Ruby Pov. Moments before team FORS arrive
Me and my team are walking towards the elevator to go in Ozina's office but we don't know why we're going there, maybe it was a mission, a new friend or even better a decade supply of cookies with my name on it with a super cool new weapon that I can't wait to try out just the thought of the last one is making me inpatient to know what it is. But anyway we came across team JNPR and they had a confuse look.
Ruby: Hey guys, going somewhere
Pyrrha:No where but we were called to go in Ozina's office are you guys going too.
Weiss: Did Nora do something wrong
Jaune: I was about to say the same about Yang
Nora/Yang:(angrily) We didn't do anything
Ren: its probably nothing bad but it might be worth checking it out.
As the eight of us walk towards the elevator, after a few minutes we arrived in Ozina's office and we saw another team there and it was our rival team ORC with Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina and the leader of the team Rias but the boys Kiba, Gasper and the most hated person in the school mostly from the girls Issei are not here since Ozina give them a 5 months mission last 2 days ago giving all the girls in the school including the teacher a sigh of relief to change peacefully. With that aside we walk up towards her desk when my teammate Weiss walk in front.
Weiss: We're terribly sorry for what Yang and Nora did
Yang/Nora: Hey
Ozina: No it's not about ms. Xio Long or ms. Valkyrie.
Ruby: Then what is it about?
Rias: We wanted to know as well ms. Ozina
Ozina: Well the reason why I called you here is because we're having a new team coming here to beacon and I wanted to give them a warm welcome and I hope you all can be good friends to them.
Xenovia: this might be interesting.
Ruby:(smile) Yay new friends
Asia:(smile) I would be looking forward to meeting new people
Koneko: Hope there not pervs, cause I'll crush them if they are (cracks hands together)
Yang: You and me both.
Ozina: they should be arriving here soon, so let's go and give them a warm welcome.
We started to walk towards the elevator and to the courtyard to meet the new team. After a couple of minutes we all see the bullhead come towards the launchpad, I wonder who they are.
(Y/N) Pov.
As me and my team see the launchpad I notice Ozina, Goodwitch and other people I never see before a couple miles away thankfully for my enhanced vision I embraced from my werehog side, they all seem nice but in case I kept my guard up and remember what my father had said to me before he died.
Father:(In his head) Looks can be deceiving.
After he died he kept saying some quotes to me whenever he had the chance to tell me stories about him being a huntsman and his adventures but he never tell me stories with mother in them, but he once told me what mom was like when she wasn't in battle but more about her likes, dislikes, her personality and how I have her looks. I miss her so much but I hope I'll meet her someday, I kept that aside for now as I notice we landed in beacon. We soon started to grab our stuff and waited for the bullhead to open, as it door open we all saw it up close in person and it was a better sight to see then looking at it through the window.
FORS: (astonished) WOOOW.
As I looked around the academy I notice Ozina step up from the group along a mug, I wonder what's she drinking.
Ozina: welcome team FORS to beacon academy now, your initiation will start tomorrow morning but for now we'll give you a tour of the academy along with these teams who will give you a tour of my academy now would you four please introduce yourself to them.
FORS: Sure
We started to walk towards the group and I notice that most of the girls looked at me with a blush on their faces but they quickly looked away to hide it for me not notice it but I notice cause of one my semblance allows me to see my surrounding more slower than most people cause of how fast I can go. We all took a deep breath and started to introduce ourselves.
3rd Pov.
Mallow: (smile)Hi my name is Mallow nice to meet you all(bows slightly)
Dawn:(smile)Names Dawn, nice to meet you all as well
Serena:(smile) My name is Serena I hope we all could be friends
(Y/N):(smile) Names (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm the leader of this team, were called team FORS.
Team FORS: Nice to meet you all
A girl in a red hood walked up along with a girl with golden blonde hair, one with black hair and one with white hair.
Red hood Girl:Hi my name is Ruby Rose and I'm the leader of team RWBY and these are my teammates.
White: My name is Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee dust company.
(Y/N):(though) so she's Jacques daughter, I hope we both don't have a problem with each other but her father is one of the targets I'm going for. Maybe I can tell her the truth about her father.
Black: Names Blake Belladonna (continues to read)
(Y/N):(though)guess she's like me reading a lot, hiding our features and being antisocial our other people.
Yellow: Don't mind her she likes to read a lot, names Yang Xio Long nice to meet you, (flirts) especially to a little cutie like you.
(Y/N) blushes red and all the girls and I mean all the girls in the group looked at Yang with a jealousy look for making the young hedgehog Faunus blush.
Blonde boy: The names Jaune Arc leader of team JNPR and I'm short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, girls love it.
(Y/N):(questionable) Do they.
Jaune:(sad) No but one day.
Girls:(thought)That describes (Y/N) whole personality more than you.
Spartan girl: I'm Pyrrha Nikos
Ginger hair girl: HI I'M NORA VALKYRIE, do you like pancakes
(Y/N): I love pancakes
(Y/N)/Nora: yay (high fives) were pancake buddy, we'll get along just fine.
Everyone:(thought)dear god there's two of them now, ones bad enough but two, this is chaos.
Pink streak boy: Names Ren
Red hair girl: I'm Rias Gremory leader of team ORC.
Orange bow:(smile) My name is Akeno, I'm the second leader (lust) nice to meet a small cutie like you.
(Y/N) blushes red again and the girls like usually glare at Akeno but Yang was more angrier for being tied with her fo being the flirting type.
Blue hair:I'm Xenovia
Emerald eye girl:(smile)Hello my name is Asia Argento nice to meet you.
Loli Girl:(monotone) Names Koneko (eats chocolate bar)
FORS:(thought)so she's both a sweet tooth and emotionless, never seen that kind a person before
Orange hair girl: Hi my name is Irina Shidou( thoughts)why do they look so familiar but mostly to (Y/N)
FORS:(though)it's always good to see a old friend who didn't betray us.
Ozina: now why don't you three teams give FORS a tour of the academy and after that hey will be sleeping in team RWBY's dorm room until we find a room for them to stay in.
Everyone: Ok Ozina
The girls of team RWBY are both happy and angry cause not only would they have (Y/N) sleeping in their dorm room but they have to share with the girls in their room, this also made the girls from the other teams jealous as well but Irina kept on staring at team FORS and only leaving her with one thought.
Irina:(thoughts) why do they look so familiar, have we meet before and dose (Y/N) look almost like the boy in the old picture I have.
As the group soon walk towards the school, Irina hang back and took out a old photo from 10 years ago with a young 8 year old Irina who is hugging a 6 year old boy with (H/C) hair with (F/C) tips and both of his eyes are (E/C) but what's more noticeable is the animal ears in his hair and both are smiling at the camera, she turn the photo over and it had tow sentences, one of them said.
"We'll both be together soon like we promise, and we'll get married."
The second one on the bottom of the first had names.
"Irina Shidou X (Y/N) the Hedgehog"
Irina smiled at the photo until someone caught her attention.
Blake:(yell) hey Irina, are you coming or what.
Irina: Yeah, one sec.
She put the photo away and jog her way to the group and she wanted to know what happen to the boy she like in the picture. As she quickly jog back to the group (Y/N) looked at Irina leaving him with one thought.
(Y/N):(thought)I hope I can tell her what happen 10 years ago along with our last name changed but for now I'll tell her tomorrow after the initiation, hopefully she can forgive me for keeping it a secret and telling her the real truth about the accident and getting revenge on our old 'friend' and his companions, Issei Hyoudou.
As the story continues...
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