Chapter 31 - Marital Bliss

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Alhaji Muhammad's Residence - 3rd April, 2021

By the time Aadeel and Shazia arrived, Alhaji Ahmad, Alhaji Muhammad and Alhaji El-Muneer were already in the living room waiting for them.

'Assalamu alaikum'. The couple greeted. 'Good morning'.

'Wa alaikumussalam'. The fathers responded.

'How are you doing?' Alhaji El-Muneer inquired.

'We are doing well, alhamdu lilLah'. They replied shyly.

'Sorry we called you on such short notice'. Alhaji Muhammad began. 'It's about your house, Shazia'. After Amir's death, his parents left the house for Shazia. 'After your marriage to Aadeel, we decided you don't need it anymore so we sold it for you'.

'We are sorry we took the decision without consulting you, we didn't want to remind you of the past'. Alhaji Ahmad explained.

'Baby, ₦42 million will be deposited in your account tomorrow morning God willing'. Alhaji El-Muneer informed her. 'Decide what you want to do with it'.

Shazia began sobbing and Aadeel felt really helpless because he couldn't comfort her in their presence.

His father could feel his distress so he told him, 'Aadeel, please console your wife'.

'Okay Daddy'. Aadeel responded shyly. He took her hands in his and whispered some things to her. She instantly stopped crying.

'Can I build an orphanage and a school for the less privileged in Amir's memory? Then put the remaining money in a trust fund for running them?' Shazia asked him.

'That's a very nice idea'. Aadeel was happy with her decision.

'Alhamdu lilLah, that is so thoughtful of you. May Allah's mercy be with Amir'. Alhaji Ahmad prayed.

'Aamiin aamiin'. They all chorused.

'We will look for the land first, then get an architect to come up with the plan In Shaa Allah'. Aadeel informed the fathers.

'That's okay. May Allah SWT continue to bless, guide and protect us all'. It was Alhaji El - Muneer.


The Grand Reception - 4th April, 2021.

The Garden was beautifully decorated. Only family and close friends were invited and everyone was having a lovely time.

Adila and Shazia went round to greet the guests while Aadeel who had already done that was with his friends gisting, constantly gazing at his wife.

'Twinee, we all know you love your wife so much but can you please take your eyes off her for a while? You are making her uncomfortable'. Adila whispered, teasingly. It was then he realised he had been looking at Shazia since the event started and he instantly felt shy, hoping none of their parents noticed it.

After the event, Aadeel called Shazia and they went to meet their family members who were all in Alhaji Ahmad's living room.

'Assalamu alaikum'. Aadeel greeted as he sat on the rug, close to his father.

'Wa alaikumussalam'. They all chorused.

'JazakumulLah khairan (may Allah SWT reward you with goodness) for gracing the occasion'. He thanked them.

'It's nothing. We are family'. Fahad told him.

'I wanted to inform you all that Shazia and I will be out of the Country for 3 weeks In Shaa Allah. We'll spend 2 weeks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then a week in Turkey God willing. We are leaving tonight'. Aadeel informed them. Only Adila and Fahad knew about it - it was their plan.

From Shazia's facial expression, you could tell she wasn't aware of the trip. When Aadeel asked her for her international passport some days after their wedding, she gave him without asking questions.

'This night?' She wondered aloud.

'Yes Noorie, I'm sorry I didn't inform you about it earlier'.

'It's okay'. She assured him. 'When are we leaving so I can pack?'.

'There's no need, Adila has already done that'.

The family prayed for them and they left. Only Fahad and Adila escorted them to the airport.

For the first time in many years, Aadeel travelled in his PJ - he needed privacy.


15th April, 2021.

Aadeel's phone started vibrating and he picked it up to check who was calling him at 2am.

'Naeem, are you okay?' Aadeel whispered worriedly, immediately he picked up the call.

'No, I'm not'. He responded. 'Sorry to bother you this late, your voice sounds down. I'm sure you were fast asleep'.

'It's okay, we can talk. I just don't want to disturb Noorie, hence why I am whispering'. Aadeel paused. 'What's up?'

'It's Husnah's issue. I'm just fed up'. He responded in a quavering voice.

'So sorry Naeem. What happened? What did she do now?'.

'What didn't she do? She's being so childish as usual. She doesn't even consider me her husband. All she does is cook for me and that's it. She doesn't give me attention, still doesn't talk to me, nothing at all. I don't think it will work out between us'. He tried to control his emotion but couldn't.

Husnah couldn't sleep and she was feeling really restless, Naeem's deadline was the next day and she didn't know what to say to him - She really didn't want to lose him but then she couldn't tell him that. She was famished so she decided to go make tea in the kitchen first then pray to Allah to guide her. Just as she opened her room door, she heard sobs from Naeem's parlour and she unconsciously moved a little bit closer to the staircase to find out what was going on.

'She always dresses sexily'. She heard Naeem say, over the phone. 'I am sure she does it on purpose to punish me but she has no idea the impact it's having on me. I don't know how to convince her that I'm in love with her and no one else. If I had known she hated me this much, I wouldn't have married her. At least that way, she would have been living happily in her marital home with her choice and I would have been over her by now'. Naeem sobbed like a little boy.

'Be patient please, surely the help of Allah is near'. Aadeel comforted him.

'For how long should I endure this torture, Aadeel? It's been 2 months since our wedding'. That was the first time Naeem was calling his real name in more than 10 years so Aadeel knew there was a big problem. 'I love Husnah so much I wouldn't want Allah SWT to be angry with her for depriving me of the intimacy I so much crave and I on the other hand wouldn't want Allah to be angry with me for crossing his boundaries by seeking other ladies so I think the best thing is to separate from her. I've decided that I'm going to divor…'

It was then Husnah remembered something she was taught years back in Islamic school and she greatly regretted her actions towards her husband. Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan reported a hadeeth narrated by Jaabir: “There are three whose prayers will not be accepted and none of whose good deeds will ascend to heaven: a runaway slave, until he returns to his master; a drunken man until he becomes sober; and a woman with whom her husband is angry, until he is pleased with her.” (And Allah SWT knows best)

Aadeel interrupted Naeem before he could complete his statement. 'Please Naeem, don't rush into taking an action you will regret. Wait for me to return to Nigeria, I'll talk some sense into her'. Aadeel kept comforting him till he felt at ease. 'Just give her more time. She's 24 years old, she's just being childish. Keep praying to Allah for ease'.

'It's okay Gentle, I'll keep praying over it. Thank you for always being dear. May Allah SWT continue to bless and…'. Husnah gave him a back hug and he dropped the phone out of shock.

'I am really Yaya, please forgive and ask Allah SWT to forgive'. Husnah sobbed. Aadeel who was still on the phone heard her so he smiled and ended the call, knowing that conversation wasn't his to hear.

Naeem turned around to face her, wiping his eyes to be sure he wasn't dreaming. 'Please Yaya, I'm so sorry'. She pleaded and he knew it wasn't a dream. He stroked her back and kissed her forehead, while tears coursed down his cheeks as well.

'I forgive you, please forgive me too. I know we had a bad start, I treated you really unjustly and I know you don't love me anymore but by Allah, Husnah I love you so much'.

'I forgive you'. She used her tiny hand to wipe his tears. 'I love you so much Yaya, I've never stopped loving you and I never will In Shaa Allah'.

That night, the couple slept in the same room and the rest is history!


Aadeel's Residence - 16th May, 2021

Shazia was on the centre rug of the living room taking Márdel - Dulce de leche (Milk Caramel Spread) when Aadeel arrived home. She was so engrossed in licking it she didn't notice him.

'Seriously Noorie, what are you doing?' Aadeel asked her, laughing.

'I just love the taste'. She replied, licking the spoon.

'But won't your stomach hurt?

'No'. She responded, taking another tablespoon of the spread. 'Welcome back'.

'What? No hug for me?' He teased her.

'Ah ah.. I don't like the perfume you used today'.

'But it's your favourite'. He was shocked.

'Not anymore'.

'Are you okay? ' He asked, kneeling beside her and feeling her temperature.

'Do I look sick to you?' She glared at him.

'What's with the look?' Aadeel was shocked 'Please Noorie, did I do something wrong?

'No, I just don't want to...' Just then, she puked on him. 'O my God! I am so sorry Ahyaan'.

'It's okay. Are you okay?' He smiled, obviously not offended.

'Yes, thank you'.

'Okay, I'll just go wash this off and be right back, okay?' She nodded.

'But please don't use that perfume, I just don't like the smell anymore'.

'I am sorry'. He apologised.

After a while, Aadeel came down wearing a lilac polo shirt and white jeans to meet Shazia on the ground clutching her stomach.

'SubhanAllah. Noorie, what's wrong?' He asked, rushing to her.

'I feel light-headed, my stomach hurts and I am still queasy'. She moaned.

'Let's go see a doctor'.

'No please'. She rejected. Aadeel kept insisting but Shazia refused.

When he realised she was being stubborn, he went to her room, got an Abaya, dressed her in it and carried her to the car. Shazia kept protesting but Aadeel drove straight to the hospital. He called the family physician to inform him they were coming.

The physician ran some tests and asked her questions. At first she didn't want to answer them but she had no choice.

As the doctor scanned through the test results, Shazia's tongue darted out to wet her lips nervously - she almost ran out of the consultation room but Aadeel held her wrist firmly.

'Congratulations Aadeel, your wife is a month pregnant'. The doctor informed him, smiling.

'Alhamdu lilLah'. Aadeel was excited as he gave her a side hug.  Shazia's head was bowed since they stepped into the room and he could tell she knew that already.

'Wait! There's more!'. The doctor paused. 'She's pregnant with triplets'.

'What?' Shazia's eyes almost popped out. Aadeel was so elated he picked her up and twirled round the room in delight, thanking Allah for the blessing.

'Easy. We don't want problems'. The doctor warned, laughing. Aadeel quickly kept her. The doctor advised them on everything necessary, prescribed some drugs for her and they left.

Aadeel informed Fahad and Adila who in turn informed the parents. Everyone was happy and they all prayed for her safe delivery.

Throughout that week, Aadeel treated her like an egg.


25th May, 2021

Faruk collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. After a series of tests, it was discovered he had cancer and it was already at its final stage. Laura was so devastated she kept crying almost every time. Faruk and the El-Muneers always comforted her and gave her hope that Allah SWT could change a servant's condition at any time - The El-Muneer were there for her. Shazia was always at the hospital keeping her company while Fahad who was out of the Country, always called to check up on him.

The very day Fahad returned to Nigeria, from the airport, he went directly to the hospital. From his discussion with the doctor, he realised there was little chance of survival. He wasn't ready to give up so he promised he was taking him out of the country and he wouldn't stop trying till all means were exhausted. Faruk was very dear to Fahad and he was not prepared to lose him. Fahad left the doctor's office looking dejected but as soon as he saw Laura and other family members, he faked a smile and walked into Faruk's room without uttering a word. Laura followed him.

'How are you feeling?' He asked Faruk.

'I'm much better, alhamdu lilLah'.

'May Allah SWT grant you shifa (healing). Aamiin aamiin. I've discussed with the doctor, I'll be taking you out of the Country In Shaa Allah'.

'Please don't stress yourself Sir, I don't think I can make it'.

'We can't give up. Everything is possible'.

'But Sir….'

'No buts, I'll start making the necessary arrangements. I'll see you later God willing'.

Just as Fahad was about to twist the door knob, he heard Faruk's weak voice. 'I'm really sorry I deeply hurt you Sir, I knew about it when it was already too late'. He apologised. Fahad knew he was referring to Laura's issue.

'It's in the past. Get well soon. I'll start making arrangements for the trip today In Shaa Allah'. Fahad promised and he left.

'What are you talking about?' Laura asked her husband immediately after Fahad shut the door.

Faruk smiled weakly. 'You don't know, do you?' He asked.

'Know what?' She was confused.

'Why Sir has been giving you cold shoulders for almost 2 years?'. She slowly shook her head. 'He loved you but I ignorantly snatched you away from him'. Faruk informed her.

'No!! No, it can't be. Yaya never loved me'. She kept shaking her head.

'He did, and I believe he still does'.

'Please don't say that'. She placed a finger on his lips to hush him. 'Maybe it's just your fever getting to your head'.

'Laura I know what I am saying'. He smiled weakly as he tried to recollect the incident.

17th August, 2018

'I'll just go check up on Sir to be sure he's alright. He was neither at the wedding Fatiha nor the reception which is very unusual. Maybe he's sick or something'. A worried Faruk told the other escorts as they returned from his wedding reception.

Just as he was able to knock on the entrance door, he heard some strange sounds.

'Fee, calm down please. You'll get injured if you keep breaking the glass'. He heard Fahad's friend, Khalifa say.

'Calm down? Calm down Khalifa? Have you ever lost the woman you loved? I know whatever happens in life is for the best but it hurts badly. This physical pain does not compare to what I feel inside, it's like a dagger pierced through my chest. I just want the pain to go away. I thought I was done loving Laura!! I thought I was going to be okay!! But it seems I was wrong'. Fahad sobbed. 'Faruk is not just Shazia's escort, I consider him a brother and a friend. But can you believe I didn't even attend his big day. What kind of friend am I?

'It's okay to be sad Fee, you are only human. But please don't injure yourself, just pray to Allah for strength as you've done for months'.

'I still had hope then Khalifa, but now I've lost her forever'. He cried while Khalifa continued consoling him and also preaching to him.

Faruk turned and left, feeling really disturbed.

'If I had known earlier, perhaps things would have been different'. Faruk uttered.

'Don't beat yourself up Abou Mujaheed (Mujaheed' s father). In Shaa Allah things turned out for the best. Besides, no one marries someone else's wife/husband, we were destined to be together'. Laura told her husband.

'If I don't make it, please Laura marry Fahad'. He pleaded.

'Let's not talk about this please, it's all in the past. And you are not dying anytime soon God willing, just get better soon please'.

Faruk died the next day and Laura felt her whole world crash. The El-Muneers grieved, especially Fahad. Laura was moved back to the mansion, Shazia's section. Shazia and the El-Muneers were always there for her through it all.


September 2021

'Abby and Ummy, please there's something really important I'd love to discuss with you'. Fahad told them at dinner.

'We are all ears'. Hajiya Naima replied. She had a hunch what it was about.

'It's about Laura, she's finishing her iddah/takaba (waiting period as prescribed by Islam for a woman upon the death of her husband) in a few days time'. He paused. 'I ask for your permission to seek her hand in marriage'.

'Have you prayed over it?' Alhaji El-Muneer inquired.

'Do you think you can handle it? Remember Fahad, she's a widow with a son. It isn't like the first time you were in love with her'.

'Yes Ummy, I can In Shaa Allah. I've thought about it and also prayed hard about it. I want to marry her and also raise Mujaheed'. Fahad assured them.

'I am really happy about this. May Allah SWT fulfill this wish for you' Hajiya Naima hugged him.

The parents prayed for them and granted their approval.


7 days after Laura was done with her four months and 10 ten days iddah/takaba, Alhaji El-Muneer and Hajiya Naima summoned her to the living room.

'Alhamdu lilLah, Allah SWT spared our lives to witness you complete your waiting period, May Allah SWT have mercy on Faruk's soul'. Alhaji El-Muneer prayed.

'Aamin'. Laura answered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

'We are not trying to rush you Laura, but we feel it's time for you to remarry'. Alhaji El-Muneer began and Laura burst into tears.

'Laura, you are still very young. It's best that you have someone to take care of you and Mujaheed. You can't stay single till the end of your life'. Hajiya Naima explained.

'I am not ready Abby and Ummy, I don't have anyone. Please I need more time'. Laura sobbed.

'What if we tell you someone has already asked for your hand in marriage?' Alhaji asked and Laura's eyes instantly grew wide open.

'Who will ask for my hand in marriage less than 5 months after my husband's death? Doesn't the person care about feelings? Am I not allowed to grieve?' She wondered.

'We trust he'll take good care of you and Mujaheed'. Hajiya Naima assured her.

'And with Allah's help, we believe he'll treat Mujaheed as his own'. Alhaji El-Muneer added. 'Will you accept him?'

'Please pray over it Laura and give us your feedback'. Hajiya Naima pleaded.

'It's okay Ummy, if you accept him, so do I'. Laura looked defeated. She felt it was too early for her to remarry but she couldn't tell them that, she considered them her parents.

'Okay, when you are ready to meet him, do let us know'.

'There's no need Abby, I trust your choice'. Laura assured them.

'May Allah SWT bless you Laura, and may He grant you everlasting peace and happiness'.

'Thank you Ummy'.

Laura went back to her room in tears, performed ablution, prayed nawafil (optional prayer) and beseeched Allah SWT to grant her whatever was best for her and her son. She felt there was no need to discuss the issue with Shazia so she didn't bother her.


Three days

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