Part 9

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Missy was frustrated. It was a Friday evening and the idea of spending another evening cooped up inside was killing her.

All she had done this week was go grocery shopping with Wade, go to her prenatal yoga class, and head out to the post office to pick up a parcel from her Mom.

Missy was just ambling slowly out of the kitchen, hands on the small of her back, admiring her enormous bump, when Wade appeared through the front door, flashing her a grin.

"Hey there hot-mama," he said glancing her up and down. "Don't you look good enough to cuddle tonight?"

Missy was dressed in a pair of black skinny maternity jeans and a pretty floaty top, that thankfully made her boobs look huge. But that wasn't the only thing that looked huge. Missy's bump was growing by the day. She was now well into her seventh month of pregnancy.

The baby's kicks were getting stronger every day and of course this was making her more and more exhausted...

Missy gave Wade a pout as she rubbed her stomach. "I don't feel cuddly..." she said in a subdued voice. "Ughhh, I feel like I've swallowed a beach ball!"

Wade smirked, strutting up to her and placing his hand on her stomach.

Missy didn't mind. Anyone else, perhaps she would have, but not Wade. In fact she would encourage him, so often, to feel the baby's different types kicks and practically held his hand in place as she felt it turn over inside her, that it didn't seem unusual to her at all.

Missy was just happy to share all this with someone.... Because who else did she have?

"What did that app say?" asked Wade in a playful voice, rubbing his thumb across her tummy. "That little Chimi is about the size of a butternut squash at the that's about...."

Wade pulled his hands away measuring out a space in thin air.

"...this big?"

"Ugh," said Missy, with a groan. "And imagine carrying one of those around in your pocket every day!"

With that she poked Wade in his firm abs with her finger, as she waddled past him.

Wade gave a chuckle.

"If we're doing Junior, someone needs to be the Danny DeVito to my Schwarzenegger," he said in a playful voice, causing Missy to roll her eyes, ignoring his comment.

"I haven't even seen my feet in about a month," she continued, trying to stretch her bare foot out in front of her. "Am I wearing red nail polish?"

Wade grinned. "Pink," he replied. "But no-one cares. All they see is a beautiful yummy-mommy. They're not looking at your feet."

"Neither am I..." mumbled Missy with a sigh, pursing her lips together and heading into her bedroom.

Wade instantly followed, coming to flop down onto her bed. Tonight he had on his usual red and black sheepskin jacket on, with a white vest and black jeans. Instantly making her room look untidy with his presence.

Missy stared at herself in the mirror, turning to the side, running a hand across her belly.

"Y'know, all I seem to do nowadays is be the perfect mommy-to-be," she said with a huff, glancing over at Wade's refection. "I go to the store, do my pregnancy-yoga class, do the housework..."

She turned to him, giving a pout, and tossing her sleek caramel blonde hair over shoulder.

"I want to do shots...and get dressed up...and dance to dirty music until I black out," she said with another sigh.

Wade's face lit up.

"Well fuck, let's do it..." he said quickly, quirking a scarred eyebrow at her.

Missy glanced back at him, over her shoulder, frowning.

"Do what?" she asked, shaking her head.

"Go to a bar, get totally wasted and dance to dirty music," he said in a devilish voice.

Missy smirked.

"Uh hello?" she said giving her tummy a gentle pat, as Wade got to his feet, stalking over towards her.

Coming to stand close to her, he placed a hand either side of her stomach, leaning his long face into hers...

"We can still do two out of three though," he said in what was barely a whisper, his mouth fixed into a wide grin.

Missy narrowed her eyes at him for long moment...

..before finally grinning back...

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