The machine had ran to the Grave of the Fabricator, whom was fixed up. 1, 2 5, 6 and 8's bodies were there, laying down still dead on the floor. 3 looked at the bodies as his eyes shrunk.
The machine threw 3 down on the floor and trapped him under it's claw. It growled at him viciously as it started to open 3 up and search for the talisman. 3 stayed still, closing his eyes, thinking the machine would kill him if it didn't find the talisman.
Once the machine found that there was no talisman, it picked 3 up, squeezed him then threw him away. 3 started shaking violently as he slowly got up and looked at the machine.
The machine growled, ran towards him and was about to kill him till a stitchpunk grabbed 3s hand and started to run off quickly as the machine ran after them roaring.
3 and the stitchpunk kept running as 7 ran up a wooden board and jumped onto the machine. The machine started to whip around trying to buck 7 off.
7 grabbed onto it's neck as it kept trying to buck her off. 7 then jumped off the machine, grabbed a small plank of wood and stuck it through the machines ribcage then ran after the stitchpunk and 3 as the machine jumped around, trying to get the wood plank out.
7 led the two back to 4, 9 and two other stitchpunks that were there with them. As soon as 3 saw 4, he ran up to her and hugged his sister tightly. 4 hugged back tighter. 9 and 7 looked at the twins, "Oh 3!... we're so so sorry!.." 9 said as 3 hugged 7 and 9 tightly.
7 and 9 hugged him back as 4 joined in.
"We're So so sorry.. we shouldn't have taken you three away.." one of the punks apologised, this punk was a male.
3 looked at the three stitchpunks.
The male stitchpunk had a redish brownish fabric with a zipper. He also had a red scarf on. His left optic was a gold colour and the right was a greenish colour. He also had blue, grayish like colour hair that had been made out of cloth.
Another stitchpunk had Brown burlap, with a button on the back of her head, coloured purple and blue. The optics were gold but the left optic had a huge smash in it. She had another button on her stomach. The bottom of her left arm had a yellow patch all around with the number '105' written on it. The fingers were like claws and the feet were chipped.
And the last one had grey optics, white arms and a blue face and body, with a similar tail to 3 and 4 but it almost reached the floor and it was dark blue.
And the other one. This punk also had a gem instead of buttons. And with a little extra for decoration, had two tipped piece of pink cloth tied around her arms and stitched onto the back.
3 tilts his head as he stayed close to 7, getting all shy. 7 wrapped her arm around him and looked at the three other punks. "Well... what's important is that 3 is safe!" 7 huffed.
"I'm sorry but you three still haven't told us your names.." 9 said.
"Right back at ya! I'm Ben" the male one said.
"105!.." the one with the bad opticraised her hand. Another female punk.
"And I'm 12!" The one with the blue fabric added. Yep, this one was a female as well.
"Nice to meet you three. I'm 9, this is 7 and the two twins are 3 and 4" 9 pointed to his family as 7 held his hand.
"What happened to 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8?" 105 asked.
"What happened to 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108 and 109?" 7 raised a stitchbrow.
"That's none of your business!" 105 growled.
"Right then it's none of your business on what happened to 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8!" 7 huffed rolling her eyes.
105 scoffed.
"Ladies, ladies, please!" Ben said going in the middle of the two. "I'm sure we can both bite each other's heads off later!" He added. "But not here. It's too dangerous.."
9 nodded and grapes 7's hand tightly to calm her down. 7 glanced at 9 and smiles. 9 smiles back.
"Come with us! We have somewhere safe! Very safe!" 12 chirped
4 looked at 3, smiles and nods. 3 shrugs and nods. 7 and 9 looked at 3 and 4, "hmm.." 7 mumbled.
"... I think... I think we should go with them.." 9 said.
"9.." 7 looked at her mate, brows furrowing
"7 come on. It could be safe for the twins.."
"Hmmm... Teh! Oh fine!" 7 huffed
(NOTE: Sorry it's been so long! I've finally found inspiration to do this again. Sorry for small chapter ^^')
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