seconds, the doors opens to reveal a more comfortable place.
So far, it doesn't seem like a bad place to have detention, with the exception of work. Mrs. Adler seems nice but she seems like someone I shouldn't take lightly. And Nikki, she's been real nice.
Is the sarcasm obvious?
It stressed me out at first (because you never know when she would attack) but, she hasn't done anything but teach me how to do the library duties. Though, I suspect she's going to get me to do all of them. I'm going to remind her I will be here for only two weeks.
I walk out the elevator and gawk at my surroundings. There are large shelves of books against the wall and beside that are private desks. There is a room in the corner and a number of computers against the other. And right in front of me, there are tables with six chairs on each. And in the middle of it all, there is a large desk where Nikki is at.
"What are you doing?" My voice comes out harsher than normal.
Nikki places her hair behind her ear. "Just changing the dates for these library book return slips. Lots of people want extensions." Nikki doesn't look up at me from the computer.
"Right." I scoff. She looks way too entertained to be doing something so boring. "Mrs. Adler wants me hand you these stacks of white paper." Nikki nods, eyes still on the computer. I throw the stacks of paper on the desk, annoyed. Nikki jumps, eyes wide. "For the printer." I grumble. My eyes squint in her direction.
Nikki sighs. "Sorry. I'm very tired and talking is a chore right now, so." Nikki places the slips inside a drawer. She sighs, eyes droopy. "I'll go check them now." She holds up a stack of paper. "Thank you." She walks to where the computers are.
Would it be rude to leave? Technically, it's not my job and I'm supposed to leave anyway. I turn my heel and walk to the elevator.
Damn it.
Sighing, I walk to where Nikki is on her knees and placing a stack of papers inside a large white printer. I unwrap a stack of papers and hand it to her. The corners of her lips lift in appreciation. She grabs the stack and places it inside. I bend down and open the tray from the other printer. Nikki hands me an unwrapped stack of paper, I place it inside the tray.
"I've already stacked the ones downstairs so don't worry. I'll place the extras under the desk." Nikki yawns. Once standing, she stretches her arms above her head.
"You look awful."
Nikki raises an eyebrow. "I feel awful." She yawns, placing her hand over her mouth.
Her hair is in a messy ponytail, her face is red, and she has pit stains on her underarms.
It's disgusting.
"You should head out. It's almost four thirty." She grabs the remaining stacks of paper and walks over to the desk in the center.
Son of a -
"And you?" I place my hands in my pockets, fisting them tightly.
You can be nice to her.
Tip 6: Being nice can take you a long way.
So you can be nice to her.
You can't be nice to her.
"I have some other stuff left but I'll leave soon." Her tone is low and and raspy.
I nod, rolling my eyes to the back of my head. "Good. Bye." I speed walk to the elevator and press the button.
"Bye." Her voice is barely audible.
The elevator door opens and I walk inside, turning my body towards the desk.
She's not there anymore.
"Did you wait for me?" I raise an eyebrow, halting in the middle of the parking lot. Carter's sitting at the hood of my car, grinning from ear to ear. "If you think I'm going to drop you off at your house you're an idiot." I grab the strap of my backpack and unlock my car. I throw my bag on the back seat and Carter slides inside on the passenger seat.
"No, no. I have my car. What did Nikki say?" He leans his head close.
I lean away. "Personal space, man." He needs a mint.
"What?" He rolls his eyes. "It's not like you're gay."
Why does he always assume I might be?
"Wait, you are?" Carter leans his head away, hand reaching for the handle.
"You don't have to yell." Carter pretends to be offended.
"I don't care." I turn on the ignition.
"You can make it up to me by telling me everything about her." His face lights up, tone almost pitchy.
I sigh. "I think you're getting obsessed." Over a witch.
"So?" He shrugs. "I didn't say anything when you stalked Victoria."
"I didn't stalk her. I just..." Think, Lucas! "I just looked at her closely."
"You're obsessed, man."
I close my eyes, inhaling. "Fine." Just exhale. "She didn't say anything about you. All she did was boss me around like some b - "
"Hey! Be respectful!" Carter holds out his finger, face twisted in faux anger.
"She's a witch!"
"So you've said." Carter rolls his eyes. "Did she share her plans after today?" He looks hopeful.
"She's making potions."
"Lucas!" Carter groans, almost clawing at his face.
"I don't make small talk with witches. I'd rather take her to Salem." I grin at the thought. If they could burn her alive, I'd never see her again.
"Why? That wasn't real." Carter punches my shoulder.
"You imbecile." Ignore it, Lucas. "I gotta go, man. My mother is wondering where I am."
"It can't be that bad." He waves me off.
I hold out my phone that says "48 missed messages from mom". "She won't stop. I'm vibrating like crazy." I whisper.
"Gross, man. Get a room!" He grabs the door handle and walks out.
"How is that gross?"
"And I'm the imbecile." Carter chortles. "See you tomorrow, fool." Carter makes a peace sign with his fingers and walks to his car.
"Whatever." I drive home.
The drive is peaceful. I run all green lights and no one cut me off today. But it doesn't last because I'm bombarded by an angry woman with a spatula.
"You did what?!" My mother yells in my ear. My father is behind her, flipping through the newspaper. I bet he's smirking behind it.
"I beat someone up, mom. I already feel bad as it is." A fact I wouldn't admit to just anyone. I plop myself down on the loveseat, away from my father, and place my head in my hands.
"That doesn't make it okay!" My mom holds out her hands in desperation. She runs a hand through her hair. "What if he dies? What if he can't walk anymore?! What if he sues?!" My mother bites her fingernails.
Oh no, she only bites her nails when she's close to getting a nervous breakdown.
I stand up, getting ready to comfort my mother but am beaten by my father.
He wraps his arms around her and pats her back. "It's okay. I investigated the matter and the boy is recovering in the hospital. He said he wouldn't press charges." He kisses her forehead.
I grimace. Once again, I can't stand him being here.
"You Threatened Him?" She pulls her hair.
"No! No! No!" My fathers eyes go wide in panic. He pulls away but it's too late, my moms biting her fingernails again.
Sighing, I grab my backpack and walk towards the staircase. Looking back, they haven't noticed I'm gone.
Because ever since my father got back, it's just them. And now that Logan's gone, it's just me.
I make my way up the stairs and into my room.
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