Chapter 13

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The school festival, which Ichinose told about, was supposed to take place this week. There was a fuss at the school: everywhere students discussed the preparation of stands, performances and other entertainment that they were going to present at the festival. Each class and club sought to surpass the rest by creating unique projects.

Ayanokouji, as usual, did not take an active part in the discussions, preferring to stay in the shadows. However, given his relationship with Ichinose and her enthusiasm for the festival, he knew that he would have to be involved in one way or another.

He walked along the school corridors, where the work on the decorations was in full swing. Ichinose, as one of the class leaders, was at the center of all these events. Seeing her so enthusiastic and joyful, Ayanokouji thought for a moment why it was so important to her.

Soon he noticed her - she was lively talking to her classmates, handing out errands and coordinating the work. Seeing him, Ichinose smiled broadly and waved her hand, inviting her to come over.

"Kiyotaka! It's great that you're here! We have almost everything ready, but we don't have enough hands to prepare the scene. Could you help with the installation of the scenery?" she asked with the same benevolence in her voice.

"Yeah, of course," Ayanokouji nodded, realizing that his refusal would be inappropriate.

Ayanokouji nodded, and Ichinose took him to the school assembly hall, where work was already boiling. Along the walls there were boxes with decorations, costumes and various tools. In the center of the hall, a group of students tried to assemble the frame of the stage.

"We decided to put on a small theatrical production," Ichinose explained, moving among the busy students. "I will play the main role myself. But without a stage it will be simply impossible."

Ayanokouji couldn't help but notice her enthusiasm. Although he knew that Ichinose was always active and sociable, her energy seemed to be off the charts. She obviously adored such events.

"Here, you can help with this part of the frame," she said, bringing him to the corner of the stage, where a group of guys were messing with wooden beams. "We've already started, but we'll need help to put everything together as needed."

Ayanokouji silently got to work. He was physically strong and hardy, thanks to training in the White Room, so such a task was not difficult for him. The work was fast, and soon the frame of the scene began to acquire its outlines.

While they were working, Ichinose sat down on the stage and watched the process, discussing the details with other guys. Sometimes she glanced at Ayanokouji, as if checking how he was doing.

"Thank you for agreeing to help," she suddenly said, taking away the moment when the other guys left. "I know you're not particularly fond of such events, but it's very important to me."

"You're welcome," Ayanokouji answered briefly, not breaking away from work.

"You know," she continued, lowering her voice a little, "I'm very glad that you're going to come to the festival itself. I would like you to see our production. This is a special moment for me."

Ayanokouji nodded, realizing that for Ichinose it was not just a school holiday. Her sincerity always amazed him, even if he could not respond to her feelings in the same way.

Ichinose left, immersed in the rehearsals of her performance, and Ayanokouji continued to work alone. At that moment, he was assigned to hang the remaining decorations in the school hall, and he was focusing on the task when he suddenly heard someone's voice behind him.

"Excuse me, could you help me?" said a familiar female voice.

Ayanokouji froze for a moment, hearing a voice. He turned around and saw Matsushita, who was standing next to her, holding a box with props in her hands. Her face was slightly confused.

"Will you help me move it to the stage?" she asked, nodding towards the box.

"Of course," he replied calmly, reaching out to take the box.

"Thank you," Matsushita replied with a slight smile and moved towards the stage.

They walked nearby silently until they approached the place where they had to lay out the props. Suddenly, Matsushita broke the silence:

"I noticed that you help a lot here. Do you like the school festival?" she asked, her voice was calm, but with a slight note of interest.

Ayanokouji thought for a moment. "I'm just doing my part of the work. I wouldn't say that the festival is particularly interesting to me."

Matsushita nodded, as if his answer didn't surprise her. "I'm not very good at it either. But participation... seems to be mandatory, right?"

"Yeah," Ayanokouji answered briefly.

Then she fell silent for a moment, as if picking up words, but still added: "It's still great that you're helping. Many guys just shy away from work."

Ayanokouji didn't answer anything, but caught that Matsushita didn't just start an ordinary conversation. There was some hidden tension in her tone, as if she was trying to get to know him better, but didn't want to be too persistent.


They finished laying the props, and Ayanokouji was about to get back to his business when Matsushita spoke again:

"You look so calm, Ayanokouji. As if nothing can piss you off," she remarked, her tone was light, but there was interest in her eyes.

"I'm just trying to do what I need," he replied neutrally.

Matsushita smiled and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I see. But you know, sometimes it seems that there is something more behind this calmness." Her gaze stayed on him longer than usual, as if she was trying to read it.

Ayanokouji did not react to her remark, just nodding as a sign of what he heard. However, he felt that Matsushita was not one of those who just said something like that. She was obviously trying to find out more about him, and it alarmed him.

"Why are you asking this?" he asked a question, although usually such questions seemed superfluous to him.

Matsushita blushed a little, apparently she didn't expect a counter question. "It's just... interesting. You're unusual, that's all," she replied with a smile, but her words were again understated.

Ayanokouji didn't say anything in response, he just looked at her, as if assessing her intentions. However, he decided that it made no sense to continue the conversation now, and began to slowly leave.

"Well, if you need anything else, let me know," he said, moving towards his duties.

Matsushita did not hold him, but her eyes remained on his back, as if she was trying to understand what exactly was hidden behind his external equanimity.

Matsushita stood still for some time, watching Ayanokouji leaving. Her look was thoughtful, and she seemed to be going to say something, but at the last moment she changed her mind. When he disappeared around the corner, she sighed and returned to her duties.

Ayanokouji, walking along the corridor, reflected on her words. She was obviously trying to find out more about him, and although her interest seemed innocent, he understood that he could not allow anyone to approach his past. He got used to the fact that people often underestimate him, and this situation with Matsushita was different - she watched, noticed the little things that others missed.

His thoughts came back to Ichinos. The school festival was very important to her, and he promised to support her, but now there was a new intrigue in the person of Matsushita, which forced him to be on the lookout. Nevertheless, he decided not to attach too much importance to it now - the festival was the focus of attention, and its main goal was to maintain its role.

Approaching the school yard, where the main preparations had already begun, Ayanokouji noticed a group of students, including Ichinose. She actively helped with the organization, smiling and supporting everyone with her enthusiasm. Seeing him, she waved her hand, inviting him to come over.

"Did you manage to finish with the decorations?" she asked when he came closer.

"Yes, everything is ready," Ayanokouji replied.

"Great! Everything is going according to plan. All that remains is to rehearse some moments before the start of the festival." Ichinose looked clearly excited about the upcoming event.

"Are you ready for your performance?" he asked, noticing how carefully she monitors each process.

"To be honest, I'm a little worried," she admitted, blushing slightly. "But it's normal, right? The main thing is to try to do everything as well as possible."

Ayanokouji nodded. "You can handle it. Everyone knows how responsible you are."

Ichinose smiled, her eyes lit up with warmth. "Thank you, Kiyotaka. You always support me, and it's very important to me."

Ayanokouji nodded in response, his gaze remained calm and focused, as always. However, Ichinose's words made him think that she really appreciates his support, even though he tried to stay in the shadows.

"I'm glad to help," he answered briefly, hiding his inner thoughts.

Ichinose smiled again, this time more relaxed. "Well, I need to go back to the rehearsal. See you at the festival!"

She waved to him and went to a group of students preparing for her performance. Ayanokouji watched her for a while, thinking about her words and how important this event is for her.

Having returned, Ayanokouji decided to return to his work. But as soon as he took a step forward, he heard someone quietly calling him by name. Looking around, he saw Matsushita, who was standing nearby and clearly waiting for a moment to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, Ayanokouji," she said, slightly hesitating. "Can I have you for a minute?"

Ayanokouji stopped, looking at her carefully. "Yes, what happened?"

Matsushita took a step closer, her expression became serious. "I know it may seem strange, but I have one question for you. You're not what you seem, are you?"

This question caught Ayanokouji by surprise, although outwardly he remained absolutely calm. He looked at Matsushita silently, wondering if she should answer something right now. Her words hinted that she was watching him much more carefully than he thought.

"I don't understand what you're talking about" - he tried to pretend to be a fool.

Matsushita looked at him with a squint, as if assessing his reaction. She obviously didn't get his pretense, but instead of insisting, she just smiled slightly.

"You know, you hide your nature too well. But I wonder how long you can continue this," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. Her voice was full of mystery, but not aggression, as if it was more of a game for her than a serious accusation.

Ayanokouji looked at her, holding an expression of complete indifference. He realized that she had already noticed enough to understand that his behavior was different from the others.

"I don't think you'll find something you don't have," Ayanokouji calmly replied, continuing to play his role.

Matsushita laughed softly, her eyes flashed with interest. "We'll see. I'm not going to expose you or anything like that. It's just... I'm curious who you really are."

She hesitated for a moment, and then added: "Okay, thank you for your help," hinting that the conversation was over, although her words did not concern their dialogue.

When Matsushita was about to leave, Ayanokouji, without losing a second, grabbed her by the hand and pressed her sharply against the wall. His actions were quick, which left Matsushita in a state of shock.

She looked at him in amazement, her eyes widened with surprise. Ayanokouji, holding her hand, looked at her with a serious expression on her face.

"What are you going to do?" Matsushita asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and curiosity. She didn't expect their conversation to take such a sharp form, and her breath was lost.

Ayanokouji slowly approached her, staying at a distance, but his hands still held her tightly. His face was close to hers, but he didn't move any further. "You know too much, Matsushita. Why not give this issue a little rest?"

"Do you want me to just leave? Or is there anything else you want to say?"

Ayanokouji let go of her hand, but continued to hold her eyes. "Sometimes it's better not to know too much. It's easier to stay calm this way."

He took a step back, giving her the opportunity to move. Matsushita, still a little confused, took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I'll go. But keep in mind that I'll still be watching you."

With these words, she turned and left, leaving Ayanokouji alone with his thoughts and the realization that her words could be the beginning of something more complicated. He watched Matsushita get out of sight, leaving him with new thoughts. Her words took him, and it annoyed him.

Nevertheless, his attention returned to the upcoming festival and Ichinos. Her enthusiasm and dedication made him remain involved, despite his own reluctance to take an active part. But with Matsushita on the horizon, the situation was clearly getting more complicated, and he understood that he would have to be even more careful.


The next day it was especially noisy at school - everyone was talking about the festival, which started tomorrow. There was a fuss everywhere: the students finished the last preparations, carried boxes with props, rehearsed their performances. Ayanokouji, as usual, tried to stay away, but because of the promise made to Ichinose, he was forced to stay in the thick of events.

He was in the assembly hall, helping to complete the installation of the scene. The whole day was spent in routine work - the last decorations were installed, lighting equipment was checked. Ichinose was completely absorbed in the preparation for her role, and every time she passed by, she smiled at him, grateful for his help.

Matsusita, on the contrary, behaved with restraint. After their tense conversation the day before, she hardly spoke to him, only occasionally throwing thoughtful glances at him. Her behavior was neat, but Ayanokouji felt that she was still watching him.

Towards the evening, when the main work was finished, Ichinose approached Ayanokouji, slightly tired, but happy. Her smile was wide, and excitement shone in her eyes.

"Thank you very much, Kiyotaka," she said, with a slight sigh of relief. "Without your help, we definitely wouldn't have had time to prepare everything."

"You're welcome" he answered briefly, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Tomorrow I'll be waiting for you at the performance," she added, with a warm smile. "I hope you'll like it."

Ayanokouji nodded, realizing that it was really important to her. He had never seen her so excited and enthusiastic, and although the festival itself did not arouse his interest, her enthusiasm was contagious.

When Ichinose went to rehearse the final scenes, Ayanokouji went to leave the school. But before he could take a few steps, he heard a voice that he had already started to get used to hearing.

"Are you avoiding the fun again?" Matsushita asked with a slight smile, appearing nearby.

Ayanokouji stopped and looked at her without answering anything. Her tone was playful, but there was still hidden caution in her eyes.

"I noticed that you keep apart all the time," she continued. "It's like you don't want to be a part of it all."

"Why should I participate in this?" Ayanokouji answered calmly. "It's just a school festival."

Matsushita laughed. "Yes, but for many it's something more. For Ichinose, for example."

He didn't answer, but her words toused him. Matsushita obviously tried to find his weaknesses, but he was not going to show his emotions.

"You're not helping her for nothing, right?" her voice became softer, as if she already knew the answer.

Ayanokouji looked at her with an impenetrable expression on his face. "I'm doing what I have to."

Matsushita squinted her eyes, her interest only increased. She came a little closer, but did not invade his personal space. "You know, you can't hide forever anyway. Not from me, at least."

"You shouldn't climb where they don't ask," he replied coldly.

Matsushita grinned. "You're right. But I'm still curious."

Matsushita fell silent for a moment, carefully studying Ayanokouji. Her eyes were looking for something in it that was not visible at first glance, as if she was trying to disassemble every layer of it. But Ayanokouji remained impenetrable.

"You know," she continued, taking a step back, "sometimes it's easier to be yourself than to constantly hide behind masks. Even if you think it will protect you."

Ayanokouji looked at her coldly, but didn't answer. He is not used to discussing his thoughts, especially with those who didn't know him well. Matsusita was just another student, but her perseverance and attentiveness clearly indicated that she knew more than others.

"Okay, I won't delay you," she added, seeing that she wouldn't get an answer from him. "See you at the festival. I hope at least you'll have a little more fun there."

With these words, she left, leaving Ayanokouji standing still. Her words sounded in his head, although he knew that he should not attach importance to them. But something in her behavior, in her insight reminded him of the past.

After her departure, Ayanokouji decided it was time to return home. He needed time to think about what had happened in recent days. Until recently, he did not attach importance to Matsusita, but now her words and behavior began to cause concern. Perhaps it was not just a coincidence that she appeared in his life right now.

The next day, the atmosphere at the school was even more tense - the day of the festival finally came. The students have been fussing since the morning, bringing the last preparations to perfection. Ayanokouji arrived a little later than the others, trying, as always, not to attract attention to himself.

Ayanokouji, standing away from the hustle and bustle, had already planned how to end tonight. He ordered a bouquet for Ichinose in advance - delicate white lilies, her favorite flowers, to celebrate her efforts and express gratitude after her performance. It was a gesture that was unusual for him, but he decided that Ichinose deserved him for all her efforts and the sincere passion with which she was preparing for the festival.

When everything was almost ready for the start of the performance, his phone vibrated in his pocket. A notification appeared on the screen - the courier arrived at the school gate with his order. Quickly apologizing to Ichinose, who noticed him and was already walking towards him, he said:

"I'll be back soon. Five minutes, no more."

She looked a little surprised, but only smiled and nodded, without asking unnecessary questions.

Ayanokouji walked quickly to the school gate. A courier with a huge bouquet of lilies was already waiting for him there. Having received the flowers, he thanked the courier and lingered for a moment, looking at the bouquet. It was unusual for him to make such gestures, but Ichinose deserved it. There was always a fire in her eyes, and her desire for success at this festival was the reason why he decided to take such a step.

Ayanokouji quickly returned back to the assembly hall, hiding a bouquet behind his back so as not to attract unnecessary attention. He knew that it was not yet time to give him - it is best to do it when the performance is over, and all the emotions of

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