Chapter 4

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Blake Pov.

We all are giving team FORS a tour of beacon academy, mostly Weiss and Rias is giving them a explanation of the academy while everyone jumps in the conservation but not me since I'm reading a certain book that I refuse to let anyone especially Ruby and Asia read it. At the corner of my eye I notice (Y/N) looking bored like he's dying on the inside while the rest of his team is paying attention and I can't help but smile at him for being like this I'm mean I would be the same in his position, but with one sniff I could tell he's a Faunus like me but I don't know what kind but I still can tell he's a Faunus without his scent since his slightly move. We were in the courtyard taking a quick break from the tour I notice (Y/N) walking towards a bench, I follow him and sat next to him reading ninjas of love after a few pages I didn't notice (Y/N) looking at the book and I quickly shut it close and hid it behind my back with a blush of embarrassment hoping he didn't make fun of me because of the book I was reading.

(Y/N): why did you close it I was still reading it?

My eyes widened and I looked at him with a confused look.

Blake:(confuse) What???


Blake:Wait what??

(Y/N): wait hold on.

I see (Y/N) took his hood off and I saw his (H/C) hair with Faunus ears having the same color along with his matching (F/C) tips and his two different color eye with his left showing red and his right is (E/C) right eye, I couldn't help but blush with a red face seeing him being adorable and handsome at the same time. I quickly snap out of it and notice him taking his headphones off and hearing music come from it, so that's why he wasn't paying attention to what Weiss and Rias during the tour he was just listening to music the whole entire time.

(Y/N) what did you say Blake, I couldn't hear you cause of my music.

Blake: oh its nothing

(Y/N): Oh cause I was just asking you why did you close the book, it was a good chapter.

Blake: wait you read ninjas of love.

(Y/N) yep, I like it but I read it when I'm alone or when no one is looking so they won't find out the type of book I'm reading with romance, adventures or(blushes) t-t-the smut in it, why do you like the series

Blake: Yeah, I like series, (blushes) the s-s-same reason you like it, but how much did you read.

(Y/N): I read around seven volumes of it, and you.

Blake: I only got this one, I didn't buy or read the other volumes yet, don't want anyone figure out my secret.

(Y/N): I could let you borrow the volumes I have and you could give them back when your finish.

Blake: (smile) sure but only one at a time, cause I don't want my teammates knowing what I read.

(Y/N): Ok I understand, here( digs through bag, hands her Vol 2.) you can read this.

Blake:(smile) thank you

(Y/N): (smile) no problem

I blush as he smile at me but I put the book down for a moment and I was about to ask what kind of Faunus he is but I see Koneko walk towards us, guess she got bored too. She sat next to (Y/N) on his right side and started eating a chocolate bar but what surprised me the most and got everyone's attention was when she started to break a piece of the candy and shared with (Y/N), but she never and I mean she never shared with anyone.

Koneko:(looked around) What???

Rias:(surprise) You never shared with anyone, what made you do it.

Koneko:Nothing, he's kind of growing on me.

Jaune: If he's there

That got us confuse I look at where he's sitting and he disappear without a trace I looked around as did everyone until I hear a loud boom and I saw something (F/C) coming this way and it stop revealing (Y/N) holding a 5 bags but the smell is all mixed.

Blake: uhh, what's in the bag?

I could barely see him move and he gave one bag to Ruby, Koneko, Nora and me and it smells like the most wonderful thing in the whole world, I took a look in the bag and I saw fish. My eyes widen and I saw (Y/N) looked at me with a smile as his ears wiggle around in happiness, how did he know I'm a cat Faunus.I saw Ruby, Koneko and Nora open their bags and I literally have to cover my ears as did every one else did cause of how loud they yelled


Koneko open her's and it was a bag full of candy, she look at (Y/N) and walked up to him she stood in front of him and she jumped on him and hug him while (Y/N) stood there confuse with his head tilt left and one of his ears were down making him more adorable than ever and hug her back.

Koneko:thanks for the candy (Y/N)

(Y/N): (smile)no problem Koneko, anything for my new friend.

That the most surprising thing happen, for the first time in beacon Koneko smile at him, she never smile at anyone before, not even one person in her life ever made her smile before but it actually happen. It had made everyone expected for team FORS shocked at the event.

Mallow:(confuse)umm, what's happening

Rias:(shocked) Koneko never smiles before, this is the first time I seen someone actually making her smile.

Akeno:(shocked) same, guess (Y/N) is different then most guys.

Dawn: Of course he is, we already know this might happen someday but I never expected to happen on the first day here.

Serena/Mallow: Same

Xenovia: But one question for you (Y/N), what type of Faunus are you cause you look like a cat or a wolf Faunus with your ears.

(Y/N): well I get that a lot but I'm actually a Hedgehog Faunus, (pulls a piece of hair) ow, see.

We all look at the piece of hair closely and it was sharp, I know two species that have it and it was ether a Porcupine or a Hedgehog Faunus but a porcupine would have a longer quill then a Hedgehog. There's not much hedgehog Faunus around and were considered a endanger species.


3rd person Pov.

They all soon heard a growl and look at the location of the growling, preparing our weapons but it was coming from Asia as she blush in embarrassment.

Asia:(blush) Sorry, I'm just hungry.

Rias:(smile) It's alright Asia, it happens.

Ruby: Why don't we get some lunch.

Everyone: Let's go.

Weiss: Good, cause that's where the tour will end today

FORS: Finally!

As they all started to laugh and giggle at team FORS, reaction and they all started to walk towards the cafeteria while (Y/N) walked next to Blake.

(Y/N): does anyone know your a Faunus?

Blake: yeah but, they don't hate me for it I just want everyone to see me as who I am instead of...

(Y/N): instead of what you are, that's like me.

Blake look at (Y/N) shocked then she smiled at him since he understands her. They both smiled at each other and started to walk along with everyone until a black cat looks down at them and stare at a certain small white hair girl and a hedgehog speaking in her mind

???:I know Shirone made a good choice, but she might make her move soon or I'll take him for myself considering he's more stronger than that stupid brown hair boy.

She disappear from thin air with no trace.

As the story continues...

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