Nobody's pov
Lena woke up from Kara's alarm clock hurting her ears, she stood up looking around the room."Kara? are you here?'' Lena said loudly. Kara came walking in, still in her pyjama's ''Good moring sleepy'' Kara said, she walked over to Lena and kissed her forehead. '' So are we a thing now or what?" Lena asked shyly, truning a light pink on her cheeks. Kara stood there looking at Lena for a moment. She leaned in, till she was next to Lena's ear. "ofcourse we are" kara said less confident then she hoped. ''by the way,i made pancakes for us''. Lena smiled really big and cute. She quickly hopped out of bed and put her hair in a messy bun.
Some time later
''so you guys skipped breakfast?'' Nia asked the two girls. ''Yes i made pancakes for us'' Kara answerd. ''So guys the teachers are not giving class today because they want more money for it, soooo you guys wanna play truth or dare in my dorm?" yea sure, and yes came from the girls and Winn.
In Nia's dorm
''Truth or dare Winn."Nia asked. I'll take dare was his answer. ''I dare you to lick my foot.'' they all laughed except Winn who was looking disgusted.'' Fine but we don't talk about this ever again." he leaned in and licked Nia's foot. He almost trew up and Nia put of the sock and put on a new one. "Truth or dare Kara." Winn saiden with an evil smile. Kara looked a little scared but answerd with the truth. ''Okay, do you wanna kiss Lena?'' He asked with and even bigger smile. ''You know what i want dare.'' Kara said suudenly very nervous. "Fine i dare you to kiss Lena." Lena and Kara we're both blushing now, Lena was messing with her sleeve. ''Never have i ever..." "ThAtS nOt ThE gAmE kArA."Whinn said looking angry at her. "Okay we are a thing okay." Kara said looking at the ground. Nia's and winn's mouth shot open. after a few seconds they both smiled. "That's great!'' Nia said. ''Well it was fun but i'm gonna go to my dorm now.''Lena said, standing up and walking out of the door while she got a few goodbye's. ''Wait i'm going with you.'' Kara said while locking her arm around Lena's.
in lena's dorm
¨Sorry Kara but i have a hard time opening up to people¨ lena said while she sat on her bed looking at the floor. ¨It is alright¨ Kara walked up to her and gave Lena a big hug which made the brunette smile. ¨Look Lena if you ever feel scared or uncomfortable i will be there for you always¨ Kara leaned in and gave Lena a small kiss. ¨Kara your phone is ringing¨ Kara took her phone. ¨Oh sorry Lena my sister Alex is calling me. Kara took up the phone she talked to Alex a few sec and said she was busy so she could go back to Lena fast.
After that Lena and Kara talked a bit about feelings and what they wanna be later, Lena told Kara all about how she want to take over her brother's company and how she wants to make it better. Kara talked about how she would like to be a reporter.Kara alsow told Lena about her sisters job how she was an agent and stuff. Lena asked how math was going, Kara told her it was easy now.
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