Chapter 25

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Silence. A sublime landscape of fog and trees, all blanketed in snow. Helena crouched, knife ready to throw. Her eyes were focused, sharp as a predator, as she gazed at the deer grazing. Ready.... aim... throw. The knife pierced the deer right at the back of the head, an insta-kill. Except it was no longer the image of a doe dead and bleeding in the snow. Instead, the image was replaced by Fauna's body, lifeless.

Helena's breath caught in her throat. She dropped the other knives to the floor and trembled as she came out of the flashback. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away. "God dammit!" She cursed to herself. The victor hadn't had an episode like this in a long while.

"Helena!" She could hear a voice calling out to her in the distance. "Helena!" The voice called out again. "I'm over here, Papa!" The young victor called back. Helena secured her knives around her waist and began to approach the carcass of the deer. She could hear footsteps behind her. "There you are. Haymitch has been looking for you all morning." Grayson stated. "Sorry, Papa. I wanted to get you some deer before I left, but no one's selling any." The girl responded. Her dad sighed. "Y'know how dangerous it is past the fence. What if they turn it on one day?" He asked her. Helena looked down in shame. "Can you at least help me carry the doe back?" She asked. Grayson smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Sure, sweetheart." He responded.

The two made their way back to Victor's Village with a 90 lbs doe dragged behind them. "Haymitch said that your prep team will be here soon. Along with Ambrosia." Grayson explained. Helena nodded. "Right, I'll go put this in the freezer outside, and you go wait inside until your team arrives." Her Papa commanded. The young girl mocked a salute before heading inside. She tended to the fires in the house quickly before washing the grime off of her hands in her bathroom.

A knock sounded at the door. "Helena, they're here." Grayson called out as he went to open the door. Helena came down the stairs as her papa was letting in Ambrosia, followed by Flavius and Octavia. Ambrosia, hair in an elegant maroon french twist, saw Helena and opened her arms. "There she is, our pride and joy." The escort smiled warmly. Helena ran into her arms, engulfing her in a hug. "The Dove of Panem!" Octavia chimed. "Our golden girl." Flavilus stated excitedly.

They swarmed over her - hugging, air-kissing, examining. She let herself be caught up in their warm affection. Octavia, after giving her a once-over, gasped. "Oh, dear God!" Octavia blurted. "What's wrong?" Helena asked. "Your eyebrows!" The woman replied, grabbing the girls hand. "And your nails, what do you cut your nails with? A butchers knife?!" She was hysterical. Flavilus led his other half over to the corner of the room, calming the woman down.

Helena just looked at her dad, confused, as he laughed. "Of course, you've heard about Rosier?" Ambrosia questioned. "What happened?" The young victor asked, panicked. "There's no need to worry." The escort assured before continuing. "He's become a God in the fashion world, and you his muse. Anyone who's anyone is wearing his designs. Everyone wants to wear his designs." Ambrosia explained.

"Well, not everyone." A voice from the door sounded. A bright smile found itself on the young Victor's face as she turned to face the door. "Rosier!" She exclaimed happily. The two embraced. "Hello darling." The stylist said. "Don't listen to Octavia. You look beautiful." He whispered in her ear.

They had set up their station in Helena's room as they washed her in her bathroom. It was a similar process to the remake centre: rinsed down, getting scrubbed with exfoliating products, dried, hair washed, then dried, before lotion was applied over all over her. The prep team began their work in her room, filing her nails into a uniform shape and plucking stray hairs from her eyebrows. "You okay?" Rosier asked. Helena nodded. She was used to this now. "Good." The stylist smiled.

He opened up Helena's wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit for each district, packing them into a suitcase. Then he pulled out another outfit, placing it gently at the end of her bed. "Let's get to work." Rosier said excitedly.

When he was finished, Helena's hair was in braided pigtails, navy ribbons tied in bows at the end. A pair of black tights hugged her legs underneath a navy plaid skirt that rested just below her knees and a cream turtleneck. Brown boots sat on her feet, matching the belt that sat around her waist, with cream leg warmers over them. Black earmuffs covered her ears. Her make-up was natural, consisting of mascara, lip gloss, and a bit of concealer under the eyes.

Dusk descended on the district, and Helena stood by the door waiting for her cue. Rosier helped her into a black fur coat. The TV was playing in the background, Caesar's voice echoing in the background.

Caesar Flickerman was sat in a studio. Victory Tour graphics and photos of Helena were displayed on the screen behind him. And now the moment comes! How is our young victor faring with the fame? Is she enjoying her new life? What has she been getting up to? For all the details..." Helena tuned the man out as she focused on her breathing. It was hectic all around her.

"Let's go to District Twelve as our little dove embarks on Day One of her Victory Tour!" Caesar voice rung out. "Enough, people! Time to feed the monster! Big smiles! Big smiles! We're happy and excited!" Ambrosia commands.

Helena leaves her house, instantly overwhelmed by a blinding blaze of TV lighting. A pair of drone-crane TV cameras came towards her, and Caesar Flickerman's voice boomed over a PA. "And here she is: Helena Jade Baird!" Ceasar announced. The young victor made her way down the steps of her porch and walked towards the fountain, the centrepiece of Victor's Village. "Look how cute she is!" Flickerman cooed as she walked through the snow. "Hello there, Helena." He called. "Hiya, Caesar. How are you?" The girl questioned.

"I'm good, I'm good. But that's not what we're here for. Today's your day. How have you been?" Flickerman asked. "It's been good." Helena replied, a sweet smile on her face. "Come on, Lena. Give us some details." Caesar egged, wanting more from the girl. "Things are great here in Twelve. Thanks to the generosity of the capitol, we've flourished as a community." She explained, folding her hands in front of her.

"Fantastic! We'll be checking in with you throughout the Victory Tour. Ladies and gentlemen, Helena Jade Baird!" The presenter announced. Applause could be heard from the PA. Helena stood there, smiling and waving to the drone as it tracks her before zooming out to a shot of Victor's Village. Film lights abruptly switch off. The camera drones droop. Everyone rushed outside, a train of suitcase trailing behind them.

Helena looks to her dad. "See you in two weeks." She said. The man pulled her into a tight, comforting hug. "Stay safe, sweetheart. I'll see you when you get back." Grayson instructed, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "All right, we've got about ten minutes until we have to be at the train. Everybody in motion, you too, Haymitch. We're on a schedule. Come along, Helena." Ambrosia said softly, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. The victor nodded as she walked hand in hand with her papa to the train station.

"Show them who you are, Lena!" Grayson shouted. "Love you, Papa." She called out of the windows. The train began to move, and Grayson deflated slightly. "I love you too, sweetheart." He said to himself, returning to their house.

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