Chapter 30 - Decency!

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The Wedding Reception - 19th March, 2021

The wedding reception was organised for the couple by the groom's family. From the setting, elegant decor and the food corners, you could tell millions were spent. There was  a large backdrop with the couple's picture, beautifully decorated with balloons at a prominent corner of the hall. The picture was taken the previous day, at the Mask party.

The MC invited the couple in with a standing ovation from all guests present. The DJ played 'For the Rest of My Life' by Maher Zain as the couple walked into the hall, Aadeel's hand around Shazia's waist. Shazia was too shy; she couldn't raise her head up. She was beautifully dressed in a sky blue with a touch of white trumpet gown and matching bridal turban and veil by Glam Designs Dubai while Aadeel was dressed in a sky blue with  blue embroidery kaftan and agbada. They looked so beautiful together.

After the opening prayer, it was time for the welcome address.

'I'll like to call on the groom's twin sister for her welcome speech please'. The MC announced.

'You are a twin?' Shazia asked Aadeel to which he nodded. But before she could say anything else, the next words she heard made her speechless with shock.

'Assalamu alaikum all. Hello little sister'. A lady said over the microphone, in a British accent. It sounded like Adila to Shazia, but then again, Adila talks in an American accent. Shazia looked around but couldn't see anyone.

'Hello all. Welcome to Aadeel and Shazia's wedding reception'. Adila greeted, as she walked to the stage. 'Surprise!!' She told Shazia, facing the couple.

'Umm Amir? Oh my God!' Shazia gasped. 'She's your twin sister?' Shazia asked Aadeel who was all smiles. It was then she saw the striking resemblance between them. 'SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)!! They are identical twins, how did i miss that?' Shazia thought to herself.

'By the way, I am here as the Bride's sister please, not the groom's'. Adila continued her speech and the guests all laughed.

'Really?' Aadeel mouthed and she stuck her tongue at him while he smiled.

'I know that these 2 are perfect for each other In Shaa Allah and I pray to Allah SWT to bless their home with everything good and beautiful. I've known Shazia for more than 2 years, we did our Masters together in Cairo and I know any man would be lucky to have her. I call her my little sister'. Adila paused. 'The first day I saw Shazia in school, I was really shocked. But I knew I had to approach her, she's my little sister afterall'. Adila blinked back her tears. 'You know, after our cousin Amir died, I always prayed to Allah SWT to replace him in Shazia's life with my twin brother because I see Gentle as his perfect replacement'. Shazia's jaw dropped. 'I am really sorry I never told you Amir was my cousin, little sister, I didn't want my presence to remind you of him. While in Cairo, I'll always tell Gentle to come to Cairo to meet the little sister we never had. He actually came on 2 different occasions but they never met. The first time he came, Shazia had just left my house and the second time, Shazia visited me immediately after he left. Little did I know that God had already written that they'd end up together. All I can say is alhamdu lilLah (Praise be to God), alhamdu lilLah. May Allah bless you, and shower His blessings upon you, and join you together in goodness'.

'Aamiin aamiin'. The wedding guests chorused.

'Have a nice time everyone, and thank you for gracing the occasion'. Adila handed the microphone back to the MC and walked towards the couple.

'Amir was Adila's cousin? No wonder the first time she saw Adila, her face looked so familiar! She just realised Amir resembled her so much.  Adila and Aadeel are twins and Aadeel is Yaya Gentle? So that's what his plate number 'G' stands for!! She's Adila Ahmad and he's Aadeel Ahmad, how did she even miss that part? If Aadeel is Yaya Gentle, that means Adila is 'Aunty Meems'!! And Adila has both American and British accents? So she was definitely the lady that spoke at her Kamu ceremony years back during the Unveiling of the bride. So Aadeel calling her 'Noorie' wasn't a coincidence? The similarities between Amir's house and Aadeel's house wasn't her hallucinating?' So many thoughts were running through Shazia's head and she was too overwhelmed by her emotions to speak so she burst into tears. The twins hugged her and Aadeel trying hard to be a man consoled the girls as he blinked back his tears. It was an emotional moment for everyone present.

'You made my baby cry!!' Aadeel reprimanded his twin sister, trying to make the girls laugh. 'See, you've even spoilt our makeup! You are definitely paying for this'. He pouted and the girls laughed hard. He was glad!

The reception continued and it was lit. The groom's family - relatives included, gave her amazing gifts as they welcomed her to the family. Delicacies were served, the couple danced with guests, photographs were taken, souvenirs were shared and the event came to an end.


Aadeel's Residence - 20th March, 2021

The next morning, Shazia was taken to her Marital home by her father amidst tears. Alhaji El-Muneer handed his daughter to her husband, advised the couple on marital life and life in general, cautioned them to fear Allah SWT in all their dealings and prayed for them before leaving. Family and well wishers later came to see her home, prayed for the couple and left. Only Adila stayed behind because Shazia pleaded with her to and she was still crying so Adila had no choice but to stay with her.

After a while, Shazia became free and the duo started gisting, reminiscing old times.

'I never knew you speak in both American and British accent'. Shazia told Adila.

'Our first and second degrees were in Scotland and after marriage, I stayed in Chicago for 5 years before we moved to Cairo in 2016'. Adila explained.

'Awww, that's really nice'. They kept gisting while Adila entertained guests that came visiting from time to time.


After Isha prayer, it was time for Shazia to take her bath and she tried sorting out her things.

'Don't worry, I'll help you get your things ready. But I'm leaving once I'm done God willing'. Adila offered. Shazia thanked her and bid her farewell before going into the bathroom.

After coming out from the bathroom, she saw a nightie and a turban on her bed and she kept staring at them for minutes before finally picking them up.

Shazia stood in front of the mirror admiring herself as she placed the silver turban on her head, letting her long hair hang on her back. She looked breathtaking in her skimpy transparent silver nightie which perfectly matched her skin. 'How am I supposed to leave this room dressed like this?' She wondered aloud, turning round to look at herself. 'Why did Umm Amir even keep this? What was she thinking?'

'You look beautiful!' Aadeel who stood by the door for more than 3 minutes finally commented, running his fingers through his silky hair. All the while, Shazia didn't know he was there. She looked through the mirror and saw him leaning on the wall with his arms crossed on his chest. 'You look beautiful!' He complimented again, this time walking towards her bed. 'You were taking too long so I thought I should check up on you'. He sat on the bed smiling.

Shazia felt very shy in his presence dressed the way she was that she wished the ground would swallow her up. Aadeel noticed and his smile broadened. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips nervously.

'Can we go back to our bedroom since you are done?'. Aadeel requested, breaking the silence. He walked towards the door but Shazia who was feeling uneasy stood rooted to the spot. Aadeel turned to face her. Realising Shazia wasn't planning on following him, he walked towards her, carried her in his arms and left for their bedroom.

Aadeel placed Shazia on his left shoulder and gently opened the door with his right hand. He walked into the room, dusted the bed three times with his right hand while saying the Isti'adhah (a'udhu bilLahi minash Shaitanir rajeem) and then gently laid her on it. She had her eyes shut, she was too shy to open them. Aadeel smiled, turned off the room light, turned on the crystal bedside lamp and walked to the bathroom to perform ablution. He prayed 2 raka'at nawafils to thank Allah for the blessings and to seek protection for them from the devil and bad wishers.

He lay down beside Shazia, placed her head on his chest and recited 'Allahumma inni as'aluka min khayriha wa khayri ma jubilat ‘alaih, wa ‘audhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jubilat 'alaih' (O Allah, I seek the good in her from You and the goodness in the habit and character in her and seek refuge in You from her evil habits and character) while holding Shazia's forehead. Shazia also recited the same. He said the bedside adkhars (prayers) for protection and rubbed his palms on Shazia's face and also his. 'Goodnight Noorie'. He placed a kiss on her forehead, locked her in an embrace and slowly drifted into sleep. Shazia was restless all night while Aadeel slept in peace.

This continued for more than a week. Aadeel was really scared of not finding Shazia a virgin so he never approached her. He knew Khaleed didn't rape her back then but he was scared that maybe she willingly gave it to someone else considering the fact that only few ladies consider it a big deal nowadays.


Naeem's Residence - 28th March, 2021

Husnah walked down the stairs dressed in a fitted grey gown, with a scarf wrapped around her head, plated her food and headed for her parlour.

'Husnah!' Naeem called and she froze in her tracks, without turning to look at him. 'For how long will this continue?' He asked, not expecting an answer. 'Marriage isn't a joke! I don't know why you consider it a child's play!' He paused. 'Will you keep communicating with me through messages till the end of our lives? And what about my rights on you? Are you not even bothered about Allah's Wrath?'. Husnah still refused to look at him and it angered him. 'Look Husnah, nobody is forcing you to stay with me, if you don't love me anymore and also do not wish to stay with me, please inform Umma. You have till 16th April to make your decision and I promise you that whatever it is, I'll respect it. God knows I've tried my best but it seems my best isn't enough'. He bellowed.

'Do not try to turn this around please'. She messaged and walked away, leaving him dumbfounded.

'What does this girl take me for?'. He was really angry so he left for his room so as not to take an impetuous action he'll regret.

Husnah felt really bad considering that was the first time he yelled at her since the marriage but she still wasn't ready to budge till she was sure he had learnt his lesson. She had to force herself to eat the food because she was so disturbed by his sudden outburst.

She later went to the dining room to clear the table knowing fully well he wasn't going to eat.

The next day, she made breakfast so as not to complicate matters. She was still very much in love with him and she wasn't ready to lose him.


Aadeel's Residence - 2nd April, 2021

Aadeel had already made up his mind that come what may, he was ready to consummate his marriage that night. He performed ablution, prayed 2 nawafil raka'ats and beseeched Allah to grant him whatever was best for him and also the strength to bear it. He told Shazia to get her prayer set and meet him in his room, handing her a set of nightwear. Shazia's heart skipped a beat and she kept whispering any du'a that came to her head. She went to her room, bathed and performed ablution, got dressed, picked up her prayer set and headed back to her husband's room.

Aadeel and Shazia prayed a 2 raka'at nawafil prayer and he recited 'Bismillah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytan wa jannib-ash-shaytana ma razaqtana' (I am having relations in the name of Allah. O Allah save us from Satan and keep him away from the children You grant us). That night, Aadeel consummated his marriage and found his wife a virgin. He couldn't wait for fajr so he got up, had his ghusl (Purification bath), and prayed nawafil salah thanking Allah SWT for the blessing.

When it was time for Subhi prayer, he woke his wife up and helped her to the bathroom. She had her ghusl, prayed her Salah and lazily got back to bed.

Aadeel was so elated he couldn't sleep back even after sun rise so he went to his parlor to continue reading the Holy Qur'an.

When it was 7am, he decided to call his sister.

'Assalamu alaikum. Hey Mimi, sorry to disturb you this early but I need a huge favour please'. He told Adila who was still  in Kaduna.

'Wa alaikumussalam. Good morning Twinee. Anything for you'. She assured him in her sleepy voice.

'Please can you order breakfast for us from Pearls Bistro? Shazia isn't feeling too well'. He pleaded.

'No problem'. Adila replied, smiling. 'I'll send it before 9:30am In Shaa Allah'. Adila could already guess what happened.

'Okay, JazakilLah khairan'.

Adila was so excited she decided to make everything herself since she knew his favourite and also Shazia's.

Being a very fast cook, she got everything ready before 9am and sent the servants to Aadeel's apartment with it.

Aadeel thanked them as they arranged everything on the dining table. After they left, he opened the warmers and was really impressed. 'Adila definitely made all this herself. May Allah SWT reward her abundantly, aamiin'. He smiled. There were pancakes, mini burgers, homemade waffles, French toast and scrambled eggs. Arabian tea was in a pot and also mixed fruits juice in a jug.

He went back to the parlour and patiently waited for Shazia to wake up but she didn't. So when it was 11am, he served everything on a plate and went to the room to wake her up. Breakfast was served in bed and he fed her himself. At first she protested, but she had no choice than to give in no matter how shy she felt.

Once Shazia was done eating, she shyly ran to her room and he almost laughed out loud. On her bed, she saw a Patek Philippe Ladies Nautilus Watch, a diamond jewelry set, a car key and a note that read 'Thank you for making me the happiest man'. And she smiled shyly as if he could see her.


Later in the day, Aadeel called Adila to discuss something very important with her.

'Hey, Mimi, do you think you could organise a reception this Sunday? I want it to be before you leave on Monday'. Aadeel requested.

'Which reception?' Adila feigned ignorance.

'The reception I promised to throw for my wife'. He scratched his nape awkwardly as if she could see him.

'Okay, what's the budget?' She teased.

'There's no budget. I want a lavish five-star reception for her'. He responded.

'Okay, noted. Where will it hold?'

'Here, at the Garden'. They discussed the details of the reception extensively. Aadeel wanted the absolute best for his wife, he could never repay her but at least he could make her happy!

Aadeel grinned from ear to ear all day.

Adila informed their parents of the reception at dinner.

'But why will Aadeel organise a reception 2 weeks after his wedding? Wasn't the wedding reception grand enough?!' Alhaji Ahmad queried.

'May Allah SWT spare our lives till then'. Hajiya Batool was elated. She offered a Sujood ash-shukr (Prostration done to show gratitude to Allah SWT for a blessing).

'Aamiin aamiin'. Adila left for her room to continue planning the reception. She still had to contact the planner and the caterer and she was yet to get a dress for Shazia.

'You seem really happy'. Alhaji Ahmad told his wife.

'That's because I really am'.

'What's the occasion?'.

Some years back

Hajiya Batool was passing by the guest parlour when she heard the twins talking and she couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.

'Gentle, when will you settle? We are getting to 30'. Adila reminded him.

'I'm scared Mimi. What if I end up with the wrong girl? You know how most girls are nowadays when it comes to the opposite gender and you know how hard it is to get a decent girl. From what I've noticed, Ladies don't value themselves anymore'.

'There are still so many good girls out there Twinee. Just keep praying'. Adila advised.

'I'm praying really hard. But I'd still prefer Daddy to choose a wife for me'.

'Okay, may Allah SWT grant you a righteous wife'.

'Aamiin aamiin. Do you know something, Mimi?'

'No! Tell me'.

'If I find my wife a virgin, I'll throw a grand reception in her honour. I don't mind spending everything I have'.

'May Allah SWT spare our lives till then, aamiin aamiin. I am very optimistic you'd get one In Shaa Allah, Allah SWT says in Q24:26 - "... Women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity...'. Adila reminded him.

'I'll love, respect and cherish her till the end of my life God willing. What ladies don't understand is even bad guys want decent girls. The way he even treats her is completely different'.

'That's really true.. I hope ladies understand that. May Allah SWT continue to choose the best for us all, aamiin aamiin'. The twins continued gisting.

'Alhamdu lilLah (Praise be to Allah), alhamdu lilLah. May Allah SWT grant them righteous offsprings'. Alhaji Ahmad prayed.

'Aamiin aamiin. We can't thank Allah enough'. Hajiya Batool was so happy she shed tears.

End of Chapter 30

Aadeel said the absolute truth, may Allah SWT continue to bless, guide and protect us all, aamiin aamiin.

Who will help me flog Husnah please?

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