Chapter 24

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Weeks and weeks passed, turning into months as the seasons changed. Over the months, Helena had made great improvement in her hobby. The foundations were solidified by the end of the first week, and from then, things only got better. Madame Dacre was a firm but fair teacher and helped to ensure that Helena was learning things right. "If you learn it right the first time, you won't have to learn it again." The teacher spoke.

Over the five months, Helena's stamina and endurance increased as her body toned up. The young victor had graduated to Pointe in November and had built up her strength in her legs. She was in her studio, warming up, when the face of Madame Dacre appeared on the screen.

"Good morning, Helena." The teacher spoke. "Good morning, Madame Dacre." Helena replied, going through her positions. Her transitions were seamless now. "What are we doing today?" The girl asked. "Now that you've caught up with the other students your age, if I may day, even ahead of them, the other tutors and I find it pertinent for you to begin with the variations." Dacre began. "The ones that you have been assigned are from the ballet, Swan Lake." Swan Lake was one of the oldest ballets in Panem, originating prior to the formation of the country. To say Helena was excited would be an understatement.

"Your Victory Tour is next week, correct?" Madame Dacre questioned. "Yes, Ma'am." Helena replied. "Unfortunately, we will not have lessons that week as you will be too busy." The teacher spoke. Helena nodded in acknowledgement. "Shall we begin?" She asked.

By the end of the week, Helena had learnt both the White Swan variation and the Black Swan variation. "Enjoy your holiday, Miss Baird." Madame Dacre spoke as the girl stretched. "Thank you, ma'am. The same to you." Helena responded courteously.

She had about a weekend left before her she was set to depart on her victory tour. On Saturday, the girl changed into some warm clothes. Every year, when snow blanketed the entire district, the children would gather in the main square where older citizens made a makeshift ice rink, spanning the entire square. It's something they had started after watching it on a past Victor's tour coverage, and it had stuck, becoming a district tradition.

She dressed in a black turtleneck bodysuit with a faux fur vest, belted at the waist. On her legs were a pair of mom jeans, and on her feet, a pair of boots. Helena smirked as she grabbed a box, leaving for the town square. "Helena!" The younger District kids screamed as she approached, running to give her a hug. "Woah, calm down, everyone." She said with a smile. "What's in the box, Helena?" One of them asked. "Well, do y'know how we usually just slip and slide on the ice? I thought I'd buy these so we can actually skate." The victor stated as she placed the box on the floor, opening it to reveal a bunch of skates.

"Everyone make an orderly line!" Helena called out. Within seconds, the kids of Twelve stood before her. "How much do they cost?" The girl at the front asked meekly. "Nothing, sweet, all free." The victor replied. A smile appeared on the young girls face. "What size shoe are you?" Helena asked. "7" She replied. After finding the skates, Helena passed them to the girl. "Be careful. They're sharp." Helena told her. The girl smiled and nodded before rushing to put the on.

With efficiency, the line slowly dwindled, and the children on the rink were testing out the skates. "Lena. " A male voice sounded. "Julian." Helena said as she looked in the box. "What can I get ya?" She asked. "Size 6, please." Julian requested. Helena grabbed him the pair and handed them to him. "Thanks, doll." He thanked, elicting an eyeroll and disgusted scoff from Helena.

As the final person received their skates, the victor changed into her own and made her way onto the ice. She skated around skillfully and with grace, becoming of a ballerina. Helena observed the skaters in the rink with a smile. She saw how Gale Hawthorn was showing off to Katniss Everdeen and saw how the Mellark brothers were racing one another. Helena laughed at the scene before her. She began to dance on the ice, spinning. It made her feel free as she glided along the smooth surface.

Helena felt a chill run down her spine and saw that her fingertips were turning blue. She sighed before making her way off of the rink. After swapping back into her boots, the girl began to make her way back home. The chill failed to cease as a feeling of dread took over the girl. Every few steps, she looked behind herself, the feeling of being followed evident in her stomach.

Helena sped up as she got closer to home, and the sounds of footsteps behind her sped up to. Fear enveloped her whole being as she rushed into her house. The young victor slammed the door closed, locking it, as she panted. Someone had followed her from the square all the way to Victor's Village. The question was who? From the living room window, Helena looked outside. Standing there was a figure, dressed all in black with their hood covering their face. The fact that the snowfall was picking up didn't help either. Then, they left.

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