Part 15

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Missy and Wade climbed the stairs up towards their hallway.

It was late evening, almost nine-thirty and both of them were exhausted.

Neither of them had slept or rested in days, mourning the loss of the little girl Missy had carried for over seven months.

The pair had barely said a word to each other since leaving the hospital over an hour earlier. The grey-haired doctor had checked Missy's vitals and sent her on her way.

To both of them, it felt like it was a stark kick in the teeth. To be cared for then, thrown out as if nothing had happened.

As if this was something they could get over, just like that.

They had offered Missy counselling, but the first session wouldn't be for another week.

It was now that Missy needed the help, now that she was in pain. Hurting Mourning.

All of this was just too much for her to bear alone.

She chanced a glance up at Wade.

The man who had been there for her throughout all this. The man who had barely left her side

She knew how she felt about him. But there was no way he felt the same.

He could have any woman he wanted. He had the charm...the good looks...

And what did she have huh?

Missy glanced down at herself, missing the bump that once lingered at her middle. She missed the warmth and love she felt every time she looked down.

Giving a tired gulp, Missy gazed up into Wade's set features.

He was clutching her hand tightly in his own, barely having let go over the past few hours.

The pair of them came to a halt, reaching their hallway, and coming to a stop outside her front door. But Missy let out a shaky breath, her lip trembling. Panic overwhelming her suddenly.

"I-I can't do this..." she murmured in a quiet voice, pressing herself into the merc and backing up slightly.

Wade clutched her tightly, his free hand instantly slipping around her, blocking her view of the door.

He held her close, mumbling into her hair.

"It's ok.." he said reassuringly, his voice low and deep. She pressed her hands to his chest, shaking like a leaf.

Missy knew what was inside. What she would see in there.

Preparation for a baby, tiny clothes folded in her drawers and a crib assembled inside her bedroom.

She couldn't take it anymore.

How could she manage seeing all that again?

She pulled away from Wade slightly, looking up worriedly into his chocolate eyes.

"C-Can I stay with you?" she said in a frightened voice, causing Wade's features to instantly soften. "Please..."

He cupped her cheek with his warm hand, before giving a slow nod.

"Of course..." he murmured.

Missy's shoulders un-tensed slightly as Wade turned her and led her over to her front door.

He fished in his pocket for his keys before pushing the door open and flicking on the light.

Wade's apartment was still and quiet.

On the side was a bowl of uneaten potato chips and an open case for a Curse of the Zombie-Monkies DVD.

But Missy ignored these, instead stepping over towards Wade's bed without a word.

Her eyes were heavy...puffy and red from the endless tears.

She sat down on the end of the hastily-made bed, closing her eyes and letting out a long steadying breath.

Here she felt

Wade's presence helping her.

He was her protection, her best friend. And she knew he would do anything for her.

Wade was uncharacteristically quiet as he moved over to his wardrobe, handing her a fresh t-shirt of his to change into.

Missy slipped off the shirt that the hospital had given her quickly, as Wade turned away, giving her the privacy she barley cared about.

She was far too tired.

Removing her leggings, shirt and sandals, she pulled Wade's soft t-shirt over her head, before moving up the bed and slipping under the covers.

Wade lingered for a moment, scratching the back of his neck with his hand, looking unsure of what to do.

Suddenly he pointed over to his couch in the corner of the room. "Listen," he said his dark eyes falling to the floor. "I'm just gonna-"

But Missy looked up, wide eyed-

"Stay with me," she uttered, cutting across him hurriedly. "Please..."

The merc's eyes met with hers and she saw him let out a shuddering breath before nodding.

She wanted him close tonight. She needed him.

Wade flipped off the light, moving slowly around the bed.

Missy watched as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head before undoing his belt and slipping out of his pants.

Wade paced over to her, lifting the sheets and sliding into bed beside her, instantly she felt his warm hands reach for her, pulling her close to his bare skin....

And that was how they stayed for that night, and the week that passed.

Night's spent with calloused hands holding her close. Strong arms wrapped around her.

Missy would wake in intervals throughout the night, as the nightmares crept into her sleep.

The sound of a child crying would wake her instantly, tears slipping down her cheeks.

She would sob, cry out, but Wade would always be there, murmuring words of comfort into her ear. Pressing gentle kisses into her long caramel hair.

Days were spent with fingers entwined curled up into each other on the couch, a comfortable silence hanging in the air.

They would watch movies and read and just spend time together.

After the sixth day of being at home, Wade had finally manged to prise Missy from the sofa and the pair had taken a walk. Just around the block but it was progress at least.

Missy never wanted to be away from him, panic rising inside her when he was gone for too long.

Wade had gone over to Missy's apartment, taken down the crib and brought her over some fresh clothes...and for that Missy was grateful.

But she still didn't want to leave his apartment.

The pillow she slept on smelled like him, that comforting musky cotton-candy scent that could only come from Wade Wilson.

After eleven days had passed, Missy finally agreed to spend an evening out with him.

"Come on, a trip to the arcade, play some skee-ball, watch while I get my ass handed to me by a twelve year old on a dance machine again," said Wade goadingly giving a pout.

Missy, who was stood in Wade's tiny kitchenette holding a cup of coffee in her hands, gave him a tired smirk.

He grinned, finally seeing her look happy for the first time, in what felt like forever.

"So what do you say?" he uttered, strolling up towards her. "Wanna call it a date?"

Missy bit her lip, glancing down at the floor before staring up into his long face.

"Fine, I'll come..." she said poking him in the chest with her polished fingernail. "But it is NOT a date."

With that, she moved away from him, placing her coffee cup down onto the counter.

He gave a chuckle, attempting to make a playful grab for her, but she slipped from his clutches, giving a squeal.

Wade laughed chasing her around the tiny apartment, before finally grasping her around the middle and spinning her around to face him.

The pair of them beamed at each other, falling suddenly silent.

Wade's arms were tangled around her waist and hers were pressed up against his firm chest, gripping his grey t-shirt in her fingers.

They blinked, lips-parted, both out-of-breath.

But Missy smiled. Not now. She needed more time.

"Like I said, Wilson..." she uttered suddenly giving him a small and playful shove away. "NOT a date!"

Wade chuckled.

"Alright, fiiine," he said in a teasing tone, pointing to her. "But if it's not a date, you're buying the first slushee."

Missy rolled her eyes, padding over to Wade's front door on bare feet.

"Only if you can beat me at Donkey-Kong," she said lightly, before heading out into the hallway.

Missy let out a calming breath of air as she approached her front door.

It was the first time she had been in....since-

She closed her eyes momentarily as her heart raced.

It had been almost two weeks now.

She could do this. She was strong.

Pushing open the door, Missy tentatively went inside.

The place was quiet....dust particles filtered through the warm evening air. But to her surprise it looked as normal as ever. She didn't know what she had been expecting.

She paced over into her bedroom giving a gulp.

The crib was gone, all traces of it removed, probably shoved into a closet by Wade earlier in the week.

She was so grateful to have him around. He was her best friend and had been with her through what had to have been the worst two weeks of her life.

Missy let out a small sigh, pulling open her closet doors and plucking out a sweater and jeans  before slipping them on.

Tonight would be good for her. She knew that.

She just had to put on a brave face. For her own sake.

Missy stared at her reflection in her full-length mirror, turning to the side.

She had very quickly gone back to her normal, pre-baby weight- slim and tall.

But she missed her bump. Missed the ache of her back. Missed the feeling of something moving inside her. Something that was hers.

Missy ran a hand over her flat stomach, her eyes sad and wide.

"You ok?" came a sudden voice to her side.

Wade was stood in the doorway a concerned look across his long, tanned features.

But Missy merely smiled up at him, his presence drawing her back from that sad place, removing her hand from her stomach. She strutted over to him before taking his hand firmly in hers.

"I'm fine," she said, pushing herself close to him and gazing up into his chocolate eyes. "Are we ready to go?"

Wade grinned giving a nod.

"Yup, all ready..." he said as they walked from her apartment. "....for our date..."

Missy rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh that lit up her entire face.

He was the only one who could make her this happy...

"It is NOT a date, Wade!" she said, nudging him with her hip, as the pair of them headed out into their hallway, pulling the door behind them closed, with a gentle snap.

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