Chapter 14

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After the school festival, Ayanokouji returned to his usual life. Almost every day he attended his part-time job in a cafe, and devoted his free time to training in the gym, trying to improve his new body. His days passed measuredly, without changes, except for one detail - Matsushita.

After the festival, their relationship changed. She began to follow him, which had been going on for five days. Ayanokouji noticed everything, but did not give up, continuing his business. However, her constant presence in the cafe became intrusive.

Approaching her table, he asked:

"Listen, are you still going to sit here?"

Matsushita looked up at Ayanokouji, her eyes sparkled with surprise.

"What, does it bother you?" she replied with a slight smile, tilting her head slightly to the side. Her tone was provocative, as if she expected some reaction from him.

Ayanokouji, keeping absolute calm, looked at her as if her behavior was ordinary.

"No, but it doesn't make much sense," he said in an even tone, showing neither irritation nor surprise. Then he nodded at the menu in front of her. - "And have a conscience: order something for yourself, don't just take a seat here."

His words sounded so everyday, as if he was talking not with a girl who had been watching him for five days, but with an ordinary client who came to a cafe.

Matsushita froze for a second, as if thinking about his words, and then sighed, accepting the challenge. She picked up the menu, glanced at it and looked up at Ayanokouji.

"Okay, let's do something simple... maybe coffee and a cake?" she said, but there was still a mockery in her eyes.

Ayanokouji calmly nodded and wrote down her order, not taking his eyes off her. Her provocations didn't chart him, and it seemed to have only spurred her curiosity.

"I'll bring it in a minute," he said and turned around, heading for the counter.

Matsushita looked after him, her usual confidence at that moment swayed slightly. Perhaps she expected a different reaction, but his composure confused her.

Matsushita leaned back in her chair, her gaze continued to follow Ayanokouji. For the first time in a long time, she didn't know how to behave further. Her original game, based on provocation, did not give the desired effect. This guy was impenetrable, and it alarmed her.

Ayanokouji came back with coffee and cake, carefully put them in front of her. He looked at her again, this time a little more carefully, as if assessing her next steps.

"Thank you," Matsushita briefly threw, taking the cup in her hands. She looked at Ayanokouji, obviously thinking about something.

"Why are you doing this?" he suddenly asked. His voice was still calm, but the question sounded specific.

Matsushita didn't expect a direct question. She bit her lip and looked away for a moment, but quickly pulled herself together, meeting his cold look again.

"What exactly?" she replied with an innocent expression on her face, as if she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"You're following me," Ayanokouji explained calmly. "Five days in a row."

"I'm not following you," Matsushita replied, trying to play a fool, her voice was light but insincere. However, Ayanokouji continued to look at her with his dispassionate look, making it clear that he did not believe a single word.

"If that were so," he began calmly, "you wouldn't be sitting in the same place, every day, at the same time." His words were direct, but not accusing, as if he was just stating a fact.

Matsushita rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide her slight tension. She knew that her plan was exposed, but she wasn't going to give up so easily.

"You're too serious, Ayanokouji. Maybe I just love this cafe?" she replied, trying to keep her playful tone.

"Maybe," he nodded, "but if that were the case, you wouldn't be watching my every move so closely."

Matsushita bit her lip, realizing that she could no longer turn away. "Okay, let's say. And what are you going to do now? It's not a crime."

"Stop it all," Ayanokouji said calmly but firmly, looking at her without a shadow of emotions. - "I told you that I have no secret. Your suspicions are groundless."

Matsushita frowned, feeling her game starting to collapse. She understood that Ayanokouji was saying this with complete confidence. And yet something in him remained a mystery to her, something that forced her to continue her observations.

"Maybe you're right..." she began, her tone became a little softer, but still with a touch of stubbornness. - "But you're not as simple as you want to seem. I don't believe that everything is so transparent."

Ayanokouji shrugged his shoulders. "Well, whether to continue or not is your business. But I told you right away: you won't find what you're looking for."

Having said that, Ayanokouji turned around and calmly returned to his work, leaving Matsushita to sit in thought. He quickly immersed himself in his usual duties, as if the conversation was not something important to him.

Matsushita watched him, feeling a strange disappointment. She expected at least some reaction or hint that her guesses were correct, but Ayanokouji remained cold and unperturbed. It seemed that nothing really bothered him.

"Too perfect to be real," she muttered to herself, drinking coffee.


Ayanokouji continued to perform his duties, but every time he looked back at Matsushita, their views invariably met. Her confident behavior began to annoy him, reminding him how much she had changed over the years. Six years ago, she was different - quiet and scared, especially when she was kidnapped. Then Ayanokouji saved her, and she was silent, fearing for her life.

Now a completely different Matsushita was sitting in front of him - brave, persistent and curious. This change caused him interest, but also under-the-irritation. Why did she decide to show such interest in him right now?

But his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Ayanokouji looked towards the entrance and noticed Waguri, who had just entered the institution. Seeing him, she smiled sweetly, her face lit up with warmth, as if they were old friends.

"Hello, Ayanokouji-kun," she said, approaching him. There was lightness in her voice, but her gaze lingered on him a little longer than usual, as if she was waiting for him to say something special.

Ayanokouji, without slowing down the pace of his work, nodded briefly in response. "Hello, Waguri. What are you going to order?" he asked in an everyday tone, as it was supposed to be at work.

Waguri thought for a while, as if she was choosing something special.

"Mmm... I think tea and cheesecake," she said with a slight smile. But there was more in her eyes than just an interest in food. She was obviously happy to see him.

Ayanokouji nodded and went to the counter to hand over the order. Waguri sat down at the table, choosing a place a little further from Matsushita, but her eyes continued to return to it periodically.

Meanwhile, Ayanokouji caught a glimpse of Matsushita looking at Waguri. Her facial expression has changed slightly - perhaps from slight anxiety or interest in who she is. Whether a collision was expected or it was just his imagination, he did not know yet, but both girls clearly began to notice each other.

Waguri, as if feeling someone else's attention, carefully looked back at Matsushita and smiled at her. Matsushita only nodded slightly in response, but she was clearly not thrilled with her appearance.

Ayanokouji silently watched this exchange of glances, remaining focused on his work. He put an order in front of Waguri - tea and cheesecake - then nodded to her.

"Thank you," Waguri said, giving him that warm smile again. She took a cup and started drinking, but her attention still periodically returned to Matsushita.

The tension between the two girls began to grow, although neither of them said a word. Matsushita, feeling uncomfortable from this invisible competition, quietly moved her cup away, still watching Ayanokouji's  every movement. Her thoughtfulness turned into obvious irritation.

"You seem to be popular, Ayanokouji," Matsushita suddenly said, breaking the silence and looking at him with a slight touch of challenge in her voice.

Ayanokouji didn't answer right away. He glanced at her without showing any emotional reaction, and then calmly continued: "I'm just doing my job."

Matsushita grinned, but said nothing more, looking at Waguri, who in the meantime pretended to be passionate about her tea.

An invisible tension was established between Matsushita and Waguri, which hung in the air. Both continued to ignore each other outwardly, but their every gesture was carefully checked. Ayanokouji, noticing this, only sighed silently, returning to his duties.

Waguri, having drunk a sip of tea, decided to be the first to break this strange silence. She looked towards Matsushita, raising an eyebrow.

"It looks like you've been sitting here for a long time. Do you also like this cafe?" she asked with deliberate politeness, but there was a slight shade of challenge in her voice.

Matsushita slowly looked up at Waguri, her face remained calm, although she was clearly boiling inside.

"Yes, you can say that. The service is good here," she replied, casting an oblique look at Ayanokouji, who was standing nearby.

Ayanokouji continued to pretend that he was completely busy with work, although everything that was happening could not escape his attention. He didn't plan to interfere until the situation gets out of control, but he felt that it was just the beginning.

"I understand," Waguri nodded, smiling slightly, "I also come here often. Especially since Ayanokouji-kun has been working here"

Matsushita tilted her head to the side, as if thinking. "Interesting. Maybe you know him better than me?" - her voice sounded soft, but there was a barely hidden challenge under it.

Waguri frowned a little, but continued to keep her smile. "Perhaps," she replied, having drunk another sip of tea, "but only he can say it himself."

The tension between Waguri and Matsushita was becoming more and more noticeable. Ayanokouji watched their interaction out of the corner of his eye, but still did not plan to interfere. He understood that both girls were checking each other's boundaries, but he couldn't understand what exactly this would lead to.

Matsushita, noticing that Waguri was not going to give up, crossed her arms over her chest and smiled slightly.

"So only he can say that?" she asked again, taking a short look at Ayanokouji. - "Well, in that case, maybe you should ask him directly?"

Waguri, not wanting to retreat, turned to Ayanokouji, her smile became a little more persistent.

"Well, Ayanokouji-kun, what do you think? Which of us knows you better?" she asked, as if inadvertently.

Ayanokouji looked at both of them, taking his time to answer. There were no signs of surprise or embarrassment in his eyes, as if such a question was as common for him as ordering coffee.

"It doesn't matter," he finally answered calmly. "Everyone knows exactly as much as I let you know."

Both girls fell silent for a moment, digesting his words. Matsushita hummed, and Waguri just nodded, as if realizing that she would not be able to squeeze out of him anymore.

"As I expected," Matsushita said softly, returning her attention to the cake, although her thoughts clearly continued to revolve around what was happening.

Waguri, realizing that the conversation had reached a dead end, did not insist anymore. She calmly finished her tea, but her gaze still periodically returned to Ayanokouji, as if she was trying to read something between the lines in his behavior.

"What's wrong with them?" Ayanokouji's thought flashed while he watched both girls. Their behavior was clearly different from the usual, and it began to seem to him that there was something more between them than just polite rivalry. He wasn't sure what was the reason for their interest in him, but the whole situation became more and more strange.

He started to get tired of this game. Waguri and Matsushita were obviously trying to find out something, but their indirect approaches did not impress him. He is more used to direct questions than to such subtle manipulations.

"Ayanokouji," Waguri, who was about to leave, interrupted his thoughts. "If you have free time, maybe we can meet somewhere? I'd like to discuss something interesting."

Matsushita tensed up, her gaze remained on Waguri, but she kept silent.

"Sounds like an invitation to a date," Matsushita muttered softly, but loud enough to be heard.

Ayanokouji paused his gaze at Vaguri for a moment, then shifted him to Matsushita. Waguri's answer was not long in coming.

"Maybe," she replied with a slight smile, ignoring Matsushita's sarcasm.

Ayanokouji narrowed his eyes, realizing that this could be his small form of revenge against Matsushita for her constant harassment. He slowly turned to face her, saying with a cold calm in his voice:

"Are you jealous?"

Matsushita tensed up, her gaze abruptly shifted to Ayanokouji. A mixture of surprise and irritation flashed in her eyes.

"Jealous? You?" - she grinned, but there was tension in her voice. - "No, of course. Just... curious."

Waguri, holding back a smile, turned to Ayanokouji and added with a playful tone: "Yes, I wonder why you suddenly decided to ask such a question."

Ayanokouji, not wanting to continue this meaningless dialogue, shrugged his shoulders. "It just seemed."

Matsushita rolled her eyes, but didn't add fuel to the fire anymore. She was clearly dissatisfied with this game, although she tried to keep the appearance of calm.

Waguri, noticing that the situation had stopped developing in her favor, packed her things and got up from the table. "Well, I think I won't interfere. Ayanokouji-kun, don't forget about my offer." Her voice was soft, but there was still a slight provocation in it.

She went to the exit, casting the last look at Matsushita. Matsushita, as if not noticing her departure, pretended to be completely immersed in her cake, but her thoughts clearly revolved around what happened.

When Waguri left, Ayanokouji returned to his duties again, but internally he was already tired of these intrigues.

Matsushita was silent for a few more minutes, then quietly said: "Why are you talking to her at all? You understand that she's up to something, don't you?"

"She's not up to anything, I'm sure of it," Ayanokouji replied calmly, not breaking away from work. His confidence sounded so firm that Matsushita could hardly hold back her irritation.

"You're too calm about this," she remarked, looking at him. "You can't be so naive. People show such interest for a reason."

Ayanokouji shrugged his shoulders. "I just don't see the point in her actions if they are directed against me. If something happens, I'll notice it in advance."

Matsushita frowned, pushing her cup aside. Her attempts to make Ayanokouji think clearly didn't work.

"Are you always like that... or are you just pretending?" she asked with a slight irritation in her voice, feeling that she could not reach it to the end.

Ayanokouji stopped and looked at her. "Does it matter?" he asked without emotion.

Matsushita was silent for a moment, thinking about his words. "Probbable not," she said quietly, but the question she would like to get an answer was still burning in her eyes.

"You're definitely hiding something," she added with confidence. "Maybe not from me, but definitely from everyone else."

It was true. However, anyone who knew the truth about what happened to him would consider him crazy. Matsushita would not be an exception either.

"I told you, you won't find what you're looking for. I'm just an ordinary guy," he replied calmly.

Matsushita squinted, her gaze was sharp, as if she was trying to read his thoughts. "You can say it as much as you want, but something about you is not ordinary at all," she said quietly, as if thinking out loud.

Ayanokouji grinned, but there were no emotions on his face. "Maybe you're just analyzing too much? Sometimes things are simpler than they seem."

"I don't think so," she replied sharply. "You can hide anything, but I won't stop trying to understand what it is."

"What's the point?" Ayanokouji asked, looking straight at her. - "You're not the first to ask this question. And not the first one who won't find the answer."

Matsushita tensed up a little from his words. She understood that something in his past was out of reach, and it only spured her on. But she also began to realize that she faced an obstacle that was not so easy to overcome.

"Then we'll see," she finally said, getting up from the table. "Maybe one day you'll decide to tell you yourself."

She moved away, but her gaze lingered on Ayanokouji for a few more seconds before she left the cafe.

"Finally," Ayanokouji thought, seeing how Matsusita finally left the cafe. Her persistent desire to get to his secrets began to exhaust him. He knew that sooner or later she would come back with new questions, but now he didn't care. At least now he could relax a little.

Having finished with the orders, Ayanokouji leaned back on the chair behind the counter, feeling a little tired. All this tension - Matsushita, Waguri and their misunderstandings - began to annoy him. He preferred calmness and solitude rather than constant attention to his personality. However, he understood that such a life in society was impossible, and his "ordinary" continued to attract unnecessary views to him.

At this time, another group of visitors came to the cafe, returning Ayanokouji to reality. He had to continue working to distract himself from all these thoughts.


After the end of his shift, Ayanokouji walked slowly down the street, where it was already starting to rain. Fortunately, he grabbed an umbrella in advance, and light drops did not disturb him. He could have ordered a taxi and returned home quickly, but he preferred to walk, enjoying the coolness and tranquility of the evening city. The rain gradually intensified, but his measured step remained unhurried - it was the only time of the day when he could afford to relax.

Passing by the playground, he noticed that a young girl was sitting in its center, on a swing.

Ayanokouji stopped, staring at the girl sitting on a swing. Her clothes were soaked through, her hair stuck to her face, and her eyes were frighteningly empty. Those eyes, that empty look... He recognized her right away. It was one of those children he saw in the White Room when he decided to destroy this place. Then she was only five years old, and he was nine years older, who had already gone through all the horrors of this place.

"What is she doing here?" he thought, standing in the rain and watching her. He had a choice: to pass by and leave her, or come up and find out what happened to her.

A wave of strange sensation rose inside him. He knew he could just leave, but something kept him in place. Her blank gaze reminded him of the past, of those children he released.

He understood that the mention of the White Room could only harm it, awaken painful memories. Therefore, he decided to act differently - like an ordinary passerby who accidentally noticed a girl caught in the rain.

Without hesitation any longer, he came closer, stopping next to the swing and covering it with an umbrella to protect her

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