Part 10

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"Here we go, only the finest of establishments, for my smokin'-hot BFF," uttered Wade, as the pair of them stepped into the bar thirty minutes later.

After slipping on a pair of sneakers and a putting on a little lipstick, Wade had brought her here, to Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls. A bar he said he frequented from time to time.

The place looked incredibly rough around the edges and smelt like a mixture of stale beer, motor oil and leather.

But Missy couldn't help but smile as Wade led her through the crowds her hand clutched tightly in his.

This place was so....him.

They approached the bar and a man in a rumpled AC-DC t-shirt and large glasses, glanced up at them, grinning.

"Well if its isn't Wade fucking Wilson!" said the guy in a loud voice. "I thought you'd died or something. No one's heard from you since your run in with Big Tony."

Wade smirked, letting go of Missy's hand and instead placing it to the small of her back.

Missy saw the barman's eyes instantly travel over her face before staring down at her enormous bump.

"Wow, fuck me!" he said in carrying tone, looking back up at Wade. "You got someone this hot, knocked up? Congrats man!"

Missy frowned, but couldn't help but let out the smallest of smirks.

"Unfortunately I'm NOT the baby-daddy," uttered Wade smiling.

Missy, for the smallest of second's, felt her heart plummet into her stomach with these words. Damn heartburn again.

"...this here, is my gorgeous neighbour Missy, who fortunately is blessed with such good genes that they'll hopefully be able to balance out the fact that the actual baby-daddy is an asshole. Meaning that little Chimichanga here," said Wade cocking a thumb towards Missy's stomach. "...will be as beautiful AND as lovely as his, or her, Mom."

Missy smiled, the tops of her cheeks reddening.

She knew that Wade was just kidding around, but the words were nice.

"Awww," murmured the barman, smiling down at the pair of them. He held out a hand. "Weasel."

Missy took it, giving it a shake.

"What can I get the two of you to drink?" he asked. "And please do not ask me to give you another blow job, Wade."

Missy cocked her eyebrow uneasily up at the merc, as he grinned back down at her.

"He means the drink," he explained. "I'll have a beer and my beautiful baby-momma BFF here, will have a..."

Missy stared around, before shrugging.

"I'll just have a coke..." she said before giving a groan and placing hand to her stomach. "Ugh, being pregnant is so boring!"

Both Wade and Weasel chuckled.

"Well, like I keep fucking saying to you," muttered Wade, leaning in toward her, his lips lingering near to her ear. "Give yourself three months and you'll be doing tequila shots and practicing your slut-drop."

Missy laughed.

"And who'll be looking after little Chimichanga while I'm out partying?" she asked in a goading voice. "You offering?"

But Wade merely smiled, handing over a few bucks as he took the drinks from Weasel, passing Missy her coke.

"So you wanna play some pool?" Missy asked after a moment or two, smiling up at him, tugging at her lip with her teeth as she did so. "I'm pretty good, but I'll go easy on you."

Wade grinned.

"Pffft," he replied easily, strutting over and grasping up a couple of cues. "Pool is practically my middle name."

Missy took the pool cue from his grasp.

"Suuuuure it is...." she murmured shaking her head, and bumping his shoulder confidently with hers as she walked past him.

Forty minutes later, and despite Missy's enormous bump keeping her from getting all the best shots, she was still managing to kick Wade's ass, two games to nothing.

They were now on their third and final game, Missy leaning over the table ready to pot her last ball.

Wade was stood, leaning up against the wall, arms folded.

"And why did I not know you're like some sort of pool rain-man?" he asked pouting like a hormonal teenager.

Missy cocked an eye at him, potting her final ball easily, but ignored his comment.

Instead she placed down her cue and put her hands to her sore back. She was so tired, but having just the best time tonight.

It had been so long since she'd been a real bar too! With normal people....not pregnant women who patronised her for not wanting a water birth and not eating raw greens with every meal.

She finally after seven months, felt like herself again. And it was all down to one person.

She picked up her coke, staring over at Wade with bright eyes, just as the baby kicked.

She winced slightly, letting out a sharp breath of air, staring down at her bump.

Wade instantly caught this, strutting on up towards her, a look of concern plastered onto his features.

"Everything alright prego-princess?" he asked in a gentle voice, gazing down at her.

"Yeah...just Chimi being suuuuper restless," she said giving Wade a smile.

He, without a word, placed a hand to her stomach, feeling the movement inside her, his entire face lighting up.

"You know, if you're looking for baby names, I think you should consider Wade..." he said in a low voice, his eye travelling across Missy's features. "...or Wadeina."

Missy tossed her caramel hair back over her shoulder, her green eyes flickering up to his.

Her heart began to thud in her chest as Wade's hand glided over hers momentarily, his thumb brushing against her smooth skin.

She gave another small smile.

"I'll guess I'll consider it ..." she murmured in a soft voice.

Wade beamed, pulling suddenly away, before grabbing her hand and tugging her over towards the bar.

"A round of drinks for everyone!" he said loudly, as a few of the burly-looking men behind him cheered. He turned back to Missy. "To celebrate being two months away from meeting the perfect spawn of this gorgeous girl."

Missy blushed, quirking an eyebrow up at him. "Ugh...spawn? Thanks very much!" she asked lightly.

"Alright alright..." he said rolling his eyes. "Perfect ickle babykins then. That better?"

Missy wrinkled her nose in displeasure, tutting at him, just as Weasel in front of them, gave a groan.

"Fine, but no trying to pay with counterfeit cash this time, Wade!" he said warningly. "And nothing imported!"

Missy smirked, poking Wade in the chest and gazing up at him.

"I'm just gonna me a drink will you?"

Wade gave flashed her a smile and gave a nod as Missy waddled off, his chocolate eyes following her as she went.

But as soon as she had disappeared around the door to the grimy bathrooms at the far end of the bar, Wade let out a sigh.

How on earth did she keep doing this to him?

Wade adored her. His feeling for her growing by the day. This girl across the hallway that had barrelled into his life by accident. 

But so lost in thought Wade barely noticed a sudden hand appear on his shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa, baby," came a voice, as a woman with short dark hair and teeny miniskirt, strutted around him. "Are you sure you wanna shoot your whole wad?" Her long taloned fingernails running over his chest.

The woman was gorgeous, with dark expressive eyes and a wicked smile.

He had seen her here before from time to time, but had never really had the chance to make her acquaintance...until now that was.

"" murmured Wade, his eyes travelling over her petite features.

"-Vanessa," she answered with a purr, pulling at her lip with her teeth.

Wade grinned back.

"Wade," he replied, as she leant in close to him...

...her mouth curving up into a naughty smile.


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