(Y/N) Pov.(couple minutes before the fight)
I chased after Issei as he ride one of the flying robots through the Emerald Forest, he finally stopped and cut the robot with my father's sword and he land on the ground and I stop 10 feet away from him. I heard thunder from a mile away then it started to rain, I put my goggles on and hood up to block out the water so it won't distract me, we both stare at each other for a moment until we walk around in a circle. We were having a stand off with our swords in our hands.
The sound of thunder and rustling trees were the only thing we both heard, I look at my father's sword in his hand making me angry, I can't wait to reclaim the sword.
Issei:You know it wouldn't had come to this if you never existed!
(Y/N):It still wouldn't had change if I existed, the reason this happen is because of your emotions. Perverted, selfish, lies, rude, lust and a major asshole to everyone including women. This is one of the reason why you were barely my friend to begin with years ago, it was also another reason why I didn't tell you the girls I had a crush on mostly cause you wouldn't stop talking about their future cup size, me and Serena being the first of our species which you would blabber out causing more damage and you being my brother in arms!
Issei:Who gives a sh*t being your brother!
(Y/N):Well you don't know what you missed, all the great times me, my father, and his team had going to amusement parks, wild adventures and the people we help. Even as a small little hedgehog I still know what's right from wrong, good from bad, Dark from light, but you didn't. You got jealous of my family teaching me things yours can't with your brain being small as your dick!
Issei:That's exactly why they need to go, not only your father's team but your whole family from his best friend Tails to the future rival Silver, they all made my parents look like chumps. My parents wanted to be legendary hunters with me being born as a famous child until your family all stand in the spot light after beating Eggman, because of them no one remembers my family helping only humans defending a small village but only a group of animals who saved the world and helped both humans and Faunus everywhere while my family try to lied their way in the spot light. The last ten years my family started to be number 1 but we were still only 2nd rate. My family name wanted to be powerful, rich, famous, remembered with us men having a harem just like yours, I had to start with a simple leather glove while you had everything on a silver plater, once Eggman sees me with your head he'll help grant me the dream I wanted my whole life!
(Y/N):That is exactly why no one will ever remember you from the terrible things you all did. All of this carnage, families you all murder and Eggman killing my dad all because your family wanted power over others like what all criminals want controlled with desire, you let that desire control you, your no better than Eggman but once he takes over the world he's just going to get rid of you. But all of your lies are over with me and you finishing what we started 10 years ago in the same place with both of us fighting each other to the death all because of your stupid dream being the harem king!
Issei:(angrily) If you want it then come and take it!
(Y/N):(angrily)Gladly, I can't wait to get it back from you lizard, you can't even keep up with me when we were young!
Issei:(stops walking) You'll be surprise rodent, as the future soon to be red dragon emperor I'm going to turn you into a rug for me to walk on!
(Y/N):(stops walking) I'll make sure you eat those words!
3rd Pov.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play song)
(Y/N) turn into his werehog form and he charge at Issei with crystal blade but Issei deflect the blade with Excalibur making it crack a bit, Issei push (Y/N) away and punch him with enough force to crash into a tree. He got up from the hit as Issei open his hand and create a red ball in his hand.
Issei:Dragon shot.
He fired the red ball at him, (Y/N) dodge it by jumping left making a huge explosion destroy the trees behind him where it could be seen miles away, he runs towards Issei with great speed.
(Y/N):Double team.
He make fake clones of himself making Issei confuse until his mouth glows red. One of the clones stop and went into the trees as he use the dark to his advantage.
Issei:Red dragon roar.
He fired a beam at the clones creating a huge smoke, he look around in confuse, he heard tree snap and he look up to see nothing. A water shuriken was thrown behind him causing Issei to look behind until a (F/C) blur tackle him through a rock causing it to crumble, (Y/N) use double kick on Issei as he crash on the ground creating a crater, Issei got up when (Y/N)'s hands and feet glow white, he put Excalibur on his back while his hands glow red and form claws. When (Y/N) was close enough Issei block a punch until (Y/N) launch multiple punches and kicks at him making Issei block them but they couldn't hit each other.
(Y/N) launch one more kick at him until Issei punch him in his stomach causing him to be launch and land on a log causing it to break, Issei pop dragon wings out of his back and he flew up with wind blowing from the ground, he skydive towards (Y/N) and he breath fire at him, (Y/N) sat up rubbing his neck in pain as he look at his coat and saw it was torn up a bit, he look up he saw Issei breath fire at him. He use the water from the rain around him to cover the blades around his swords and he cuts through it, after the flames were gone a little bit of the fire burn a bit of his coat but he didn't care so he charge at Issei with the swords, Issei grab Excalibur and form a red claw on his right hand and charge at (Y/N) as their swords clash each other.
The impact cause them to be push back from the power, they ran at each other again as their weapons clash each other making it spark causing one of (Y/N)'s swords to creak more.
(Y/N) jumped away so he could keep his distance from Excalibur, Issei looks at him then the sword making him smirk.
Issei:Oh I get it, your afraid of the sword.
(Y/N):I'm not afraid of it, I don't want the last thing my father own get destroyed.
Issei:What ever you say rat.
(Y/N) look at the sword for a moment until he had a small flashback when he wanted to wield it one day to make his father proud.
He breath out a black fog causing Issei to cover his mouth and flew up, he look around to see where (Y/N) is. As he look everywhere he didn't see the hedgehog create a ramp made out of the ground, he back up a bit and
He blasted himself into the air and his right hand was on fire making the water around him evaporate, Issei look behind and saw (Y/N) right in front of him and his hand stretched towards him as Issei got punch in the face causing his aura to broke a bit making him lose 2 teeth as get pushed back to a tree making him drop Excalibur as it dropped to the ground.
(Y/N) fall down towards the ground and he stretched his arm to pull himself away from the open area, grab on a tree branch but due to how fast he fall and the height he jumped it broke off. He falls on more tree branches causing his clothes to be ripped and fall apart, he hit the ground hard causing his aura to slowly broke for his left arm to broke. He slowly got from the pain holding his broken arm, he try to get one of his swords from his back but he didn't felt one of them, he look up and saw Crystal blade broken with the blade shattered leaving the handle and he look at Issei with rage, Issei pry himself off the tree and flew up as he look at (Y/N) with the same rage as him, both of their mouths started to glow.
Issei:Red dragon roar.
(Y/N): Flamethrower.
Both of them breath out and they started to collide with each other from the firing rage.
The fire started to burn their surroundings turning it to ashes, both of them didn't hold back until the flames started to burn up more causing it to create a giant fire ball in the middle of the forest.
Outside from the forest everyone from the bullhead saw the huge fire ball and their eyes widen fearing what's happening in the fight, it not only made the females more worried but (Y/N)'s uncles and aunts were too, back to the fight. (Y/N) and Issei ran/flew through the fire and they went inside, Issei's left hand glows red while (Y/N)'s right hand glows green.
Issei/(Y/N): Dragon Claw
Both of their hands glow a dragons hand and they hit each other in the face causing the fire ball inside to shake creating a huge explosion.
(End Song)
Everything outside the forest was shaking from the impact causing a shockwave making everyone hold on tight to the bullhead while Tails, Silver and Rouge were blown back for a bit, the fire slowly died down from the rain.Inside the forest from what used to be the fire ball it was only left with a huge crater, inside the crater is (Y/N) with almost all of his clothes are gone with his coat gone and his goggles broke apart leaving him with only half of his shirt without the right side, his left sleeve, tear up pants and his shoes only had a small burn mark. For Issei he's all burn up looking all crisp with half of his helmet and his left arm cover in armor he had from his semblance, the rain continue to pour as (Y/N) slowly woke up and sat up slowly, he started to black out from absorbing too much. He look over at Issei but he couldn't see properly, he look around until he saw something coming towards him, he can't focus on it and he couldn't hear what it said so he blacked out. From what he couldn't see was his uncle Shadow rushing towards him along with everyone else coming to his aid, he check his pulse to see if he's alive and he is but he was only unconscious, for the first time he slowly cries seeing his nephew again but more importantly seeing him alive as did his uncles and aunts. Zeoticus walk over to Issei and kick him in the face, Both Penny and Rias walk up to him, Penny look at Issei's condition on her left arm to see the damage. Rias check his pulse and their wasn't one, she was surprise he was dead.
Venelana:Rias what's wrong?
Rias:Its Issei, theirs no pulse.
Rias:Yeah, but how did he die.
Penny:I found it, it shows that he died from not only using too much of his energy causing his heart to beat too fast making him had a heart attack but also him going into that huge fire ball, guess his armor couldn't handle the heat.
Rias:Well just to be safe.
Rias use her power of destruction and turn burn Issei's body to ashes.
Rias:I don't want anyone especially Eggman try to revive him for a second attempt to go after (Y/N).
They walk over to (Y/N) to see if he's ok as they look at him worried
Amy:How is he, is he going to be ok.
Tails:I check his condition, thankfully he's unconscious but he has a broken arm.
Silver:Well I'm just glad to see the little goofball again.
Shadow:Yeah, let's take him to the hospital.
Ruby:Hold on, almost forgot something.
Tai:Forgot what?
Ruby walk over towards Excalibur and she pick it up and showed it to everyone.
Ruby:He's going to need his father's sword back.
Rouge:That's very kind of you, now how do we get there.
Olivia:(hands him emerald) I knew something like this would come in handy, here you go Mr Shadow.
Shadow:(grabs emerald) Thank you, CHAOS CONTROL
Shadow use chaos control to teleport everyone to the hospital, they arrive at the hospital when a doctor walks towards them.
Doctor:Really you couldn't use the door like a normal person.
Shadow:Who cares, please help my nephew or else you'll end up with a bullet
Doctor:(gulps)Oh sorry Mr Shadow it's good to see your still alive, we'll help this boy.
Everyone waited in the waiting room as the doctors and nurses help his injuries, everyone waited for an update until one of them arrive.
Doctor:He's alright, do you wish to see him.
Tails:Of course.
They walked in the room to see him resting on the bed with a cast on his left arm, Ruby place Excalibur next to cold steel that was next to him until Blake look at (Y/N)'s family.
Blake:So are you all-
Maria:Yes, we're his family.
Winter:But that's not possible, (Y/N) said you were dead.
Tails:Well long story short during our fight with Infinite, a rookie found a piece of the phantom ruby that has enough power to create or cancel illusions, we use it to make it look like we were dead. So in other words we fake our deaths, we told Sonic that we'll tract down Eggman in a secret lab, but after he died we thought our nephew died as well but now that he's alive we want to tell him after he wakes up.
Shadow:Now we got a lot of question we need answers to?
Glynda:Ok, what's the first.
They started to explain everything until the answers accidentally got out but they didn't know that a certain egghead was going to hear the news.
Location change: Eggman's secret lab
In front of the computer Eggman was watching the fight between Issei and (Y/N) as he heard everything and saw everything, the news came on and it reveal Issei's parents being arrest and Issei himself found dead along with team FORS being the missing child, he wasn't mad but he was happy.
Eggman:So the son of Sonic is alive, I knew Issei didn't kill him. Hmm maybe I get to finally use my final machines to face him, maybe I could use his power as a energy source to finally build Eggman land, oh ho ho ho ho. But it'll have to wait until it completes until then I will wait for a moment, just enough time for them to rest for a bit.
The camera zooms in on the computer saying 48% until robot complete as the screen turn black.
As the story continues...
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