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5 gasped awake and coughed violently, shakily sitting up, still coughing and started to choke, gasping for air. He punched his chest hard. His body weak, his chest aching, his vision blurry as he took one last cough, before finally being able to breathe but still gasping for air. 5 looked around, trying to regain his vision. He could make out the shape of the old record player his clan once used to celebrate. 5's single eye glanced over at the old broken bridge that 6 had died on. He heaved and looked around the surroundings.

"9.. 9.. NINE!!! SEVEN!!" 5 got up but collapsed but to the ground as soon as he attempted, "TWINS?!?!" He yelled, panicking. He had almost forgot that 9, 7 and the twins had set them free almost a year ago.

He breathed heavily and slowly regained his strength and vision, getting up and glancing around. The confused one eyed stitchpunk started to walk off, stumbling and tripping a bit. 5 groaned and teared up, rubbing his head and getting back up, walking to a near by stream quickly and falling into the water.

He splashed his face with the water and gasped, coughing a bit and sat up, hugging himself and continued to glance around.

A punk, with olive green fabric, gold optics, rope hair like 6's, a button similar to 7's but a blood red colour in the middle of his chest, a few scars and a blood red patch on his arm. He also wore a cloak that looked soft and furry, watched 5 as he relaxed in the stream. This punks name was Oliver.

Oliver slowly started to walk towards 5 from behind, holding a long rope and a roll of medical tape. 5 continued to wash his face off with the water, till he felt a presence behind him. His eye went wide, in hopes of 9, 7 or the twins and turned. But what he saw, wasn't any of his friends.

Oliver smiled and grabbed him tightly. 5 acted quickly and yelled and kicked around.

"LET ME- UGH- MMMMPH!!!!" 5 screamed before a long strip of medical tape came over his mouth.

"Can't have you alerting your friend now, can we?" Oliver chuckled, 5 muffle growling at him and trying to get away as Oliver started to tie his wrists up behind his back, then went down to his feet and tied those up as well.

5 shook his head around violently and muffle screamed in pain, hoping, begging, for someone to hear him. "Shut up!!" Oliver snapped and blind folded him, 5 growling angrily as Oliver hoisted him up and started to drag him away.

5 muffled loudly and thrashed around whilst also kicking with his tied feet. Oliver covered his taped mouth, shushing him as he brought him into a lair. Little did he know, this was gonna be the place him, 7, 9 and the twins would reunite. 5 continued to thrash around and kick, starting to cry and muffling the words: "LET ME GO!!"

Oliver continued to drag him into the lair. A cat punk, of dark blue grey fur, looked at Oliver dragging the new captive and tilted her head. 5 whipped around to face the young punk, thrashing his head around and getting the blindfold off, and muffled: "HELP ME!!"

The cat punks eyes went wide and ran to them, "Oliver stop! Why?! What's happening?? What are you doing??"

Oliver looked at the girl and pulled 5 close to him, holding him in place. 5 looked at the female, eye wide a bit in a bit of amazement and astonishment, but he muffled at her to help him still. The female looked horrified and went to take the tape off 5's mouth, 5 nodded rapidly and leaned his head in closer desperately, till Oliver grabbed 5's head again and dragged it away from the cat punk. 5 muffled screamed as Oliver rubbed his taped mouth to press it done more, looking a the female.

"My dear it is none of your business, don't stick your pretty love heart shaped nose into things where it shouldn't be. It's just a new punk we're gonna hurt!" Oliver chuckled.

5 muffled loudly and shook his head rapidly, trying to get away.

"Oliver please! He seems so scare-" the female punk screamed as Oliver slapped her.

"Listen here 19! You obey me, and me only! Others say bye bye to your COAT! Now, do NOT tell 105, Ben or 40 about this guy, otherwise you'll end up like him." Oliver hissed and dragged 5 down to the basement.

5 shook his head and muffled, crying heavily. 19's ears flattened and teared up, shaking her head, "I'm sorry.." She whimpered.

Oliver dragged 5 to a pole and sat him down on his knees, tying his hands to the pole. 5 muffled scream and tried to get up, though the ropes were to tight. Oliver stepped back and looked at him, smiling and then walking back upstairs and closing the door, leaving 5 in pure darkness. The scared one eyes punk flinched and tried to untie himself but deep down he knew it was hopeless. He soon scooched closer to the pole and slowly laid down. He laid there, crying his eye out and just begging for a miracle.

19 slowly went in and sneaked down, watching their prisoner. Her ears flattened as she watched 5 cry. 5 muffled and shook his head. This really couldn't be happening as soon as he came back to life. 19 had never seen anyone like 5 before. He did look like 105 though but.. male and.. more attractive. She hid in a darker spot, though that didn't stop 5 from looking up and slightly see the shape of her move.

He muffled in fright and tried to get himself untied.

"H-hey hey! It's me.. it's okay, I'm a friend.." 19 spoke and walked closer to him, "h-here let me.." She reached out and took the tape off of his mouth. 5 gasped for air and whipped his head away from her, backing up to the pole and shaking, still really scared, like a child that is scared of monsters inside their closet. "It's okay.. it's okay.. I'm a friend.. You can trust me."

"C-can you please untie me??.."

"I'm.. I'm sorry dear I can't.." 19 whimpered.

"Why??.." 5 cried.

"Shh.. He'll hear you.. if I do he'll kill both of us.."



".. it's... it's 18.. right???"

"O-oh! N-no it's..." 19 looked away, then back at him, her eyes big and cooed, "it's 19.. and you?.."

"I-I'm 5.." 5 said as the two slightly blushed and stared at each other for quite some time, before Oliver stormed down there and looked at them. 19 quickly backed away from 5, "t-the tape came off itself!" She whined. 5 looked at Oliver scared. Oliver growled, "guess we'll have to make it stronger then, won't we?.." He huffed and wrapped some tape around 5s mouth and head a few times. 5 muffled screamed from the pain of it and tried to get the tape off.

Oliver looked at 19, "upstairs. Now!" He growled. 19 looked back at 5 once more and walked back upstairs. 5 muffled for her pleading for her not to go as Oliver followed her back up and slammed the door closed, leaving 5 in the darkness again.

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