Bargain to Live and Deal to Die

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   "So, I take it that you mermaids don't actually like the taste of honey," you replied, backing further away from the mermaid while the brothers were ready to attack at any time.

The mermaid sitting on the rock chuckled loudly while her right hand covered her mouth, as she tried to hide her amusement. Her tail flipped more ink colored water droplets into the air before she flicked a few of her dark locks over her blue shoulder with her left hand. When her laughter began to die down, she parted her blue lips before leaning forward on her two arms.

"Not quite, my dear, you see, we made a deal with that little Dalorian girl, when her two sisters over there decided to trespass onto our territory. The jar of honey in your hands symbolizes her end of the bargain; or rather it demonstrates to us that you're her offering. Of course, I still need that jar to give to those two humans, so she knows we kept our part of the deal. Now, why don't you hand it over?"

"Bring the two girls over first, and on their way back to their home, promise that you won't harm them," you demanded, pushing your growing fear to the back of your mind.

"Oh? Do you not trust us, fair maiden?"

"No, I don't. Now, do as I say or you won't get your offering."

Before she could say her reply, you felt both your arms being tugged on. Glancing to each brother, you saw that each of them completely disagreed with this. It was as though they would knock you out and drag you away rather than let the mermaids have you. Showing equal fire in your eyes, you pushed their arms off and fixed your gaze on the mermaid. A tooth-filled grin highlighted her countenance before she lifted her right hand and signaled the children to be brought over.

Within the next second, the mermaids, waiting over by the two girls, grabbed them and pulled them into the water. The girls' loud cries were easily heard, as the mermaids dragged them through the water to you. Frankly, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into, however, you couldn't let the mermaids kill those two kids. You wouldn't let their sister's deception rule your judgment. Moreover, you had to find out about Rinned, and these mermaids might be the only answer to the puzzle.

Once the girls were safely on the rocks, where you stood with the brothers, they ran away from the mermaids' reach and towards you. Giving them a reassuring smile, you handed the jar of honey to the older sister, as her orange eyes screamed gratitude and relief. The smaller one hid behind her older sister, but she had gratefulness in her yellow eyes. You signaled them to get out of the cave, and they happily obliged you while occasionally looking back and saying silent words of thanks.

When they were out of your field of vision, you locked your gaze once more with the mermaid in front of you and asked, "So what deal did Iris make with you?"

Her sapphire blue eyes widened slightly before she let out a few more laughs, replying in between, "She ... never ... told you? Ah, how ... wonderful." Controlling herself, she sat up more straight and curled a strand of inky black hair around her left index finger. "In return for giving back her sisters, we asked her to find us a girl, who would be unique among the Dalorian populace. You, my dear, fit that description splendidly. Now, you may be wondering what we intend to do with you. Well, you see, we wish to kill you. We can't have humans walking around that are considered more beautiful than us. Not that you are, my dear, but your fellow humans here on Daloria might think otherwise. I'm sure you've already captured the hearts of few men whether you're aware of it or not."

"If you even think you're going to lay a hand on our..." Heart began to yell before you gripped his right arm with your left and stopped him.

"Ah, and despite your fate, you even brought us some treats. Your companions are certainly attractive. We shall quite enjoy them."

"I don't care if you find them handsome or not, but I'm not setting one foot into that water. As far as I'm concerned, Iris's deal with you was just to bring you a girl. Well, here I am, and the bargain has been completed. From the sounds of it, your deal with her never included me giving my life to any of you."

Visibly frowning, the mermaid pushed herself forward a bit while the ones in the water moved closer to the rocky shore. Metal, reflecting the deathly turquoise glow of the water, was soon shining in front of you. Both brothers had unsheathed their sabers, setting the blades protectively before your form. Upon the mermaids seeing the weapons, they hissed in high-pitched voices. Knowing that this would help neither side anywhere, you rested the palms of your hands on the blades and indicated for the brothers to step down. You didn't remove your hands until the brothers relaxed some and withdrew their weapons; however, they kept them unsheathed.

"I'm still willing to make an agreement with you, though," you added, betraying only confidence to the group of mermaids before you.

"I'll not allow such a thing, Miss ______. You're risking your life on something you don't even know they have. Do you honestly think that I will stand by and let you agree to be drowned by these creatures?" Diamond questioned furiously, as he tugged on your right arm with his left hand and turned you to face him.

There was evident fear in his reddish-orange gaze, but this was nearly masked by his resolve to keep you safe. Wrenching your arm from his grasp, you glanced over your left shoulder to see Heart mirroring his brother's expression. Turning your gaze to your feet and debating your word choice, you made sure to also watch the mermaids out of the corner of your eye. They seemed to be waiting to hear more about this deal, as intrigue laced over their glimmering eyes.

"I know that neither of you will let me die, so you'll have to trust me in this, since I'm putting my faith in both of you," you whispered, so that only the brothers could hear you.

As you glanced between the two, you noticed the realization in their eyes, glad to see that they understood your words. Taking a deep breath in before exhaling, you just hoped that this plan would work, for this time you were putting your life entirely in the hands of the brothers. Setting down your dagger with the gold handle and the one with the silver handle, each with amethysts embedded in them, on the ground, you placed all of your attention on the creatures in front of you.

"I'll hand myself over to you and enter the water willingly if you answer a few questions for me."

"What are these questions, fair maiden?"

"Tell me, have any of you heard of a place called Rinned? If so, can you please describe it in great detail for me? I've wanted to travel there for some time, so just hearing about it will ease my curious mind."

All of the mermaids looked around at each other before the one sitting on the rock responded, "We will agree to your bargain. Now, to give you the answers you seek. We have heard of this place. In fact we know it quite well, though, we ourselves can't we reach it. We learned of the sky world through another unique woman. Granted, this knowledge was taught by this woman some time ago and has been passed down through generations of our kind. In return for learning about this other world, we permitted her to explore our home, since she was fascinated by our kind. Moreover, she promised to leave after she finished.

"From what she told us, this sky world is surrounded by clouds that aren't transparent. Instead, they are white and thick, creating a sea of the objects around the only land. It is told that oceans with treacherous storms and monstrous beasts lay below the cloud cover. Regardless, the small piece of land, which floats in the air, is the important part. Upon its surface, is an area covered in grass and various grains. There are no paths upon the land mass, for there is only one city. Wrought iron gates, standing over a hundred feet tall, surround the city. This city is filled with every kind of flower you can imagine while closed large gazebos serve as homes. Crystal clear streams run through the flower fields. Dirt paths connect the homes to the open market stands.

"We've heard that it is truly beautiful there. My dear, how did you hear about this world, though?"

"The woman, who told you of Rinned, comes from the same world that I do. I'm following the path she left behind for others like her," you answered truthfully, since you figured there was no point in hiding that information from them.

"Well, all the better for us, it's your turn to fulfill the deal, though. Now, come over here, my dear," she commanded in an ensnaring voice, as she held her right hand out for you to take.

Summoning all your courage, you left behind your daggers and the brothers, as you walked forward. You refused to tremble in the sight of this creature, whose smile was nothing but fiendish. The several feet between the mermaid and you was quickly disappearing. Your mind screamed at you to stop. You had the information you required to get to Rinned, but your honor to your word kept you from making a portal then and there. That factor forced your feet to keep moving towards the enchanting creature in front of you. As the distance decreased to a few inches, the mermaid reached out with her right hand and gripped your ankle before throwing you out into the air and towards the water. Everything now rested in the hands of the two individuals, who tormented you but also cared for you.  

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