Angsty Teens and Flamboyant Birdbrains

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I smirked at the red winged male who landed in front of me at the gates of UA high. "How is it that I beat you here, without even flying?" I asked, glancing at his sudden change of clothes. "Let me guess, duty calls?" I laughed. "Maybe." Keigo grinned. "OH MY GOD! THAT'S HAWKS!" I heard a teenage voice yell. Keigo chuckled before wrapping an arm around me to lead me inside of UA's property with a staff member. "Name?" The male asked. "Y/n Tokoyami." I said getting the staff member's attention. He jumped slightly. "Y-You're Nightingale!" He said quickly. I gave him a smile. "Yep! I'm guessing you're a fan of mine?" The male nodded rapidly. "Now, now, let Ms. Nightingale through!" An eccentric voice said. I laughed, already knowing who the loud voice belonged to. "Hey Mic." The loud blonde smiled at me. "Good evening, lovely popstar!" Mic said, glancing at Keigo's arm around me. "And Hawks, nice to see ya!" "Present Mic." Keigo nodded respectfully at him as we walked in. "How's my little chicklet?" I asked. "Tokoyami's fine, just a bit shook up." Mic said, walking with us. "And the other kids?" I asked. "One sadly was taken, but we're working on getting him back." I nodded, as we turned a corner into the cafeteria where the kids were sitting. "Tokoyami!" Mic screamed. Several students turned their heads towards us as my son covered his face while walking to us. I could hear the students whispering. "Is that Nightingale and Hawks?" "Is his parents Nightingale and Hawks?" "I highly doubt that his mom is actually Nightingale." I rolled my eyes at the idioticness in the room, understanding why my son says that these people tire him out. Keigo stretched a wing behind me and Fumikage as we walked. "You three be safe." Mic said, nodding at us. "And Nightingale, I expect a visit from you on my radio station soon." I laughed at the blonde. "I'll think about it Hizashi."

As we walked, Keigo had his wings blocking us from the reporters and paparazzi. "What student is it?!" "What do you have to say about your fellow classmate being kidnapped?" "Hawks, when did you become a father?" Keigo rolled his eyes as Fumikage got into the car. The blonde turned his back to me as he quickly addressed the reporters. "I'm just a friend of the parent of the student here, I'd ask for you all to back away and leave all students alone. This is probably a sensitive time for these kids." He said as he kicked the car door shut behind me. I signalled the driver to go as Keigo took flight.

I turned my attention to my son who was shaking beside me. "Fumi?" He had his head buried in his hands. "Fumikage." I got his attention. "What's wrong, chicklet?" "I attacked my classmates." I sighed before pulling the boy into a hug. "Fumi, it's not your fault that you haven't figured out how to fully control your quirk." I said, pressing a kiss to his smoothed out feathers. Ignoring the small patches where he had obviously pulled his feathers out from stress, I ran my fingers through his feathers. "You're going to a school to learn how to better control it, do not blame yourself for it." "Why couldn't I have gotten your quirk?" I pressed my forehead to his. "Chicklet, your quirk is perfect for you." "I could have killed my classmates!" "And do you think that anyone else would be able to handle it half as well as you can?" "I..." The ruby red eyes of my son closed as he sighed in defeat. The car came to a stop as the driver let us get out.

The silence between us was deafening as we made our way into the building. Several people made disapproving faces at my son, making me instinctively wrap one of my bandaged wings around him. The people that were in the elevator with us attempted to make conversation with me or Fumikage, only causing me to pull my wing tighter around him. He ducked from under my wing as we made our way to the penthouse floor and through the front door. Like clockwork, my son practically sprinted to his room, leaving me in the living room. I sighed before sitting down on one of the dark grey couches as I unlocked my phone, just barely noticing the piece of paper that fluttered out of my pocket. I picked the paper off the floor and smiled, already seeing the flamboyant name at the bottom.

Give me a call sometime, little songbird.

- Keigo

That birdbrain, I swear to god he's gonna get himself killed. At least he's cute.


A/n: Thank you for reading my story! Stay safe! Drink water & stay hydrated! Feel free to comment, vote, & share!

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