(Ykkero: Friends, I'm alive!
I know I've been gone for a long time, and frankly, I feel incredibly ashamed in front of you. I disappeared without warning, and maybe someone even thought that I abandoned all this. But no, I'm here, and I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting. I will try to post chapters as soon as I can. I apologize in advance if the chapter is bad, I haven't written for a long time and have lost all my skills.)
There was oppressive silence in the office. Time seemed to be running out, stretching into painfully long minutes. Ayanokouji was sitting opposite Suou, leaning with his back on the back of a chair, maintaining an impeccably even posture. His face was dispassionate, his golden eyes coldly and indifferently studied the interlocutor, but there was not a drop of curiosity in this look.
Suou, in turn, sat just as motionless, looking at Ayanokouji just as insensitively, as if there was not a man in front of him, but an empty shell. Not a single muscle on his face twitched, not a single emotion was reflected in the depths of his eyes.
It's been an hour. An hour of silent confrontation in which there were no winners and losers. The air in the office, stiff and motionless, pressed on the shoulders, but none of them was going to break the silence first.
However, realizing that this silent game could go on forever, Suou decided to be the first to break the silence. His voice sounded smooth, without a single hint of surprise or doubt, as if he was only confirming a fact of which he was already sure.
"Is it really you? Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," - he asked coldly, looking carefully at the face of the guy sitting opposite him.
There was no friendliness in his eyes, but there was no hostility either. Only evaluating, waiting for interest, as if he was not looking at a person, but at a ghost from the past, who was not supposed to appear here, but still found himself in front of him.
Ayanokoji nodded, his expression remained unchanged.
"Yes, it's me. The same Ayanokouji you know," - he calmly replied, as if this conversation didn't matter to him.
Suou continued to sit, not taking his eyes off him. Outwardly, he looked unperturbed, but inside he was still trying to realize how it was possible.
Ayanokouji, whom he knew, was older. His movements always felt a honed confidence, and a cold calculation in his eyes. But this guy... he looked younger, although he behaved exactly the same way. The same emptiness was read in his eyes, his voice remained monotonous, as if he was just stating a fact.
Suou involuntarily remembered that fight in the cafe. Then he attacked first, and almost no strike reached the target. Ayanokouji moved as if he knew in advance what the next step would be. Evasion, block, counterattack - all with frightening accuracy and without a single unnecessary movement. It was the same style, the same person... but how is that possible?
Various theories began to form in Suou's head, but none of them gave a satisfactory answer. He felt that there was not just someone like Ayanokouji in front of him. It was him.
Ayanokouji calmly looked at Suou, catching the hidden confusion in his eyes. His voice remained even, as if he was discussing something completely ordinary.
"I understand what you're thinking about now. Believe me, I was also as surprised as you were when I woke up in the body of this seventeen-year-old teenager," - he said without a shadow of emotions.
His words sounded so ordinary that it only increased the absurdity of what was happening. Suou frowned involuntarily. There was no logic or explanation in it, but in front of him sat a man who behaved exactly like the same Ayanokouji.
There was a painful silence. Suou tried to understand what he heard, but none of the options seemed plausible. And yet, something inside told him that he was really the one he knew.
Suou continued to look at Ayanokouji silently, his gaze remained cold and calm, but everything was boiling inside. His mind feverishly tried to comprehend what he heard, to find at least some rational explanation.
"Woke up?" - he finally asked again, squinting slightly. "Do you mean that... you're died?"
His voice sounded smooth, but an almost imperceptible note of tension slipped in it. Suou tried to control himself, but the thought that the same Ayanokouji, the man he considered an impenetrable machine, was killed, seemed absurd.
"Yes, why are you so surprised?" - Ayanokouji replied in the same dispassionate tone. "I'm not some superman. I'm also mortal, like everyone else."
These words sounded so ordinary that Suou was speechless for a moment. It seemed that Ayanokouji himself did not attach much importance to what happened to him. As if the fact of his death was not something significant.
But Suou couldn't just accept it. He knew what this man was capable of. He saw Ayanokouji emerge victorious from situations where it seemed impossible to survive. And now he was sitting in front of him, albeit in a different body, but with the same emptiness in his eyes.
Ayanokouji tilted his head slightly, as if making it clear that he saw no point in this conversation. His voice remained even, without a hint of irritation or interest.
"Let's skip it. I wonder why you dragged me here. If it's just to confirm your guesses, then we could calmly discuss it in the cafe where you made a pogrom," - he said, looking at Suou dispassionately.
His words sounded calmly, but there was a hidden fatigue in them. As if this whole situation was not of particular importance to him.
Suou was silent, continuing to examine him with his eyes. He knew that Ayanokouji didn't like to waste time. If he speaks so directly, then he really doesn't see the point in it. But Suou couldn't just let go of the situation. He had to get answers.
Suou hummed, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked carefully at Ayanokouji's face, as if trying to find in him even a hint of a lie or a game, but the same cold, dispassionate man he knew was still sitting in front of him.
"There are too many prying eyes in that cafe," - Suou replied calmly, finally leaning back in the chair. "In addition, I wanted to see for myself. You understand how... incredible it is."
Ayanokouji didn't answer. He only raised an eyebrow slightly, as if hinting that this argument did not impress him.
Suou crossed his arms over his chest and, after a little delay, continued:
"I dragged you here because I want to know one thing. If you're really the Ayanokouji I knew... then what are you going to do next?"
He stared at Ayanokouji's face, trying to catch at least a shadow of emotions, even the slightest hint of his intentions. After all, if this person really came back, then he must have a goal. And Suou knew too well that Ayanokouji had never acted without a reason.
Ayanokouji looked at Suou, meeting his eyes. His golden eyes remained as empty as before, as if the question itself did not matter to him. He didn't think about the answer, he just said it as it is:
"I don't have a special goal this time. All I want is to live as a "normal" human, not as a soldier who spent nine years in the White Room and then fought at the hot spots until his death."
His voice did not tremble, there was no regret, no fatigue, no desire to convince Suou. He just voiced the fact.
Suou watched him carefully, trying to find even the slightest hint of a lie, but a man whose words were direct and impeccably logical was still sitting in front of him.
However, something about it seemed strange to him.
"You? Lead a normal life?" Suou asked again, squinting. "You who were born in the cruelest environment, who are used to a world where the only law is survival"
There was no ridicule in his voice, rather curiosity mixed with doubt. He knew Ayanokouji not as an ordinary person, but as someone who is used to living on the verge between life and death.
Ayanokouji tilted his head slightly, his face remained dispassionate.
"Don't I have the right to do that?" - he asked calmly.
Suou hummed, shaking his head.
"Right?" - he asked again, staring at Ayanokouji. "That's not the point. I just don't believe that a person who has gone through what you have experienced will be able to take and live a normal life just like that."
Ayanokouji only shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"Maybe. But that doesn't mean I won't try," - he replied.
Suou carefully studied his face, but Ayanokouji's expression remained unchanged. He was really calm. No trace of anger, no disappointment, no regret.
"And you think you'll succeed?" - Suou asked, crossing his arms.
"I don't think so. I just do it," - Ayanokouji replied indifferently.
Suou grinned.
"Sounds in your style."
He thought for a moment, then took a deep breath.
"Okay. Let's say you want to live a normal life. But you understand that the past won't leave you alone just like that, right? People who knew you... they didn't disappear."
Ayanokouji raised an eyebrow a little.
"Are you hinting that you won't leave me alone?"
Suou hummed.
"I haven't decided yet. But something tells me that you will still be drawn into this world again."
Ayanokouji didn't answer, he just looked away a little. Deep down, he understood that Suou was right.
"If that's all, I'll go," - said Ayanokoji, he was about to get up, but Suou's voice made him stop.
"Wait, that's not all," - Suou said calmly but firmly. "There's something you have to do."
Ayanokouji was in no hurry to sit back. He only turned his head slightly towards Suou, his gaze remained as dispassionate as before.
"And what is it?" - he asked in an even voice.
The next day, Ayanokouji was sitting opposite Yuki, crossing his arms and looking at her calmly. Yuki, smiling broadly, told something with a slurping, her eyes sparkled with joy, and a satisfied grin played on her face. It seemed that she was particularly pleased to have this conversation, even if the interlocutor did not show any reaction.
Ayanokouji remained dispassionate, his expression did not change, the voice inside him was also silent. But in his thoughts... In his thoughts, he has already come up with a thousand ways to kill her. Fast, painless, painful, elegant, inconspicuous - there were countless options. The whole situation seemed almost absurd to him: he was sitting here like some servant, listening to someone's chatter, while just a day ago he was discussing with Suou issues related to his past.
Yuki, of course, didn't guess anything. She continued to speak, sure that her words evoked at least some kind of response from Ayanokouji. Her carefreeness amused and annoyed him at the same time, but he, as always, did not show a single emotion.
"Ah, don't look at me like that, Ayanokouji-kun," - Yuki grinned, shaking her head playfully. "You look like you want to kill me."
She laughed, not even suspecting how accurately she guessed.
Ayanokouji didn't react. His face remained unchanged, and a thought flashed inside for a second: "I wonder if it was a simple coincidence or does she have a really good intuition?"
He could say something, change the subject, try to smooth out the situation, but why? It was easier for him to just watch silently, watching Yuki herself have fun with her own words.
"You're not cheerful at all," - she complained, Yuki pouted her cheeks, crossing her arms over her chest, and snorted expressively.
Any other guy in his place would probably have already melted from her cute expression. Maybe he would even blush, stuttering embarrassedly, trying to find the answer. But not Ayanokouji. He just continued to look at her with the same dispassionate look, not changing his facial expression for a second.
Yuki, not getting the desired reaction, grinned again and leaned a little closer, leaning on the table.
"I ran out of tea, can you please bring me a new one? You're my servant now," - she said with a hint of mischievousness in her voice, obviously trying to hurt him. But Ayanokouji didn't even raised an eyebrow.
"I'm your bodyguard, not a servant," - he replied calmly. "Besides, you already have a maid for such a job."
Yuki frowned, clearly dissatisfied with the fact that her attempt to bring him out of balance failed again.
"You're so boring, Ayanokouji-kun," - she muttered, leaning back in her chair. "Shouldn't you show at least a little respect for your mistress?"
Ayanokouji raised an eyebrow slightly, but otherwise his expression remained the same.
"Mistress?" - he asked again, as if assessing her words. "Have you lost touch with reality yet?"
Yuki snorted.
"I'm just checking if at least something can evoke emotions in you. Although it seems that you have water flowing instead of blood"
Ayanokouji didn't answer, just took his empty cup and tilted it slightly, showing that his tea was also over.
"So you don't mind going for tea?" - Yuki smiled slyly.
"I'm just showing that you're not the only one who ran out of it," - he replied calmly.
Yuki sighed, puffing up her lips.
"I wish you could play along with me at least once..."
"I can't believe I agreed to it," - he thought through his head.
He remembered that conversation with Gensei Suou. This old bastard played in his own way again, giving him an ultimatum. In a dry but unshakable voice, he said that if Ayanokouji refuses to look after his granddaughter, the same cafe where he used to work part-time will close overnight.
It wasn't even a proposal - rather an order veiled for a benevolent conversation. And although Ayanokouji was not tied to that place as much as the previous owner of this body, he understood that the owners and staff of the institution were not to blame for anything. They will just be victims of this old man's whim.
"And all because I fooled her yesterday," - he thought restrainedly, quietly glancing at Yuki.
She looked satisfied, not suspecting how Ayanokouji was next to her. Although, perhaps, she guessed, but she just enjoyed the situation.
"I wonder if I should ever tell her about it? Although, knowing her, she will probably only laugh."
Ayanokouji slowly leaned back in his chair and, as always, watched the girl dispassionately. The door of the classroom opened with a slight creak, and two girls came in. Their steps were light but confident, and their eyes immediately slid around the room.
Ayanokouji watched them silently, noting every detail: their posture, facial expressions, manner of movement. They didn't look embarrassed or tense, like most newcomers. On the contrary, there was a natural uninveredness in their behavior, as if they had long been used to being the center of attention.
"Hi, Yuki, sorry for the delay, we were detained by our classmates," - Alisa was the first to speak, coming closer and unceremoniously sitting down at one of the tables.
"Yeah, our new classmates really didn't want to let us go," - Maria added with a slight smile.
Unlike her sister, her voice sounded softer, but the words still had a slight dissatisfaction.
Ayanokouji looked at Yuki, waiting for her reaction. She didn't seem to be particularly surprised, she just hummed, crossing her arms over her chest. Maria tilted her head slightly, looking at Ayanokouji with obvious curiosity. A sly light flashed in her eyes, and a slight smile played on her lips.
"Who is this cutie?" - she asked, not taking her eyes off him.
Alisa glanced at Ayanokouji, but said nothing, just grinned, as if she already knew what his reaction would be.
Yuki, who had just watched what was happening before, suddenly snorted and laughed.
"Oh, Maria, you should be more careful with such words," - she said, grinning. "He can take it too literally... or ignore it altogether."
Ayanokouji looked at Maria in silence. His face, as always, remained dispassionate, as if he had not even heard her words. But inside he had already noted the details for himself: her tone, facial expression, how she tried to cause a reaction.
"I don't think it matters," - he calmly replied, looking at Yuki, ignoring the obvious attempt to start a conversation.
Maria put her lips, pretending to be disappointed.
"How cold... but it's even interesting," - she muttered, continuing to study it.
Maria still looked at Ayanokouji, obviously not going to retreat just like that. Her smile became a little wider, and there was a clear interest in her eyes.
"Cold and silent... You know, Alisa, I think we have a curious specimen," - she said, turning to her sister.
Alisa just shrugged her shoulders indifferently.
"Maybe. But, Maria, you know that some people don't like to be attracted to their attention in this way," - she replied, taking a glimpse at Ayanokouji.
"So what? Doesn't it make everything even more interesting?" - Maria said cheerfully, turning to him again.
Yuki watched what was happening with a slight grin, as if anticipating how it would end.
"Well, since you're so interested in him, can I imagine it?" - she stretched out lazily, pretending to be thinking. "Maria, Alisa, meet, this is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."
She paused and, grinning, added:
"My bodyguard."
Alisa raised an eyebrow a little, but did not comment on what she heard. But Maria blinked in surprise, and then her smile became even wider.
"Oh, so he's not just a student? I wonder why a gloomy person like him agreed to work for you, Yuki? You're not one of those who easily convince people... Or I don't know something?"
Yuki smiled slyly, but didn't answer anything, only looked meaningfully at Ayanokouji, as if saying: Come on, explain yourself.
But Ayanokouji just sighed softly and calmly said:
"I don't think it's important."
Maria leaned forward, resting her chin in the palm of her hand, and continued to look at it with interest.
"You're really weird... But I like it," - she muttered thoughtfully.
"You need to see a doctor," - he coldly remarked, without even bothering himself with any expression of emotions. "And I'll be Suou's bodyguard for only a week."
Yuki, hearing this, clicked her tongue irritably. She already knew perfectly well that it was temporary, but it was unpleasant to hear confirmation from his mouth.
"Tsk, a week..." - she muttered discontentedly, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's like blinking and missing a moment."
Maria chuckled slightly, looking at their exchange of replicas.
"Yuki, you should be happy that you have such an opportunity at all," - she teased. "Or are you already attached to him?"
Yuki gave her an irritated look.
"Don't talk nonsense," - she interrupted, but there was clearly dissatisfaction in her voice.
Alisa, who had been calmly watching what was happening all this time, finally spoke:
"If it's only for a week, why did you even agree? You're clearly not one of those who are easily persuaded."
Ayanokouji slowly looked at her, but didn't answer right away.
"It's not that important," - he said calmly.
But Yuki already knew the answer. She tilted her head to the side and added with a mocking smile:
"Oh yes, grandpa. Of course, he."
Ayanokouji did not react in any way, confirming that her guess was correct.
Maria smiled again, watching him with undisguised interest.
"The more I learn about you, the more I like you, Ayanokouji-kun," - she said, grinning.
"I'm not trying to please you," - he replied
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