chapter 6

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Lena's pov
I woke up this morning, I was really looking forward for today because Kara was going to talk to me. So I got out of bed and put one of my fancier shirts on, you know with some more cleavage😏. I was still a little tired so I was late to breakfast. I got some bread and took my seat. I looked over at Kara and her friends she didn't even seem to notice me.

Kara's pov
Omg she's wearing a shirt that showed her cleavage, I was freaking out, how am I going to talk to her when she looks like a goddess. I tried not to look at her because I didn't wanna look like a tomato. Our first class was English which is boring. Am good in it but it's boring. Winn was geeking out about some new Star Wars game, that was suppose to be so much better then the first one. When he left Nia told me to talk to Lena today, and that she was sure I could do it.
I took my seat someone in the back in class. Lena sat somewhere a few seats beside me. Normally we do this alone here, but the teacher told us that we had to make cards one pack with the questions and an other pack with the right answers so it was like memory the game. The teacher made the team and of course she just had to put me with Lena. I looked over to her and caught her looked at me too. I looked away really fast and adjusted my glasses, which became a nervous habit at this point.

Lena's pov
I was kind off glad the teacher put us together maybe this would push her to talk to me, but of course I was still very nervous I mean have u seen that cute face of hers. I picked up my chair and put it next to her table. " hey, who is going to make the question pack?" I asked innocently. For a few seconds she looked shocked that I started to talk first but then said "Hey, uhm I'll do it." After a few minutes of awkward silence I turned red and asked "Do you really like me, or was that just for fun?" She looked shocked "No no I would never do that for fun, I r-really l-like you." She stuttered out. "Okay good because I think your kind off cute too." I said not looking up. Her face lit up and with a big smile she said " Omg omg really so you wanna be my girlfriend?" Her face turned scared and looked down " Sorry that was way to fast." She said. "No no I would love to be your girlfriend." I replied. The bell rang we both walked away and out of the class she almost hugged me to death. "Let's go have lunch girlfriend." She said seductively. I chuckled and walked after her to lunch.

Nia's pov
"So I see that you guys worked this out." I said when I saw Kara and Lena walk towards me with both a big smile on there face. "Oh yes Nia you could not believe it but she is my girlfriend now!" Kara said almost yelling at me. I saw Lena blushing like crazy next to her which was absolutely adorable. "Hey Winn, guess what these two are girlfriends." I said as Winn joined our table. "Really that awesome guys." He said while giving the new couple a smile.

Nobody's pov
The bell rang time for the second class which was for Nia and Winn Pe and for Lena and Kara history. Lena and Kara where walking to class when they heard James and his club of guys walked towards us. Out of reflex Lena started to walk faster, because this Is not the first time he bullied her. "Hey wait up Luther." James said Lena stood still knowing she couldn't out run him. Kara stood nervous beside her a little bit behind her and adjusted her classes. "Hey you think your so tough Luthor, prove it then." James said before pushed Lena. " Hey what do you think your doing?" Kara said being protective of Lena. " Oh Luthor you got your next victim to kill." James said "Let me make it easier for you killer." He said before he pushed Lena and Kara into a closet with all cleaning stuff. James broke the lock locking them in, the closet was very tiny. Lena could feel Kara'a breath on her face since she was taller then her. Kara smelled of vanilla. " What are we going to do now?" Kara asked " Well where looked in so the best we can do is wait for someone to come get this stuff and free us." Lena said while taking a seat on the ground. "Hey so your just gonna take a seat and leave me standing here." Kara said a little angrily. "Well there's only place for one so maybe come sit on my lap." Lena said. At that Kara turned super red. "O-okay." Kara said while taking a seat on Lena"a lap. They both stayed like that for a while looking around the room and maybe themselves as comfortable as they could. Kara let out a shocked and fast breath when Lena touched with one hand her waste and the other brushed trough Kara's hair. Kara's heart stared to beat faster at the contact. Lena on the other hand was loving the contact. She placed a few kisses on Kara's neck. Making Kara weak. Lena stroked over Kara's arm which made Kara turned around facing Lena. Kara held Lena's waste looking at her with a red face. Kara grabbed Lena's chin and leaned forward until her lips made contact with Lena's. After a few moments they both pulled away to catch there breath. They both smiled at each other, and continued kissing.

Someone broke the lock and stepped almost on the cuddling and sleeping girls. Winn almost screamed because he was scared of monsters. He woke the girls up looking confused at them. "What the hell are you guys doing in here?" He asked screaming. " James looked us up." Lena said sleepy. "Well you guys missed dinner but I got some left over pizza in my dorm." He said calming down. The girls walked out of the closet, and walked after Winn who handed them the left over pizza. Kara's dorm was the least furthest away so the girls stayed there. They watched some movies while eating the pizza. But most of the time they just kissed. After the pizza Kara got in the shower and Lena was chancing in a oversized shirt from Kara. Lena walked over to the bed and laid on it, Lena could feel some beating between her legs but decided not to do anything because she was at Kara's. When Kara walked out of the shower Lena was already asleep, Kara laid next to her and kissed her forehead and cuddled next to her, falling fast asleep.

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