I sighed seeing Keigo walk into my room with a bouquet of flowers. "Hey Songbird." He said, setting the flowers on the table near my hospital bed. "Hi Birdbrain." He chuckled at the nickname I had been calling him for 3 days now. "So mean." Keigo jokes. "I try to be." I laughed. He glanced at the normal clothes I wore. "What?" I asked. "Wasn't expecting an ACDC shirt." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "At least I have good taste in music." I shot back. Keigo shook his head at me, smiling. "Ready to go, Songbird?" I crossed my arms. "Weren't you supposed to be working today?" I asked. "I'll be going into work after I drop you off at home." I rolled my eyes, already knowing he more likely than not, will end up sticking by my side all day. I got up, and picked up the bouquet. They were f/f, making me smile. "Ready, Songbird?" Hawks asked. I nodded, letting him take my hand and lead me outside. Almost immediately, we were surrounded by paparazzi. Keigo wrapped one of his wings around me, keeping me hidden from the cameras, taking the chance to wrap an arm around my waist. "Hawks! Is the rumor of you and the singer Nightingale being a couple true?" "Hawks! Are you the boyfriend of Nightingale?" "Nightingale! Are you dating Hawks?" I felt his grip tighten on me slightly. "Sorry everyone, but we've gotta fly. See ya!" Keigo said, taking off. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my wings still being bandaged. He laughed as numerous camera flashes followed us. "Hold on tight, songbird."
The blonde flipped onto his back and smiled down at me. "Missed this?" He asked. "What? Flying?" I asked. "No, getting a hot guy to steal you away from the public." He jokes. "Not really." I shot back, making him roll his eyes. He flipped back over and started flying like normal. "Am I gonna get attacked for dropping you off?" Keigo asked. "You shouldn't, he should be at his summer camp by now." I said, enjoying the feeling of the wind against my skin. I waved at several people who were standing on balconies, freaking out because they saw me and Keigo. "You sure you're not a popstar, songbird?" Keigo jokes. "Shut up birdbrain." I laughed. "This it?" He asked as we flew around my apartment building. "Yep, the penthouse is where I live." "Not surprised, songbird. It's pretty though." He said, landing. I let go of him, his hands lingering around my waist. "Keigo." He let go, letting me walk inside. He followed me, glancing around the house. "You don't live as richly as I expected." He said, following me into the kitchen. "I try not to. I wanted to teach my son that you don't need to have a big house or expensive items to live happily." I said.
"So how many concert tickets did you buy for the two of you?" Keigo asked, smirking. "Check the hallway, we have a large picture frame of just tickets from the concerts he wanted to see. You should have seen him at his first concert. He was so cute." I said, smiling. Keigo glanced at a wall filled with pictures. "I see he likes some edgier bands." I rolled my eyes. "He got his taste in music from me." I shot back. "You were an edgelord?" Keigo asked in disbelief. "Even worse, I was a punk goth." I taunted, laughing at the blonde. "Oh my god." He said, matching my dramaticness. We looked at each other for a second before laughing. "I seriously cannot believe that you, of all people, were a punk goth." Keigo said, wiping his eyes after crying from laughing too hard. "I was!" I laughed. "Pictures or didn't happen." He demanded. "Absolutely not! I am not showing you pictures from my high school days!" I laughed. "Come on! I bet it wasn't as bad as you think it was." The blonde tried to coax me. "No way in hell am I showing you those photos." "Come on!" "Show me yours then I'll think about it." "That is not how this works." "Tough shit buttercup!" I teased, sticking my tongue out at him. "Put that tongue away missy." Keigo laughed. "What? Are you gonna make me if I don't?" I joked.
The male smirked, taking quick strides towards me. I stepped back, running into the counter behind me. The blonde put his hands against the counter behind me, brow raised with a smirk. "I might, songbird." My face burned slightly. "Where's that mind going, songbird?" He asked, moving his head down to my ear. "Not so tough now, are you?" I felt his hands wrap around my waist and pull me against him. Instinctively, I pressed my hands against his chest to keep a bit of space between us. Keigo took one of my hands and pressed a kiss to it. "Such a stubborn songbird." Keigo purred, locking his golden eyes with my e/c ones. "K-Keigo?" I was lifted up and sat on the counter I was previously pinned against. "Songbird~" My face was more likely than not a blushing mess. His eyes glanced from mine down to my lips, a seductive smirk playing on his own. Whatever Keigo was planning to do, ended up getting shut down by my phone going off.
Taking the chance to get out of the embarrassing moment, I slipped off the counter to my phone. I frowned seeing that it was UA High. "UA?" Keigo asked, reading it over my shoulder. I jumped before turning to him. "Yeah, give me a minute." I said, stepping past him and answering the phone. "Hello, Y/n Tokoyami speaking." I said, ignoring Keigo wrapping his arms around me. Why the hell is he acting so damn lovey dovey? "Ms. Tokoyami, I'm sorry to inform you that your son was targeted during a villain attack." The person on the other side of the line said. My heart dropped. "Is he okay?" I asked, my maternal panic setting in. "Fortunately, because some of his classmates were stubborn, he was safe from harm. We are sending all students home, and will be having dorms built for the students to live on campus, as long as it is okay with you. His teacher should be coming later this week to discuss it with you." "Alright, do I need to come pick him up?" I asked, shoving Keigo's hands off of me. "If you don't mind." "I'll be down there in maybe an hour." I said before hanging up. "What happened?" Keigo asked. "Villains attacked the students, I have to go get my son." I said, rushing around the house. "Woah, woah, you are in no state to be going anywhere. I'll go pick him up for you, you need to relax." I rolled my eyes at the blonde. "Trust me songbird, I can handle an edgelord teen." I smirked. "Not with my son." I sassed. He shook his head. "Let me handle it, songbird." He said, taking my face in his hands. "I promise, he'll be safe from villains." I nodded. "Alright, I'll be back soon." Keigo said, before stepping out on the large space I called a balcony. He gave me a wave before taking off flying.
A/n: Thank you for reading my story! Stay safe! Drink water & stay hydrated! Feel free to comment, vote, & share!
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