Tailless Queen

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  Quite glad that you decided to wear flip-flops, you easily took them off before handing them to Heart, so he could put them in your pack. The brothers took off their flip-flops and put them in their pack as well. Once everyone had their shoes off, the three of you walked closer to the water. Your feet felt the cool sand underneath them, though, unlike the smooth beige sand back on the west end of the island, this sand was rougher and was also brown. Despite feeling rocks occasionally on the underside of your feet, the sand's texture was still comforting in a way.

Reaching the shoreline, you let the sapphire blue water run over your feet, permitting you to test its temperature. Luckily, the water was quite warm. Stepping in farther to where the water went to your mid-calves, you kept your gaze on the rock structure that was in front of you. You could see the small entrance in the smooth dark grey rock. Inside of it were the mermaids.

Before you could take another step into the water, you felt both your arms being tugged. Wincing in slight pain due to your still sore left shoulder, you glanced and glared at each brother. This glare didn't last long due to you realizing that the brothers weren't wearing their shirts. Thus, your glare was replaced by a growing blush on your cheeks.

Quickly looking forward again, you questioned, "Would you two care to explain why you stopped me, and why you're wearing no shirts?"

"You didn't think we would forget about our deal, did you, my dear lady?"

"Moreover, we didn't wish for our shirts to get wet. Likewise, if we threw drenched shirts into our pack, everything else would get wet as well," Diamond added, as he smiled lightly at your tinted face.

"I suppose that's reasonable, but what deal..." you stopped yourself short, as you recalled what occurred on the ship.

It hadn't been that long ago, but you were just so focused on getting to the mermaids. Frankly, you were surprised the brothers hadn't attempted to seal the deal right after the three of you left Iris's farm. They were probably hoping to catch you off guard, and they succeeded at doing just that. Mumbling a few select words, you focused your attention on the water around your legs. Without anymore hesitation, the brothers leaned forward a bit before Heart placed a kiss on your left cheek while Diamond did the same on your right. With that, they pulled back and released you.

Blinking a few times, you were slightly shocked that they hadn't tried something else, but you were grateful for their choice. Still, you weren't going to let them see your reddening face anymore. Thus, you walked further into the water without looking back at them. You needed to focus, and their well toned chests didn't help in that matter. At the same time, though, you regretted your charge into deeper water, when it hit the level of your shoulders.

Since your wound wasn't completely healed yet, some of the salt water hit the injury and sent a stinging pain throughout that area. Biting the inside of your left cheek, you kept yourself from letting out a quiet scream of pain. Another problem occurred, though, when your feet finally didn't touch the sand underneath the water anymore. You tried to swim with only your right arm, but the waves sometimes were too strong for you to only utilize a singular arm. Thus, you had to suck it up and swim with both, though having to hold onto a jar of honey didn't make the task any easier.

With this in mind, you were quite happy when you reached the rock formation. After setting the jar of honey on the rock above you, you somehow managed to get a good grip on the rock. Pulling yourself upwards with your right arm, you found small ledges on the part of the rock underwater, so that you could have supports for your feet. This made it easier to climb out and prevented you from using your left arm. Once on the portion of rock above the water, you grabbed the jar and slowly recovered yourself to your feet before leaning against the entrance to the cave.

The brothers were in no time on the rock with you. Casting your gaze down at your feet, you waited a few moments before glancing back up at them. While their black pants were soaked, both now had dry shirts on. Diamond had on a simple red peasant shirt while Heart wore a blue v-neck. Seeing that they were now ready to continue, you pushed yourself off the wall and entered the cave. You kept your shoes off, though, in case you needed to reenter the water at some point.

As the three of you proceeded further into the cave, you noticed that the path was descending. Moreover, if it weren't for the glowing turquoise light in the distance, you would've been cast into complete darkness. You understood that at the source of this light, you would find the mermaids. Likewise, you didn't have to assume on this point because of the feminine voices you heard. Jovial laughs echoed inside the stone structure, as splashes of water added to the sound.

Among this playful noise, there were frightening yells as well. Granted, one had to listen closely to hear them, but they were there. It sounded as if there were children crying for help. All in all, the two contradictory notes were rather disturbing to listen to. Both brothers seemed to notice this difference in sounds also due to them decreasing the distance between you and them.

Letting the light guide you, you pressed onward, as the cries and laughs grew louder. During this walk, you found yourself tightening your grip on the jar, as though it would quell the noise. This grip loosened, however, when your wet feet nearly slipped on the smooth stone ground. Heart and Diamond instantly caught you before you could impact the floor. Stabilizing your balance, they told you to be more careful. To this, you only nodded your head and continued on your way.

Rounding a corner, you finally found yourself facing the heart of the cave. To say it sent chills up your spine would be an understatement. Dark grey rocks protruded up from the ground in the pool of water several feet away from you. An otherworldly turquoise glow shined from the depths of the ink-like water. This glow extended up onto the smooth rock walls and ceiling, adding to the cave's eerie vibe. Further into the interior of the heart, a pale blue light shone, but it didn't provide much comfort. Instead, it had more of a mist effect, shrouding the surface of the water with a thin deadly veil.

From the moment your (e/c) eyes gazed upon the scenery, you knew not to take a step into that water. Taking a few steps forward, though, you trained your focus on the forms in the distance. Sitting on some of the rocks were the mermaids you sought. Others swam in the dreaded waters, as their tails splashed in glee, sending droplets of glowing ink into the air. Their long locks mirrored that of the water, as the strands, in the hue of the pitch black void, took on the deathly glow coming from the pool. Concerning their skin, it was a pale blue like the light coming from further inside the cave. Eyes like shimmering sapphires with pupils, which sucked in the night's darkness, glistened with mischief and ill intent. Tails, the same color as their skin, moved in the water with a grace that only one of their kind could possess. Lastly, blue seashells, the color of their skin, covered their chests.

Worryingly enough, there weren't only mermaids in the cave. Among the disturbingly enchanting creatures, two Dalorian girls stood huddled together on one of the rocks. If you could guess their age, you would say that one was ten and the other seven. Both had bleached blonde hair, though the older had it past her shoulders while the younger had a pixie cut. As for the older girl, she had orange eyes. Regarding the younger of the two, she had yellow. They looked, however, as though they just got out of bed. This was due to the fact that both wore simple cloth dresses in the hue of beige. Moreover, there were no shoes on their feet.

With regards to the younger one, she was bawling, as the older girl tried to comfort her. The mermaids seemed to have amused expressions on their faces, as they splashed water up onto the children and tugged on their dresses. Glancing down at the jar of honey and back at the girls, something in your head clicked. Iris's sisters were the ages of ten and seven. Likewise, you never actually heard any children when you arrived at Iris's farm. Pieces of a puzzle were beginning to fall into place, but your thoughts were disturbed by your own action.

Your right foot had slipped, when you went to take another step forward. You swiftly regained your balance, but a loose chip of rock fell into the water. The sound of it hitting the water's surface echoed throughout the cave, and you could feel your entire body tense with dread. It was only a second before all of the mermaids fixed their gazes on the brothers and you. Tooth-filled grins spread across their pale blue lips before they all began to swim towards you. There were a couple, though, that stayed by the two girls.

Instinctively, you took a few steps back with both your hands gripping the jar now. The moment you were several feet away from the water, their heads popped above its surface. Sparkling blue eyes gazed at the three of you before their focus landed on the jar of honey. One of the mermaids pushed herself out of the water some before sitting on the edge of rock where you three were standing. Her tail swung back and forth, picking up droplets of the dark water and sending them flying into the air. A smile graced her lips, but it was nowhere near a friendly one. To you, it looked vicious, as though you were being analyzed for a delicious meal.

"Well, well, it seems like Iris has kept her end of the bargain, girls. I must say, I'm impressed with what she snatched for us. Now, hand me that jar of honey, fair maiden," the mermaid stated in a capturing voice, as she extended out her right hand and arm towards you.    

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