Chapter 25

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*3 Weeks later* (Y/N) Pov.

Everything around was dark, I try to open my eyes but when I did I was meet with a bright light. I cover my eyes with my right arm to blocked it, once my eyes adjust to the light I look around at my surroundings and I notice I'm in a hospital. I turn right to see one of my swords Cold Steel and my father's sword Excalibur, I remember my fight with Issei but I blacked out before I know what happen to him, I try to sit up but I felt pain on my left arm so I look at my left arm and I saw it in a cast as I rub my head trying to figure out how long I was out.

(Y/N):Where's a calendar when you need one.

I heard the door open and I saw the doctor walked in as he look at the clipboard, he look up and notice me.

Doctor:It's good to see you awake Mr (L/N) or should I saw hedgehog.

(Y/N):(confuse)What do you mean.

Doctor:You don't have to worry, we know who you are (Y/N) the Hedgehog. I'm terribly sorry to hear about your father, Eggman deserves to rot in jail for what happen to you and your teammates.

(Y/N):Actually girlfriends but I knew our secret was going to be out sooner or later, say doc how long was I out.

Doctor:You were out for three weeks((Y/N)'s eyes widen) your lucky to only have a broken arm, and there's some people who would like to meet you.

(Y/N):(tilts head)Who?

The doctor said nothing but walk out of the door and I waited for a couple minutes, he open the door again and peak his head out.

Doctor:Their here to see you, I'll leave you and everyone else for a moment.

I nodded my head in understanding, he left and the door open as I look at who they are. My eyes were widen in shock to see my uncles and Aunts walk in with tears in their eyes. My uncle shadow walk up towards my bed and he put his hand on my shoulder.

Shadow:Hey (Y/N), its good to see you again.

I couldn't say anything but I hug him, I started to cry on his shoulder as he pat my back and hug back. I felt another pair of arms, I didn't look at who it was but I know all of them started to hug me, after a few minutes I let go of uncle shadow's shoulder as I wiped my face.

(Y/N):Its good to see you Uncle Shadow.

I look to my left and I saw Aunt Amy with puffy eyes.

(Y/N):Hello Aunt Amy.

She said nothing but she hug me and buried her head in my shoulder.

Amy:You had no idea how long I wanted my nephew call me that again.

She let go of me until her eyes widen as she rub her hand on my left eye.

Amy:Who did this to you.

(Y/N):(tilts head)What do you mean?

Rouge:(rubs head) Still adorable as ever, what she means is(clears throat) WHO PUT THAT SCAR ON YOUR FACE AND YOUR LEFT EYE BEING RED!

Knuckles:Whoa easy there Rouge that's our nephew, but she's right. Who leave that scar there and you having a red eye.

(Y/N):Long story short my left eye turn red from the fire ball Riser throw at me 10 years ago combine with the angered from the fire from my semblance permanently made it red. And for the scar was when I fight Adam Taurus which I won of course.

Silver:How did you win?

(Y/N):I cut his head off with a little help like how Uncle Shadow taught me.

I heard a big thud on my right side and I saw Aunt Sonia and Aunt Blaze hit Uncle Shadow in the head out of rage.

Blaze:What had you been teaching him when he was little.


Sonia:(angrily)Are you saying this nothing has got you and Manic being sent to the hospital for 7 months for trying to ruined our nephew's innocents with a dirty magazine or the same nothing from when you try to teach him about Grimm from an actual one instead of a fake one.

Shadow:(gulps) I think it's better if I kept my mouth shut.

I started to giggle at how Uncle Shadow turn from a tough guy to a wimp in seconds, I began to laugh out loud until we all began to laugh, after a couple more minutes we stop as I wiped a tear from my eye from laughing so hard.

(Y/N):Oh man I missed this.

Manic:Same, you had no idea how long we need that.

Knuckles:Now (rubs hedgehog ears) can you tell us where you, Mallow, Dawn and Serena had been doing for the last couple years.

(Y/N):Alright but first why don't you tell me what you all been doing since I got some questions I need you to answer.

Knuckles:Well your asking the wrong uncle.

(Y/N):I know, you would had solve this by punching everything, I mean that's literally how you solve everything from climbing to when it doesn't work but it some how work in a fight.

Knuckles:Ok I'll give you that.

He moved away and Uncle Tails walked up to me.

Tails:(rubs head) We all thought we lost you after what happen.

(Y/N):I would had same for you Uncle Tails, but what happen to you all, where have you all been hiding all this time, where's team Chaotix, what happen to-

Tails:Whoa , hold on. Now as much as I miss you talking like this I'll tell you what happen to us first.


Tails:Now it was when we all were fighting Eggman, his army and Infinite when he use the Phantom Ruby.

*Flashback* 3rd Pov. Location:Iron Fortress

We see the resistance fighting the fake Shadows, Chaos, Zavoks and Metal Sonics on an all out war. The team was getting cornered by the clones as the real Shadow, Silver, Blaze and Tails keep on firing at them, Knuckles, Amy, Sonia, Manic, and Rouge ether punch or kick any of them coming near them. They kept on beating them until Maria bump into a rocky surface, she looked back and saw nowhere to go, the clones stop moving until Infinite flys over them.

Infinite:Ha ha, like a simple mouse trap. You all got nowhere to go.

Knuckles:We may be out number but I know the rookie and both Sonics can kick Eggman's butt, once he's done with him your finish.

Infinite:According to my data that is a possibility, but for you.

He charged the Phantom Ruby to create cannons and lasers around them making them scared.

Infinite:Neither of you would ever see Eggman's defeat or your nephew again.

He laugh like a madman and the lasers started to charged while the cannons aimed at each and everyone of them, Maria took two items out of her pocket and it was a small piece of the Phantom Ruby Prototype and a Chaos Emerald. She secretly gave Shadow the emerald and the Phantom Ruby Prototype to Silver, once they got them Silver quickly use the Phantom Ruby Prototype piece to create fake versions of themselves while Infinite was distracted. Shadow holds the Chaos Emerald in the air.


They teleport out of the corner to the top of it, they saw Infinite fired at the fake versions of them. He then contact Eggman on his earpiece.

Infinite:These insects are gone. Yes sir. It's an honor to work with you.

They heard an Explosion go off at the top of the Iron Fortress then all the fakes including Infinite fade away out of thin air as the Phantom Ruby Prototype was destroyed, they soon walk away from the battle.

Amy:I knew Sonic can do it.

Tails:Yeah, none of us can doubt him.

Maria:But if Eggman knows we're gone then what about-

Silver:Well focus on that later, let's meet up with Sonic.


Tails:After we fake our deaths some of the others had to keep it a secret about us, since both Sonics and the rookie defeated Eggman and news got out we went back to your old home to meet with your father.

*2nd Flashback* Location: Sonic's house in Green Hill Zone

The team waited for Sonic outside of the woods, they waited until it was dark and they see him running towards them.

Shadow:What took you so long.

Sonic:Sorry, it wasn't easy to sneak away.

Blaze:How did (Y/N) took the news?

Sonic:(sigh) (Y/N) didn't take it to well, he cried for hours after finding out your "deaths". It took me 5 hours to help him but he eventually cried himself to sleep so that's why it took long.

Amy:(sad) I hate to lie to him.

Knuckles:As do I, but it's for his safety.

Sonic:You never told me why.

Manic:Yeah me nether.

Sonia:(annoyed)Did you two seriously forget.


Sonia:(sigh)It was from Eggman's plan.

Tails:Let me explain, he was going to use (Y/N) as a living battery for all of his machines and robotized him to be the next metal to take over the world with his Werehog side. If he weaponize (Y/N) then Eggman could order him to kill all of us or worse, Eggman would push us to kill him.

Sonic said nothing but he walk over to Tails and hug him.

Sonic:Promise me that when you find Eggman, lock him up in a secure place so he won't be near my son.

Tails:(hugs back) I promise, now make sure no one knows about him being a Werehog Faunus.

Sonic:Got it.

Sonic let go of his best friend and walk over to his brother and sister as he hug them and they hug him back.

Sonic:Be safe you two.

Sonia:Don't worry, we will.

Manic:Make sure (Y/N) trains enough to be the next greatest huntsman or a musician.


Manic:What just saying.

Sonic:(chuckles)Classic, now I want you all to promise me this.

They all look at him in confused.

Sonic:If anything happens to me I want one or all of you to take care of (Y/N). I don't want him to be someone's puppet or weaponize, even if I die I want you all to train him and help his werehog side. It's what me and his mother would had want.

Shadow:(walks up to him) I maybe a cold rival, but as his Uncle and your new brother(place hand on shoulder)you have my word that I'll protect him like you would. I don't care if it cost me my life, I would kill anyone including Eggman just to see him smile.

Sonic:Thanks Shadow.

Blaze:The same goes for me.

Sonia:Yeah,me too.

They all agreed with Shadow's decision and they hug Sonic one last time before they walk away from the woods to tract down Eggman.


Tails:And that's what happen, we fake our deaths just to find Eggman but we were more determine to find him after what happened when we arrive at your old home.

*3rd Flashback*

They rushed to Sonic's home, they arrive by hiding behind the trees to see the house burned downed leaving nothing. They look at the people in the ambulance and saw multiple dead bodies and when Amy looked at one of them she saw Sonic in a body bag making her cover her mouth and cried.

Tails:Amy what's wrong?

She said nothing but point, they look at where they pointed and saw Sonic. All of their eyes widen until Tails use a device to hear what their saying.

Police 1: Did you find their kids.

Police 2:No sir, I'm afraid their not here. We think their all dead.

Police 3: And no evidence. And no sign of the one who cause it.

Police 1:Well keep looking, we can't lose hope.

They all heard the news about team Unleashed along with their children, the girls started to cry while the guys were all filled with rage.


Tails:After hearing about the news we all were filled with anger, we didn't want to believe it but with no sign of you we had a feeling Eggman did this. So we hid in a secret base to tract down Eggman from the Atlas database to illegal alley way information, we started to lose hope until Shadow had a vision which lead us to you and here you are.

Tails had finished the story leaving (Y/N) speechless after hearing it, he looked down for a moment until he look at his uncle again.

(Y/N):So that's why you all didn't came back, it was because-

Tails:Eggman wanted to use you against us yes that's correct.

Manic:Look (Y/N) I know it would take more than a story, apology and music to forgive us but-

(Y/N):Its alright Uncle Manic, I'm just glad to see my family again.

Maria:(hugs him) We know sweet heart, we could had same for you.

Knuckles:But how did you survive.

(Y/N):Oh it was when we were in the woods after falling down towards a river.


During the log ride a young team FORS hold on a big log until-

Mallow:Am I the only one who heard that?


Serena:Uh oh

(Y/N):Don't tell me, we are about to go over a huge waterfall.


Mallow:Sharp rocks at the bottom.

Serena:Most likely.

(Y/N):...Bring it on

They tried to paddle away but the current was too strong so they all fall in the water.


(Y/N):And that's how we survive, we were drifted down the waterfall and luckily there wasn't any rocks. Mostly me since I love swimming.

Shadow:You know I find it some what hilarious that your just like your father but the major difference is that he hates the water while you love swimming in water.

(Y/N):(chuckles) Yeah, it was weird when I figure it out. But what happen to Uncle Omega, the Chaotix, Cream and Cheese.

Manic:Cream and Cheese are back home, when she figure out you were dead she cried for months. You know how she gets when her cousin gets hurt.

(Y/N):And the others.

Rouge:Omega was destroyed by Infinite but remember he's a robot. He literally carried him around in our scrolls.

Tails:Yep,(holds tablet) and he's right say hello Omega.

Omega:Hello nephew, it's good to see you again after 10 years, 359 days, 23 hours, 12 minutes and 59 seconds. I will make sure your safe again.

(Y/N):(chuckles)Hello Uncle Omega. What about Vector, Charmy and Espio.

Omega:The Chaotix are located in the Seaside hill zone.

(Y/N):And what are they doing?

Location change:Seaside hill zone.

We see Vector lifting a bolder and multiple crabs run in all direction.

Vector:I found some.

Espio grab one just before it pinch him, he puts it in a bucket along with the other crabs and they both walked towards Charmy who was drinking a slushy. He look over and saw Espio and Vector walking with a bucket of crabs as he flew in excitement.

Charmy:Sweet you found food.

Espio:Yep, I hope you like Crabs.

He lift a crab from the bucket and Charmy slapped his hand making him drop the Crab.

Charmy:Make sure their hermits crabs.

Espio and Charmy look over at Vector and they saw him with a gray cloud above his head sulking in a corner.

Vector:We're doomed aren't we.

Espio:I'm afraid so.

Vector:Why did we took this vacation instead of staying with Knuckles to find Eggman.

Espio:I don't know.

Charmy:I blame you guys for this!


Knuckles:I'm sure their fine, I mean we know they're board as hell so by the time we told them they got into their vacation outfits and run the hell away from the base.

(Y/N):They never change, I wonder how Charmy is doing.

Shadow:He's probably stuffing his face right now.

Amy:Oh that reminds me we got you a new combat outfit after yours was destroyed, (hands outfit)you can put it on after the doctor removes your cast.

(Y/N):Thanks Aunt Amy.

Blaze:Now lets go, the doctor said your not ready to be discharge after two days and theirs one last thing you need to see.

(Y/N):(confuse)What's that?

Silver:You'll have to come and see.

(Y/N) got up from the bed as Silver help him wear a new pair of clothes with his Psychokinetic. He wore a grey shirt, black pants and his blue shoes from Serena and walked down towards a room. Shadow open the door and (Y/N) walk in to see Serena laying down on the bed, he walk over to her and he saw two babies in her arms.

(Y/N):Are they-

Serena:Yep, our beautiful twins. They were just born today, but I'm glad to see you awake.

(Y/N):Me too, this is a sight I don't want to miss.

He look at the babies and saw a boy and a girl sleeping. The boy had hedgehog ears that match the grey hair with (F/C) tips and the girl had no ears meaning she's a Werewolf Faunus and she had Dark blue hair with yellow tips. They both yawn and open their eyes, the girl had a blue left eye and red right eye while the boy had two (E/C) eyes, they both giggled seeing their mother. The girl look over to (Y/N) and reached her hands, he pick up her up from Serena's arms but due to his broken arm he could only pick up one and she smiled seeing her father.

Maria:Looks like she knows who you are.

(Y/N):Probably an instinct, have you though of any names yet.

Serena:Yeah, I wanted to name one of them after my parents.

(Y/N):I think Ace is a good choice for him.

The baby boy giggle at the name making Serena smiled and bounced for a bit.

Serena:And for her.

(Y/N):How about Grace, named after your mother.

Serena:(smiled)Perfect name.

Both the twins giggle making their parents smiled, Serena look at (Y/N) and she kissed him, he kiss back as Ace clapped his hands wanting to be held by his father, while (Y/N) and Serena adore their kids (Y/N)'s family smiled at his kids. They all smile but except Shadow who looked down and clench his hand in anger.

Rouge:Hey Shadow what's wrong?

Shadow:Is that if Eggman didn't show up Sonic would still be here and cried his eyes out looking at his grandchildren.

Tails:He's right.

(Y/N) look at his Uncle and he walk up to him with Ace in his arm, Shadow look at him with a questionable look until he hand him Ace. Shadow look at Ace, he smiled at Shadow as he show no expression but he hug Ace leaving almost everyone confuse.

Shadow:He's adorable

(Y/N):He probably he sees you all as his great uncle and great aunts.

Shadow:I'd be honor to be one.

Both (Y/N) and Serena smiled at him as the camera slowly change showing the sky and it slowly turn black.

As the story continues...

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